A new survey: Abstract Services
by Rob Capellini and Ramit Mehr

SMB members may be already using, or interested in using, an abstract service. These services survey current literature and send their subscribers the abstracts of papers in the subscriber's area of interest. The Society for Mathematical Biology would like some input on your interest and experiences with these services.

You can now fill out the questionnaire on-line, or you can print the form below and send in your answers by post.

Please take a few moments to answer the following questions.

1. Do you currently subscribed to, or have ever subscribed to, an abstract service?

2. If so:

  1. What was the cost of this service?
  2. How many journals are covered by the service?
  3. How often do you recieve information from these services (e.g. weekly, monthly)?
  4. Are you satisfied with this service?

3. If not, would you be interested in signing up to such a service?
(The SMB may try to obtain discounts for members if there is enough interest!)

Please send responses to rcapelli@justice.loyola.edu
If you do not have access to electronic mail, please send a written response to:
SMB Survey
c/o Rob Capellini
1800 Highbrook Street
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

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