The New Look of
by Elizabeth H. Scholl

Thanks to Leon Glass and the kind people at McGill University, the Society for Mathematical Biology now has a place to call home on the internet. Being the new webmaster for SMB, I would like to inform the members of SMB where the new website is and where I hope to take it in the future.

My number one priority for this website is to make it informative and educational, yet still friendly and easy to navigate. In order to do these things, I need help from the people who will be visiting our website. This means you.

We have a new (and still under construction) home-page at I have gotten some feedback on this site, and hope to get more. Suggestions I would like from visitors and potential users include what sort of information you would like to see on the website and ways to make it easier to access that information. Please feel free to be critical, especially now in our transition phase when it will be easy to make changes. Links to other sites of interest will be reorganized and updated, so suggestions for this page are also welcome. Currently everything that had been accessible through the old site is still accessible with the exception of the phone book. Right now we are experiencing some technical difficulties with the server, but we should have the phone book and the guest book available by the beginning of June. As the guest book is not working properly at this time, any suggestions should be emailed directly to me at

Also note the new web page for the SMB Annual Meeting to be held from July 13-17, 1998 in Toronto, Canada. Abstract submissions for the poster session can be made directly through the website.

I hope to keep an archive of these newsletters (which are available on-line and often contain extra information which did not fit in the print version of the newsletter) as well as archives of the SMB Digests on the web site. We also have a link to the new Bulletin of Mathematical Biology publisher.

Please visit our site and let me know what you might like to see represented through the Society for Mathematical Biology. I'll do my best to make this website a resource you will use again and again.

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