SMB Digest Volume 19 Issue 5

February 9, 2019
This issue’s editor:


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Issue’s Topics:
Workshop Systems Modeling in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Fields Institute
SIAM-PD19 – Call for Presentations
Summer Research Program in Biology July 2019, Pepperdine University, Malibu
Conference and Summer School in Mathematical Biology June 2019, Nepal
PhD positions at Chalmers University of Technology
PhD positions at University of Liverpool
PhD position at University of Edinburgh
Visiting Assistant Professor in Biostatistics at College of William and Mary
Professor position at University of Graz
NSF HDR Deadline Updates and Webinar: Harnessing the Data Revolution
Announcements from NIMBioS
NIH Update
Wellcome News
Max-Planck News
SMBnet Reminders


From: Craig Morgan <>
Date: Mon., Feb. 4 2019 at 16:09
Subject: Workshop Systems Modeling in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Fields Institute

The Fields Institute and the Centre for Quantitative Analysis and
Modelling will host the one-week Problem Solving Workshop “Systems
Modelling in the Pharmaceutical Industry” from August 12-16, 2019. This
workshop aims to equip graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in
mathematics and related disciplines with the tools necessary to solve
common problems encountered in the pharmaceutical industry. The focus
will be on development of pharmacometric skills to approach questions
centred on drug development and dose/therapy optimization using a
variety of state-of-the-art quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP)
methodologies, also known as systems modelling. Participants will receive
training in QSP approaches, including the principles of pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics (PK/PD), from academic and industrial researchers,
and will apply these techniques in groups to solve a set of problems brought
by industry partners.

Interested potential participants can now submit an application for funding
(cover letter and CV as a single PDF) at the workshop’s website:
Applications are due April 1, 2019. For questions, please contact
Morgan Craig (
Anna Sher (


From: Maxwell H. Hayes <>
Date: Fri., Feb. 8 2019 at 12:56
Subject: SIAM-PD19 – Call for Presentations

Conference Name:
SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (PD19)
Location: La Quinta Resort & Club, La Quinta, California, U.S.
Dates: December 11 – 14, 2019
Conference Co-Chairs:
José Antonio Carrillo de la Plata, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Alina Chertock, North Carolina State University, U.S.

Organizing Committee:
Luis Chacon, Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S.
Katy Craig, University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.
Maria Gualdani, George Washington University, U.S.
Jingwei Hu, Purdue University, U.S.
Shi Jin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Theodore Kolokolnikov, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Alexander Kurganov, Southern University of Science and Technology,
China and Tulane University, U.S.
Jianfeng Lu, Duke University, U.S.
Roman Shvydkoy, University of Illinois, Chicago, U.S.
Konstantina Trivisa, University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.

The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at:

May 13, 2019 – Minisymposium Proposal Submissions (11:59 p.m. Eastern Time)
June 10, 2019 – Submission Deadline for Contributed Lecture, Poster and
Minisymposium Abstracts

(11:59 p.m. Eastern Time)

May 27, 2019 – SIAM Student Travel Award and Early Career Travel
Award Applications. Please visit
for detailed submission information.


From: Courtney L. Davis <>
Date: Sun., Feb. 3 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Subject: Summer Research Program in Biology July 2019, Pepperdine University, Malibu

Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Biology (SURB) REU
Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
Mathematical Modeling of Ecological Systems
May 5 – July 20, 2019
Applications due February 13, 2019 by midnight Pacific time

Pepperdine University is hosting the Summer Undergraduate Research
Program in Biology (SURB) REU developed specifically for students who
are interested in pursuing a career in biological research, science education,
environmental science, mathematical biology, or biotechnology. Students
will partner with a faculty member to develop an individual research project
in which they pose a quantitative biological question and construct
mathematical models to investigate it. Students also typically travel to local
field sites to observe the populations of interest. As this mathematical
modeling project is one track of a larger biological research program at
Pepperdine, students in this program will have regular opportunities throughout
the summer to interact with laboratory and field biology students, faculty,
and visiting researchers. See for more


From: Naveen Vaidya <>
Date: Wed., Feb. 6 2019 at 20:51
Subject: Conference and Summer School in Mathematical Biology June 2019, Nepal

The Association of Nepalese Mathematicians in America (ANMA), the Nepal
Mathematical Society (NMS), Tribhuvan University (TU), and Kathmandu
University (KU), are organizing the Second International Conference on
Applications of Mathematics to Nonlinear Sciences (AMNS-2019) in Pokhara,
Nepal, on June 27-30, 2019. The main objective of the AMNS-2019 conference
is to provide a common platform for researchers, educators, business leaders,
academic administrators, and government officials, among others, to share
research interests and disseminate their research findings. Plenary speakers
for AMNS-2019 conference are: Jerry Bona (The University of Illinois at
Chicago), Gianni Dal Maso (SISSA), Arjun Gupta (Bowling Green State
University), Philip Maini (University of Oxford), Mythily Ramaswamy (Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research), and Chris Rasmussen (San Diego
State University). One of the central themes of this conference is
“Mathematical Biology”.

We are delighted to mention that Pokhara, the city of conference venue, is a
major tourist destination for visitors from all over the world. It is close to the
foothills of the Fishtail Mountain and is surrounded by beautiful lakes, natural
caves and Davi’s Falls. It is also the gateway to the Annapurna circuit, a
world-famous trail in the Himalayas.

Please visit for more information about the
conference along with the list of cultural, educational, and historical events in
Nepal. The first of this conference series (AMNS-2016) was organized in
Kathmandu, Nepal, on May 26-29, 2016. The AMNS-2016 was a huge success
with over 240 participants from 18 different countries.

In addition, we are organizing “Summer School in Mathematical Biology (SSMB)”
in Kathmandu, Nepal, on June 17-26, 2019. Some travel supports are available
for students and junior faculty from Nepal and neighboring developing countries.
Please visit the SSMB website for details on travel support.


From: Ema Shollenberger <>
Date: Mon., Feb. 4 2019 at 6:24
Subject: PhD positions at Chalmers University of Technology

The division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics is now recruiting a PhD
student, who may choose to work in any of the research areas of the division.

As a PhD student you will be part of an international research environment
while you expand your knowledge of the field and write your thesis. This
gives opportunities for many inspiring conversations, a lot of autonomous
work and some travel. You are expected to develop your own ideas and
communicate scientific results orally as well as in written form. In addition,
the position will normally include 20% departmental work, mostly teaching

The employment is limited to a maximum of five years.The grounds of
jurisdiction are regulated by the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 7,
39, 40. Applicants must have a strong background in mathematics or in
mathematical statistics. They must have obtained a master&#8217;s degree
or a 4-year bachelor&#8217; degree or by some other means have fulfilled
equivalent competence by the application deadline.

It is important that you mention in the application your specific research
interests. You should also include all relevant work such as bachelor&#8217;s
or master&#8217;s thesis and articles (provide an English summary if
necessary) that you have authored or co-authored. Evidence of mathematical
problem solving skills is significant, besides course grades.

The bachelor&#8217;s level teaching is normally in Swedish, although
the teaching at the master&#8217;s and PhD levels is in English. Thus, good
language skills are required.

Good or excellent programming skills are also required.

Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, at most 5 years
Extent: 100 %
Location: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Gothenburg
First day of employment: August 15, 2019 Provisions for employment as
a doctoral student can be found in the SFS 1993: 100 regulation.

A new employment as a PhD student applies for a maximum of one year.
The Appointment may be prolonged for up to two years at a time.
The total employment period may not be longer than the equivalent of
four years of full time time doctoral studies.

University applies local agreement on salaries of graduate students.
Stig Larsson, head of unit, division of applied mathematics and statistics,
phone: +46733409 006, email:

Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg:
For instructions on how to apply, please refer to:


From: Irina Biktasheva <>
Date: Tue., Feb. 5 2019 at 15:44
Subject: PhD positions at University of Liverpool

Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, UK, offers fully
funded PhD positions for UK, and EU students, to start from the next
academic year 2019/2020.

For candidates with suitable qualifications, Dr Irina Biktasheva will offer the following PhD projects:

1) Optimal visualisation of cardiac re-entry in anatomically detailed models.
(CS, Computer Graphics)
2) Automatic conversion of CellML models into BeatBox modules. (CS)
3) Anatomy induced dynamics of cardiac re-entry in MRI and micro-CT
anatomy models. (CS, Computer Graphics, Computer Simulations,
Applied Maths, Physics)
4) Dynamics of dissipative vortices: response functions framework.
(Applied Maths, Physics)

You can apply online at
The deadline for this PhD application round is Friday, March 1st, 2019.
While applications will be possible until all positions are filled, your chances
will be increased by applying before this deadline.

Whether you are eligible for the University of Liverpool scholarship, or
have your own funding, if you have suitable qualifications and are interested
in doing the above projects, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Irina
Biktasheva to discuss the projects.


From: SCHUMACHER Linus <>
Date: Thu., Feb. 7 2019 at 12:25
Subject: PhD position at the University of Edinburgh

Fully-funded PhD studentship in Mathematical modelling of multicellular
interactions in stem cell regulation and tissue regeneration. We are looking
for an ambitious and motivated postgraduate candidate to design a
mathematical framework for understanding complex multicellular interactions
in regeneration. This project will use tools from dynamical systems theory,
statistical physics/stochastic processes, and Bayesian inference. A particular
focus will lie on finding distinguishing hallmarks of particular regulatory
principles, and from these to generate predictions that could be tested in
collaboration with experimental labs.

The successful applicant will be based in the group of Dr Linus Schumacher
( at
the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine and will also be working closely
with Dr. Ramon Grima ( The Schumacher group
develops mathematical models of cell populations in development and
regeneration, working closely with experimental collaborators with the long-term
aim to formulate principles that apply to multiple biological systems, gain insight
into misregulation in disease, and inform improvements to regenerative therapy.
The Grima group has extensive expertise in the building and theoretical analysis
of stochastic models of intracellular dynamics and cell-cell interactions.
For further details, see


From: LaMar, Michael D <>
Date: Tue., Feb. 5 2019 at 12:11
Subject: Visiting Assistant Professor in Biostatistics at the College of William and Mary

The Department of Biology at the College of William and Mary invites applications
for a 1-year, non-tenure-track visiting faculty positions that will begin August 10, 2019.
We seek an individual with expertise in biostatistics, at both an introductory and
advanced undergraduate/graduate level. The successful candidate will be
expected to be an effective and dedicated teacher and will teach a 3:3 load per
semester. This teaching load will include laboratory sections, as appropriate. In one
semester we anticipate this individual teaching an advanced biostatistics course with
lab, as well as a small upper-level undergraduate seminar. In the following semester,
the person will teach an introductory biostatistics course with lab, and a small
upper-level undergraduate seminar. The Department of Biology is sincerely committed
to excellence in undergraduate education and has a small Masters program. We are
seeking applicants with demonstrated commitment to undergraduate education.
A Ph.D. in biology, biomathematics, or a related field is required.

Applicants must apply online at
Please submit a curriculum vitae, a cover letter including a statement of teaching
interests and philosophy, and syllabi and course assessment materials that
demonstrate relevant teaching experience. You will be prompted to submit online the
names and email addresses of three references who will be contacted by the system
with instructions on how to submit a letter of reference. For full consideration, submit
application materials by the review date, March 1st 2019. Applications received after
the review date will be considered if needed and the position will remain open until filled.

Information on the degree programs and curriculum in the Department of Biology
may be found at

William & Mary values diversity and invites applications from underrepresented
groups who will enrich the research, teaching and service missions of the university.
The College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and encourages
applications from women, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities.
William & Mary conducts background checks on applicants for employment.


From: Weiß, Tanja ( <>
Date: Wed., Feb. 6 2019 at 10:38
Subject: Professor position at University of Graz

Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing is filling a Professor (f/m)
of Mathematical Optimization (40 hours a week; permanent employment
according to the Austrian Law on Salaried Employment (AngG); Expected
starting date October 1, 2020). For more information follow the link:
In case of equal qualifications, women will receive priority consideration.


From: Henry Warchall <>
Date: Mon., Feb. 4 2019 at 17:36
Subject: NSF HDR Deadline Updates and Webinar: Harnessing the Data Revolution

NSF’s Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) is a national-scale activity to enable
new modes of data-driven discovery that will allow fundamental questions to be asked
and answered at the frontiers of science and engineering. The HDR vision is realized
through an interrelated set of activities and funding opportunities. Each of these efforts
is designed to amplify the intrinsically multidisciplinary nature of the emerging field of
data science.

Deadline Updates for HDR Solicitations
Due to the recent 35-day lapse in appropriations and shutdown of the agency, NSF
will be extending the deadline dates for the HDR solicitations noted below:

NSF has scheduled a webinar providing an overview of the current HDR
funding opportunities:
Event Title: Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Information Webinar
Date/Time: February 15, 2019 – 1:00pm until 3:00pm Eastern Time

· Notify the event organizer no later than Feb. 6, 2019, if you require
reasonable/accessibility accommodations to participate in the webinar.

· Register in Advance at URL:
· Audio Options: Connect using computer audio. Alternatively, choose
call-me and enter your phone number to receive a call back, or call-in
using USA/Canada Toll: +1-510-210-8882 or Toll-Free: 1-844-700-9959
and event number/access code 900 748 538.

Real-time Captions: View real-time captions the day of the event at: by clicking “Join Now” and entering event ID # 3912679.


From: NIMBioS <>
Date: Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:59 PM
Subject: Announcements from NIMBioS



From: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <>
Date: Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 8:12 PM
Subject: NIH Update



From: Raymond Mejía <>
Date: Fri., Feb. 8 2019 at 10:59
Subject: Wellcome News



From: Raymond Mejía <>
Date: Fri., Feb. 8 2019 at 11:17
Subject: Max-Planck News



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