Table of Contents
Elections Information
- Upcoming elections for the Society for Mathematical Biology
President and board members. Information provided by Denise
Web Page Update
- What's happening with the new look on - where we are
now and where we hope to go by Elizabeth H. Scholl
NIH Survey Results
- A summary of the results of the NIH funding survey by Denise Kirschner
and Ramit Mehr
Local Societies Update
- Information on a few regional or national societies for mathematical
and/or theoretical biology, presented by Ramit Mehr
Call for Nominations for the Akira Okubo Prize
- In cooperation, the Society for Mathematical Biology and the Japanese
Association for Mathematical Biology have established the Okubo
in memory of Akira Okubo.
Introducing a New Journal
- The Journal of Theoretical Medicine, edited by Brian Sleeman, University
of Leeds, UK (Warning: announcement is a scan of the announcement
flyer and may take a while to download.)
Meeting Reports
- Reports on The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing '98, Biomechanics
Symposium, and Competition, Regulation and Feedback in the Immune
Survey of Abstract Services
- The Society for Mathematical Biology would like some input on your
interest and experiences with abstract services, presented by Rob
Capellini and Ramit Mehr
Upcoming Conferences
Gordon Research Conference on Theoretical
Biology and Bioinformatics
Tilton School, Tilton, N.H., June 7 - 12, 1998
Fifth International Conference on Mathematical
Population Dynamics
Zakopane, Poland, June 21 - 26, 1998
Michigan Interdisciplinary Mathematics Meeting
on Modeling and Analysis in Medicine and Biology
Ann Arbor, MI, August 6-8, 1998
IV Latin American Congress of
Mathematical Ecology, ELAEM 98
August 17th to 21st, 1998 - Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso,
August 24th to 28th, 1998 - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
On Growth and Form: Spatio-Temporal Patterning
in Biology
University of Dundee, Scotland, September 20-24, 1998
Destobio 2000
Purdue University, Indiana, August 2000
Other Contact Information
For membership correspondence email
For the SMB Digest and other SMBnet correspondence email