Call for nominations for the Akira Okubo Prize

In cooperation, the Society for Mathematical Biology and the Japanese Association for Mathematical Biology have established the Okubo Prize, in memory of Akira Okubo, the late professor of the State University of New York, who passed away in February, 1996. The first Award will be given in 1999 to a junior scientist (under forty years old) who has published an outstanding piece of recent work.

For nominations for the Akira Okubo Prize, the following information should be submitted by August 1, 1998, to the Co-Chair of the selection committee:
Simon Levin
203 Eno Hall
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey 08544-1033

  1. Name, address, phone number, affiliation, and email address and/or fax number of the nominator.
  2. Name, address, phone number, affiliation, and email address and/or fax number of the nominee.
  3. Short curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  4. A detailed statement describing why the nominee should be considered for the award.
  5. Copies of one or two relevant publications.
  6. Up to three letters of support

Self-nominations are not accepted

1. Objective
The Akira Okubo Fund was established in memory of Akira Okubo, who made major contributions to many fields, including mathematical ecology and oceanography. Okubo was widely recognized for his scientific work, as well as for his exceptional humanity.

The objective of the Akira Okubo Prize is to honor a living scientist for outstanding and innovative theoretical work, for establishing superb conceptual ideas, for solving tough theoretical problems, and/or for uniting theory and data to advance a biological subject.

2. Areas
Mathematical biology, biomathematics, theoretical biology, and biological oceanography.

3. Timing
Every other year, beginning in 1999.

4. Criteria
The Award is given alternately to two kinds of people: a junior scientist (under forty years old) who has published a splendid piece of recent work, and a senior scientist whose lifetime work has been exemplary. Candidates need not be restricted to members of SMB or JAMB. The first award in 1999 will be given to a junior scientist.

The following criteria will be used for ranking nominations and selecting the award winner: originality (discovering a new theory and opening a new research direction), breakthrough (solving outstanding problems in the field), new synthesis (leading to a new research area), and impact already made, or expected, on subsequent studies.

5. Process
The President of SMB and the Secretary General of JAMB solicit and encourage all members of JAMB and SMB for nominations of individuals to serve on the Awards Committee. (Committee members need not be restricted to members of JAMB and SMB.) Three members of the Awards Committee are then selected from each of SMB and JAMB by the President and Secretary General of the two societies. A Committee member generally serves for three years and then cannot be reappointed in the following six year period. One new member is to be appointed each year by each society to make for a smooth transition (except for the initial appointments). The Committee chair rotates between the two countries.

A member of the Awards committee is excluded from receiving the Okubo prize while serving on the Committee. The Committee can base their selection of a prize winner on consultation with other expert opinions. They can also solicit nominations as follows:

To nominate a person for the Akira Okubo Prize, the following information should be submitted:

  1. Name, address, phone number, affiliation, and email address and/or fax number of the nominator.
  2. Name, address, phone number, affiliation, and email address and/or fax number of the nominee.
  3. A detailed statement describing why the nominee should be considered for the award.

6. Award
The Akira Okubo Prize consists of a cash prize and a plaque given to the recipient.

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