SMB Digest Volume 19 Issue 7

SMB DIGEST ISSN 1086-6566 
February 22, 2019
This issue’s editor:

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Issue’s Topics:
Conference announcement 30 Sep.–4 Oct., Moscow
Conference announcement 15-17 May, Virginia
Probability meets Biology 29 Apr.-3 May, Bath
NLM Women’s BioData Science Hackathon 8-10 May, Maryland
The 2019 Fields Institute/CAMBAM Summer School 15-19 July
Postdoc position at Australia
AIBS February 2019 Newsletter
Fellows in the Life Sciences at Harvard
SMBnet Reminders


From: Vitaly Volpert <>
Date: Sun., 17 Feb. 2019 at 7:48
Subject: Conference announcement 30 Sep.–4 Oct., Moscow

Mathematical modelling in biomedicine
September 30 – October 4, 2019
Moscow, Russia

Organizers: RUDN University, Marchuk Institute of Numerical
Mathematics RAS, University of Heidelberg, University of Lyon

Scientific committee: F. Ataullakhanov (Moscow), G. Bocharov
(Co-chairman, Moscow), W. Jaeger (Heidelberg), Ph. Maini (Oxford),
R. Merks (Leiden) A. Panfilov (Ghent), V. Volpert (Co-chairman, Lyon)

International organizing committee: V. Filippov (Chairman, Moscow),
A. Marciniak-Czochra (Heidelberg), G. Riznichenko (Moscow),
A. Skubachevskii (Vice-chairman, Moscow), Yu. Vassilevski (Moscow),
V. Volpert (Lyon)

Local organizing committee: E. Bakhtigareeva, A. Belyaev, I. Kutsenko,
C. Leon, V. Popov, N. Sadekov, F. Syomin, A. Tokarev

Plenary lectures
M. Adimy (France), math. modelling of hematopoiesis, delay equations
F. Ataullakhanov (Russia), blood coagulation
G. Bocharov (Russia), math. modelling in immunology
C. Dumontet (France), hematology, cancer treatment
M. Gromov (France), to be confirmed
W. Jaeger (Germany), math. modelling of atherosclerosis
Ph. Maini (UK), math. modelling in developmental biology and cancer
R. Merks (Netherlands), math. modelling in oncology
A. Panfilov (Belgium), mat. modelling in cardiology
Yu. Vassilevski (Russia), math. modelling of blood flows and applications

Registration fees: 100 euros
Deadlines: registration May 31, 2019, abstract submission July 31, 2019
Web site:
Contact: Vitaly Volpert,


From: Rebecca Segal <>
Date: Mon., 18 Feb. 2019 at 12:28
Subject: Conference announcement 15-17 May, Virginia

Conference Deadline March 1: BAMM! Biology and Medicine through
Mathematics! May 15 – May 17, 2019
Abstract submission and travel award deadlines are March 1.

This Mathematical Biology conference will be held at Virginia
Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA from Wednesday, May 15
to Friday, May 17, 2019. The conference will consist of plenary
talks, break-out sessions, and a poster session. We welcome
participation from researchers at all academic levels working in
mathematical biology. NSF funding is pending.

Confirmed plenary speakers:
Nina Fefferman, University of Tennessee
Monica Hurdal, Florida State University
Claudia Lerma, Instituto Nacional de Cardiología, Ignacio Chávez
Tim Sauer, George Mason University

Important Dates:
Abstract Submissions Deadline 3/1/2019
Travel Award Deadline 3/1/2019
Registration Deadline 4/15/2019

Organizing Committee:
David Chan (VCU), Elizabeth Cherry (Rochester Institute of Technology),
Amy Cochran (University of Wisconsin), Cheng Ly (VCU), Reginald McGee
(College of the Holy Cross), Reed Ogrosky (VCU), Angela Reynolds (VCU),
and Rebecca Segal (VCU)



From: Kit Yates <>
Date: Tue., 19 Feb. 2019 at 12:00
Subject: Probability meets Biology 29 Apr.-3 May., Bath

We are organising a workshop in Bath at the interface between
probability and biology, from 29 April to 3 May.

This will not be a traditional event with many speakers each day
and limited interaction. Rather, we will have a smaller number
of speakers who, near the start of the week, will outline a
question that they have in terms that are accessible to both
probabilists and biologists. The participants of the workshop
will then work in groups to investigate these questions.

If you would like to attend, please fill in the form here:

There is some funding available for travel and accommodation. We
are especially keen to have many early career researchers at the
workshop, so please do pass this message on to your PhD students
and postdocs.

We hope to see many of you at the workshop!


From: Dillman, Allissa (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 1:48 PM
Subject: NLM Women’s BioData Science Hackathon 8-10 May, Maryland

Project proposal submissions are open for the NLM Women’s BioData
Science Hackathon May 8th-10th. The National Library of Medicine (NLM)
will host a women’s collaborative biodata science hackathon on the NIH
Campus in Bethesda, Maryland!
We are now collecting project proposals focusing on building tools
and pipelines for advanced analysis of biomedical datasets including
text, images, next generation sequencing data, proteomics, and metadata.
Proposals for tutorial pipelines and educational tools for advanced
analysis are also welcome. We will choose five to eight proposals for
the hackathon. We will create groups of five to six individuals who have
various backgrounds and applicable expertise to work on each project.
Cloud infrastructure will also be provided to turn your idea into a
working prototype. You can either choose to lead your project team or
recommend someone. Otherwise, we will attempt to find a suitable team
lead. The hackathon runs from 9 am – 5 pm each day with an optional
social event on the evening of the second day.

Submit your project proposal here:
Image removed by sender.
Project proposal for the Women’s BioData Science Hackathon May 8th-10th
Survey –
Submissions are due February 25th 2019.
The application for general participation will open in March.

For more information on NIH-style Hackathons, please check out the
following resources:

Please feel free to contact Allissa Dillman for
further questions.
Individuals with disabilities who need Sign Language Interpreters and/or
reasonable accommodation to participate in this event should contact
Allissa Dillman and NLM,, 301-827-4311, and/or
the Federal Relay (1-800-877-8339).


From: Anmar Khadra, Dr. <>
Date: Fri., 22 Feb. 2019 at 7:46
Subject: The 2019 Fields Institute/CAMBAM Summer School 15-19 July

The Fields Institute (, in collaboration
with the Centre for Applied Mathematics in Bioscience and Medicine
(CAMBAM) at McGill University (, will be
hosting a joint summer school entitled “Nonlinear Dynamics in Life
Sciences” between July 15-19, 2019. The summer school is funded by the
Fields Institute and CAMBAM. For further information, please visit:

The summer school aims to provide (under)graduate students and
postdoctoral fellows with basic training in mathematical and
computational biology, covering diverse topics in cardiac systems,
neuroscience, immunology, molecular biology and ecology. For one week,
participants will have the opportunity to benefit from the instruction
of international experts in the field of mathematical modeling and
nonlinear dynamics. It will prepare them to the increasing demand in
academia, government, and industry for people with cross-disciplinary
training who, with various degrees of competence, can speak the
languages of the mathematical, physical and biological sciences.
During the summer school, participants will apply their knowledge and
skills through various lab activities and close interactions with
instructors and other attendees. For more information about the
program, please visit:

The summer school is free. Financial support (up to $800) will be provided
to participants that are accepted into the program to cover meals, lodging
and airfare. To apply, please visit:


From: Dietmar Oelz <>
Date: Fri., 22 Feb. 2019 at 2:32
Subject: Postdoc position at Australia

We are recruiting a full-time postdoctoral fellow to work on
an Australian Research Council funded project that will involve
the development, derivation and simulation of particle-based and
continuum models for actomyosin dynamics. It is our goal to
investigate contractility and pattern formation in the cell cortex.
The project
(CI: Dietmar Oelz, UQ,
will involve collaboration with Alex Mogilner (NYU-Courant Institute).
The applicant will have a good background in Applied Mathematics,
and a strong interest in Biology and Cell Biology. The postdoctoral
fellow will be hosted at the University of Queensland (UQ, Brisbane,

Applicants should possess a PhD in the area of Mathematics/Physics/
Engineering with a specialisation in Applied Mathematics and evidence
of contribution to research, including publication of research in
peer-reviewed journals. Expert knowledge in the area of Mathematical
Biology is desirable.

All applicants must supply the following documents: Cover-letter,
Resume and Selection Criteria responses.

For information on completing the application (for job number 507030)
please refer to


From: American Institute of Biological Sciences <>
Date: Thur., 21 Feb. 2019 at 16:35
Subject: AIBS February 2019 Newsletter


From: Murray, Andrew <>
Date: Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 8:47 AM
Subject: Fellows in the Life Sciences at Harvard

Reminder that the application deadline for this search is 11:59pm EST,
on Thursday, February 28, 2019.



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