March 6, 2019
March 6, 2019
This issue’s editor:Ray Mejía(
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Issue's Topics:
BEER-2019, Oct. 4-6, U. of Wisconsin-La Crosse
CNS*2019 Call for Abstracts
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 81, Issue 4 - New Issue Alert
Book: Modeling and Control of Infectious Diseases in the Host
Life Sciences Research Foundation – Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Post-doc: Modeling trypanosome infection, University of Glasgow
Postdoc position - Universidad de Costa Rica
Lectureships: Division of Computing Science & Math, U Stirling
AIBS: Informing Decision-Making for Science and Society and more
SMBnet Reminders
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from: Akman, Olcay <>
date: Mar 1, 2019, 5:07 PM
resent-from: Amina Eladdadi <>
subject: BEER-2019, Oct. 4-6, U. of Wisconsin-La Crosse
The 12th Annual Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research
(BEER-XII) will take place on October 4-6, 2019 at the University of
Wisconsin-La Crosse campus.
This year’s invited speaker is Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer of George Mason
University. Also, Dr. Raina Robeva of Sweet Briar College will deliver a
plenary talk as the winner of the 2018 Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance
Distinguished Senior Fellowship Award.
Dr. Meredith Greer of Bates College will be the 2019 BIO-SIGMAA plenary
A few of the highlights of this year’s meeting program are two different
research competitions, one designed for undergraduate students and another for
graduate students, a workshop on biomathematics education, and the traditional
students versus faculty soccer match.
Additionally, BEER-XII participants will enjoy our customary happy hour/social
mixer and the Mississippi River from the decks of the authentic paddle-wheeler,
the riverboat La Crosse Queen.
Please visit for registration, abstract submission as
well as detailed information on the conference venue, accommodations, and the
meeting schedule.
Hope to see you in October at BEER-XII.
BEER-2019 Organizers
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from: Sharon Crook <>
date: Mar 1, 2019, 2:47 PM
subject: CNS*2019 Call for Abstracts
The abstract submission deadline for CNS*2019 has been extended to Monday March
11, 2019, 11:00 pm Pacific Time. Please remember to renew your OCNS membership
and register for the meeting prior to abstract submission.
CNS*2019 Call for Abstracts
Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS)
28th Annual Meeting
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
July 13-17, 2019
See: digest-volume-19-issue-2/#g
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from: Springer <>
date: Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 10:27 AM
subject: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 81, Issue 4 - New Issue Alert
Please see: journal/11538/81/4?wt_mc= alerts.TOCjournals&utm_source= toc&utm_medium=email&utm_ campaign=toc_11538_81_4
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from: Esteban Vargas <>
date: Feb 27, 2019, 6:12 AM
subject: Book: Modeling and Control of Infectious Diseases in the Host
Modeling and Control of Infectious Diseases in the Host
This book provides a holistic understanding of health and disease by presenting
topics on quantitative decision-making that influence the development of drugs.
The book presents modeling advances in different viral infections, dissecting
detailed contributions of key players, along with their respective
interactions. By combining tailored in vivo experiments and mathematical
modeling approaches, the book clarifies the relative contributions of different
underlying mechanisms within hosts of the most lethal viral infections,
including HIV, influenza and Ebola. Illustrative examples for parameter
fitting, modeling and control engineering applications are explained using
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 2 Mathematical Modeling Principles
CHAPTER 3 Model Parameter Estimation
CHAPTER 4 Modeling Influenza Virus Infection
CHAPTER 5 Modeling Ebola Virus Infection
CHAPTER 6 Modeling HIV Infection
CHAPTER 7 HIV Evolution During Treatment
CHAPTER 8 Optimal Therapy Scheduling
CHAPTER 9 Suboptimal Therapy Scheduling
CHAPTER 10 PK/PD-based Impulsive Control
More Information: Publications/books.html
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from: Santiago Schnell <>
date: Mar 4, 2019, 9:55 PM
subject: Life Sciences Research Foundation – Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Mission: To identify and fund exceptional young scientists at a critical
juncture of their training in all areas of basic life sciences. To provide a
high-quality peer-review service to anyone (individual, company, foundation)
wishing to sponsor a fellow who shares their vision of important research.
Vision: We at the Life Sciences Research Foundation (LSRF) believe that seminal
advances in life sciences depend upon the training and support of the highest
quality young scientists when they are embarking on exciting and adventuresome
research as postdoctoral fellows. To promote this vision, we partner the best
young scientists with diverse sponsors who share common interests. LSRF offers
a single type of award - a three-year postdoctoral fellowship. The current
award amount is $62,000/year ($186,000 total). Of this, $52,000 is allocated
for the fellow's salary/stipend and the remaining $10,000 is a research
allowance for the fellow's use.
Application deadline: October 1 (8:00 pm EST). Deadline for supervisor and
reference letters: November 1 (8:00 PM EST).
For more information, visit
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from: Christina Cobbold < uk>
date: Mar 5, 2019, 8:40 AM
subject: Post-doc: Modeling trypanosome infection, University of Glasgow
Post-doc: Modeling trypanosome infection, University of Glasgow, UK
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join an innovative project
funded by the Wellcome Trust, investigating trypanosome antigenic variation
paradigms using natural systems. An interdisciplinary collaboration between
Universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Liverpool, the post-holder will be
working with Dr Christina Cobbold within the School of Mathematics and
Statistics at the University of Glasgow (UK) collaborating closely with
experimentalists to develop novel mathematical models of antigenic variation.
With experience of working in a multidisciplinary environment, the RA will be
developing novel mathematical models and tools to uncover the dynamics of
antigenic variation from sequence data and other parasite and immune data
sampled over time. This exciting project will yield new insights into the
biological interactions between trypanosome parasites and their human and
animal hosts information that we anticipate could be exploited to help combat
the parasite and may be relevant for other pathogens that use antigenic
variation for survival.
Application deadline is April 1.
Informal enquiries can be made to Christina Cobbold
( uk), and further information about the project
and research team and information on how to apply can be found on the website: cc/tryp.html
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date: Mar 5, 2019, 9:06 PM
subject: Postdoc position - Universidad de Costa Rica
The Mathematical Modeling group at Universidad de Costa Rica is looking for a
quantitatively trained and motivated post-doctoral researcher to expand and
help develop vector-borne disease models with an emphasis on public health. The
team has a strong collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica and
they have provided data available about suspected and confirmed cases of
dengue, chikungunya and Zika, as well as breeding site distribution in some
regions of the country. The main idea is to use these mathematical,
statistical, and computational approaches to develop prevention/control
strategies of Aedes aegypti in Costa Rica.
More information about the project: index.php/investigacion/ucrea
The postdoc will work primarily with the project coordinator (Prof. Fabio
Sanchez) in collaboration with other team members, and will have the
opportunity to work on projects with international researchers and a vastly
interdisciplinary setting.
Essential qualifications and skills include:
PhD in a quantitative subject such as computational biology, bioinformatics,
mathematics, mathematical biology, and mathematical modeling Moderate
knowledge of statistics Computational and programming competence (MATLAB and R)
Desirable qualifications and skills include:
Experience manipulating large datasets from various sources Excellent
scientific writing skills Ability to work in groups The start date is immediate
(but flexible depending on mutual agreement), and the position is open until
filled. If interested, please send a cover letter, CV, and contact information
for three references to Prof. Fabio Sanchez at
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from: JZ <>
date: Feb 22, 2019, 4:32 PM
subject: Lectureships: Division of Computing Science & Math, U Stirling
5 Lectureships at the Division of Computing Science and Mathematics, University
of Stirling
We aim to fill 5 new posts (permanent at assistant professor level) around Data
Science, broadly interpreted. Applicants may be mathematicians, statisticians
or computer scientists with research skills applicable to large or complex
More info and apply by 17 March at: work-at-stirling/list/details/ ?jobId=2013&jobTitle=Lecturer% 20(Grade%207/8)
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From: AIBS <>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 9:26 AM
Subject: AIBS: Informing Decision-Making for Science and Society and more
See: aibs/?MessageRunDetailID= 129267107&PostID=4466005
NIH Intramural Research Program - Accomplishments
See: accomplishments/ accomplishments-by-date
Dr. Steward Pickett: Advice for Early Career Biologists
See: v=GzxKTs2OFGU& MessageRunDetailID=129267491& PostID=4447990
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subject: SMBnet Reminders
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Recent editions of SMB Digest are available on the SMB Home Page at, while older editions are available at digest-archives/.