OCTOBER 30, 2019
- Richard Schugart (richard.schugart@gmail.com)
Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology may be found in
the SMB Home Page, www.smb.org/.
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (BMB), the official journal
of SMB, at www.springer.com/11538.
Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
Follow SMB Digest on Twitter @SMBDigest
Issue’s Topics:
Webinar: NSF National AI Research Institutes, Nov 7
Tutorial: Adaptive Management, Apr 1-3, NIMBioS, U Tennessee
Conference: SIAM Life Sciences, Jun 8-11, Garden Grove, CA, US
PhD Positions: Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain
PhD/Post-doc Positions: Bio-fluids/Math Biology, U Liverpool
PhD/Post-doc Positions: Machine…Cancer Screening, Oslo
PhD/Post-doc Positions: Modelling HIV Latency, UNSW Sydney
Post-doc: Global Change Impacts on…, UKZN, South Africa
Post-doc: Mathematical Biology, U Manchester, UK
Post-doc: Central Pattern Generators, U Exeter, UK
Post-docs: Wellcome-funded Translational Research…, U Exeter
Tenure-Track Position: Applied Mathematics, U Ottawa, Canada
Tenure-Track Position: Mathematics, Oregon State U, US
Tenure-Track Position: Data Science, Mathematics, UNC, US
Tenure-Track Positions: Comp. & Systems Biology, U Pittsburgh
SMBnet Reminders
from: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
date: Oct 28, 2019, 11:36 AM
reply-to: DMSNEWS@listserv.nsf.gov
subject: Webinar: NSF National AI Research Institutes, Nov 7
A new NSF program solicitation (NSF 20-503) is now available: National
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes
Please see www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505686
for details.
N.B.: A program webinar is scheduled for November 7, 2019 at 3:30 PM
Eastern time. Please refer to
for details on the webinar.
Important dates:
-Program webinar: November 7, 2019
-Full proposals due: January 28, 2020
-Planning proposals due: January 30, 2020
from: Catherine Crawley <ccrawley@nimbios.org>
date: Oct 23, 2019, 11:55 AM
subject: Tutorial: Adaptive Management, Apr 1-3, NIMBioS, U Tennessee
The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
(NIMBioS) is now accepting applications for its Tutorial, “Adaptive
Management,” to be held April 1-3, 2020, at NIMBioS.
Objectives: Adaptive management seeks to determine sound management
strategies in the face of uncertainty concerning the behavior of the
system being managed. Specifically it attempts to find strategies for
managing dynamic systems while learning the behavior of the system. This
tutorial introduces participants to methods for modeling adaptive
management, with an emphasis on case studies drawn from environmental
and natural resource management. The tutorial reviews the key concept of
a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and demonstrates how quantitative
adaptive management strategies can be developed using MDPs. Additional
conceptual, computational and application aspects will be discussed,
including: dynamic programming and Bayesian formalization of learning.
Case study applications covered in the tutorial will include management
of endangered, invasive, and harvested wild populations. The tutorial
features hands-on activities designed to help participants incorporate
adaptive management approaches into their own research activities. Some
prior knowledge of dynamic optimization, population modeling and/or
computer programming is desirable.
The tutorial is appropriate for faculty, post-docs, advanced graduate
students, and industry professionals in resource economics, applied
ecology, conservation biology, applied mathematics and related fields.
Location: NIMBioS at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Instructors: Iadine Chadés (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia); Paul L. Fackler (Agricultural
& Resource Economics, North Carolina State Univ.); David Kling (Applied
Economics, Oregon State Univ.) and Michael Springborn (Environmental
Science and Policy, Univ. of California, Davis)
For more information about the tutorial and a link to the online
application, go to www.nimbios.org/tutorials/TT_adapt
Participation in the workshop is by application only. Individuals with
a strong interest in the topic are encouraged to apply, and successful
applicants will be notified within two weeks of the application
deadline. Limited travel support is available for those with a
demonstrated need.
Application deadline: January 2, 2020
The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
(NIMBioS) (www.nimbios.org) brings together researchers from
around the world to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries to
investigate solutions to basic and applied problems in the life
sciences. NIMBioS is supported by the National Science Foundation, with
additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
from: Angela M Reynolds <areynolds2@vcu.edu>
date: Oct 11, 2019, 12:21 PM
subject: Conference: SIAM Life Sciences, Jun 8-11, Garden Grove, CA, US
Please note that the next SIAM-LS conference is earlier in summer 2020
compared to previous meetings, so the deadlines are much earlier than
you are used to! Please plan accordingly, and we are looking forward to
your submissions.
Here are the details:
This year’s SIAM-LS conference is June 8-11, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency
Orange County in Garden Grove, California. More information is available
at conference webpage.
The upcoming deadlines for abstract submission and travel awards are
November 11, 2019 – Minisymposium Proposal Submissions
December 9, 2019 – Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium
Presentation Abstracts
November 25, 2019 – Travel Fund Application Deadline (SIAM Student and
Early Career Travel Award)
All deadlines and links for submitting your work are on the submissions
and deadlines webpage.
from: Irune Díaz González <idiaz@bcamath.org>
date: Oct 17, 2019, 3:21 AM
subject: PhD Positions: Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain
The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MINECO)
has published the call for PhD contracts to be performed at Severo Ochoa
Excellence Research Centers or within the research projects funded in
the call of 2019. The application period will be open from October 17th
to November 7th 2019 at 14:00h. All applications must be submitted
through the MINECO submission service.
The call offers up to 7 PhD Student positions at the Basque Center for
Applied Mathematics – BCAM:
-4 PhD positions with regard to the “Severo Ochoa” accreditation in the
following areas: Core in Applied Mathematics. Computational Mathematics,
Applications of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. Six extra
positions in all Severo Ochoa centers are offered for applicants from
Pacific Alliance nationalities (Chile, Mexico, Colombia and Perú).
-3 positions within the following research projects being carried out at
the center:
– -Interplays between Harmonic Analysis and Inverse Problems
– -MULTIscale modeling with applications in QUANTitative bioscience
– -Development of novel mathematical and experimental methodologies to
control neuronal activity and dissect spatio-temporal neuronal codes
The programme is open to students of any nationality. Contracts will be
4-year long and those PhD Students that defend their thesis before that
period will be issued a 1-year postdoctoral contract. This grant can
also fund the doctoral course tuition fees and predoctoral mobility (up
to 6,250 euros in total).
More information:
-BCAM website
-Official website *
-Official announcement * (PDF)
-Unified register for candidates *
-Submission service *
-FAQs and how to apply *
(*) in Spanish
from: Bearon, Rachel <R.Bearon@liverpool.ac.uk>
date: Oct 21, 2019, 9:38 AM
subject: PhD/Post-doc Positions: Bio-fluids/Math Biology, U Liverpool
Shape, shear, search & strife; mathematical models of bacteria
3 year PDRA in bio-fluids
Deadline 1st Nov 2019
PhD position in math biology supported by the Doctoral Training Centre
in Biofilms Innovation, Technology and Engineering (BITE)
Deadline: 16 December 2019
Informal enquiries welcome: contact Rachel Bearon
from: Valeriya Naumova <valeriya@simula.no>
date: Oct 23, 2019, 12:23 AM
subject: PhD/Post-doc Positions: Machine…Cancer Screening, Oslo
We have two PhD/Postdoc positions in machine learning and data mining
for personalized cancer screening at Simula Metropolitan Center for
Digital Engineering (SimulaMet), Oslo, Norway. The positions are
available as a part of the Norwegian-funded research project DeCipher in
collaboration between SimulaMet, Cancer Registry of Norway, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and Karolinska University
Hospital. The project combines the unique Norwegian and Swedish registry
data from more than 2 million individuals including extensive screening
histories and epidemiological expertise, with LLNL’s exceptional HPC
computing infrastructure, data analysis and modelling experience, and
with Simula’s expertise in machine learning methodology.
The DeCipher project aims to develop a data-driven framework to provide
a personalized time-varying risk assessment for cancer initiation and
identify subgroups of individuals and factors leading to similar disease
progression. Specifically, the following sub-projects will be
-Development of matrix factorization approaches for reconstruction of
individualized disease trajectories from longitudinal screening data.
-Development of data fusion approaches based on matrix and tensor
factorizations for joint analysis of longitudinal screening data and
lifestyle information as well as other relevant health data.
Application deadline: December 01, 2019.
Interested candidates can learn more about the project and submit their
applications through the application portal:
from: Miles Davenport <mdavenport@kirby.unsw.edu.au>
date: Oct 24, 2019, 11:16 PM
subject: PhD/Post-doc Positions: Modelling HIV Latency, UNSW Sydney
PhD studentship and Post-doc in modelling HIV latency.
The infection Analytics team at UNSW Sydney is seeking both a PhD
student and a post-doc / research fellow in mathematical biology, to
model viral and immune dynamics in HIV infection.
The Infection Analytics Program at the Kirby Institute is an
interdisciplinary team including applied mathematicians, physicists, and
computer scientists, who collaborate widely with around 30 experimental
groups around the world to model within-host and epidemiological aspects
of infection and immunity. The group has a high publication output and a
strong history in successful interdisciplinary training. It is an ideal
venue for students or post-docs with a quantitative background
(mathematics/physics/statistics) aiming to establish themselves in
mathematical biology.
More information on the group’s research is available at the
Infection Analytics website:
PhD studentship:
Applicants are sought for both local and International student
scholarships for PhD studies. These scholarships cover tuition and
living expenses (with stipends ranging from approx.
$35,000 – $40,000 p.a., depending on scholarship). PhD studies generally
last 3.5 years.
The scholarships are highly competitive. For local students, first class
honors is usually required. For international students, a high GPA
(first class honors or equivalent. High ranking in class)
+/- publications are required.
Interested students should forward a CV and outline of interests to
Professor Miles Davenport (m.davenport@unsw.edu.au).
Post-doctoral Fellow
About the role
$95k- $126k p.a. plus 17% superannuation and leave loading
3 years Full-time or part-time.
The position of Post-Doctoral Fellow will be responsible for
mathematical modelling of experimental data from animal models and
human infection. This will involve developing familiarity with the HIV
literature and underlying biology, biostatistical analysis, and ODE and
stochastic modelling.
About the successful applicant
To be successful in this role you will have:
-PhD, in mathematics / physics / statistics or other quantitative
-Demonstrated ability to model experimental data using one or more of:
biostatistical analysis methods, ODE or PDE modelling, stochastic
modelling, &/or computer modelling
-Interest in modelling in immunology and infection dynamics.
-Experience in critically analysing and reporting on an existing
scenario using relevant real-world data combined with mathematical,
statistical or computer models.
-Creativity in your approach to solving scientific questions.
-Ability to describe the impact and significance of your scientific
findings to a non-technical audience.
-Success in funding applications, student supervision and superior
publication output required for appointment at the higher levels
Applications must be lodged through the UNSW website:
Closing date: 23 November 2019
from: Ursula Scharler <Scharler@ukzn.ac.za>
date: Oct 21, 2019, 12:05 PM
subject: Post-doc: Global Change Impacts on…, UKZN, South Africa
Post-doctoral position at UKZN (2020-2021)
Global change impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem function in
A post-doc opportunity is available within a larger project titled A
framework to assess global change in estuaries: past, present and future
funded under the Earth Systems Science Research Programme, through the
DST/NRF Global Change Science theme. This is a collaboration between the
University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), University of Zululand,
Oceanographic Research Institute (ORI), and CSIR (Durban and
Stellenbosch), South Africa. The aims of the larger project are the
-Develop methods to better understand and predict estuarine ecosystem
health and resilience under future global change scenarios.
-Advance knowledge on the interaction between biodiversity and ecosystem
-Understand how anthropogenic impacts influence the estuarine ecosystem
relative to natural variability.
The candidate will undertake research pertinent to the
biodiversity-ecosystem link and investigate drivers of ecosystem
resilience and function under global change scenarios that are universal
in nature, and relevant to the region. The project has a strong emphasis
on data science and systems analysis. Data are available from past
projects and additional data are currently generated in several MSc and
PhD projects. Through both static and time-dynamic ecosystem models we
seek to connect hierarchical scales of species, communities, ecosystems
and landscape levels, and to establish a framework depicting how
ecosystems of ‘Future Estuaries’ may function.
-PhD degree in the Biological or Environmental Sciences, or related. If
you have a degree in Computer Science, or related, and are interested in
environmental themes, you are welcome to apply.
-You have working knowledge of R or Python, and have some experience in
systems analysis.
-You are self-motivated, interested in data science and in preparing
your research for publication.
The successful candidate will join an existing research group working on
hydrodynamics, water quality, invertebrate and vertebrate ecology, and
ecosystem modelling. The post-doc stipend has a value of ZAR 220,000 per
annum and is renewable after 1 year for a second year. You will be
registered at UKZN, and the starting date is 1 February 2020.
To apply, send (1) a motivation, (2) a CV including publications,
(3) a full academic record, and (4) contact details of three referees,
in a single pdf to Prof. Ursula Scharler (scharler@ukzn.ac.za).
Closing date for application: Thursday, 31 October 2019
from: Oliver Jensen <oliver.jensen@manchester.ac.uk>
date: Oct 24, 2019, 8:34 AM
subject: Post-doc: Mathematical Biology, U Manchester, UK
Research Associate in Mathematical Biology, University of Manchester, UK
A 5-year postdoctoral position is available to join a major BBSRC-funded
project exploring the collagen secretory pathway. The post offers an
outstanding opportunity for an ambitious and versatile mathematical
biologist to gain broad experience of developing and analysing new
mathematical models in a highly collaborative multidisciplinary
Full details are available at
Closing date: 25 November 2019
Enquiries: Oliver.Jensen@manchester.ac.uk
from: Tabak-Sznajder, Joel <J.Tabak@exeter.ac.uk>
date: Oct 23, 2019, 7:35 AM
subject: Post-doc: Central Pattern Generators, U Exeter, UK
The University of Exeter is looking for a postdoctoral Research Fellow
in computational modelling of central pattern generators. This 3-year
project in collaboration with neurobiologists from the University of
St Andrews is funded by BBSRC.
Vertebrate neural circuits are not fixed into producing a single
behaviour. They can dynamically change their activity to respond
appropriately to changing situations. This project asks how networks can
switch between different behaviours. Specifically, you will investigate
the dynamic transition between rhythmic activity patterns in the spinal
cord circuits of the tadpole. To do so you will develop reduced and
detailed computational models of the tadpole neural circuits that
produce swimming and struggling behaviours.
You will use reduced models to analyse the dynamic transition between
swimming and struggling and determine how coordination among oscillatory
circuits changes at the transition. You will also build detailed models
(both anatomical and functional) to determine how the intrinsic
characteristics of the neurons and the network properties together
produce each behaviour. You will be supported by our experimental
collaborators who have determined neuronal properties and network
connectivity with an exquisite level of detail. Predictions from your
model simulations will be tested experimentally using an array of
electrophysiology and imaging tools.
The tadpole central pattern generators offer a unique system to ask how
vertebrate networks can produce and switch between different behaviours:
they are complex enough to generate different behaviours, but simple
enough that we have detailed information to ground our models.
For more information about this job and to apply, please follow the link
jobs.exeter.ac.uk and enter keyword 70011
Dr Joel Tabak j.tabak@exeter.ac.uk
Prof Roman Borisyuk r.m.borisyuk@exeter.ac.uk
from: Tsaneva, Krasimira <K.Tsaneva-Atanasova@exeter.ac.uk>
date: Oct 24, 2019, 9:35 AM
subject: Post-docs: Wellcome-funded Translational Research…, U Exeter
Available January 2020 for up to three years (subject to funding), the
Wellcome-funded Translational Research Exchange @ Exeter (TREE) is
seeking up to two Research Fellows to support the work of this
interdisciplinary initiative. There will be bespoke support for these
fellows to target independent fellowships.
bit.ly/32ILWjF (for further details and how to apply)
from: Frithjof Lutscher <frithjof.lutscher@uottawa.ca>
date: Oct 11, 2019, 9:38 AM
subject: Tenure-Track Position: Applied Mathematics, U Ottawa, Canada
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of
Ottawa invites applications to fill at least one tenure-track position
in Applied Mathematics at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor
level, to begin July 1, 2020. We are seeking candidates with a proven
record of research excellence, who can teach at undergraduate and
graduate levels, who have the desire and ability to supervise graduate
students and contribute to the success of the department. The position
is open to all research areas of Applied Mathematics, with priority
given to the areas of current strength in Applied Mathematics in the
department. Application deadline: December 1st, 2019. Applicants should
provide a curriculum vitae, a research plan, a teaching statement, and
arrange for at least four confidential letters of recommendation (one
of which addresses teaching), to be submitted online via MathJobs
from: deleenhp <deleenhp@science.oregonstate.edu>
date: Oct 16, 2019, 2:36 PM
subject: Tenure-Track Position: Mathematics, Oregon State U, US
The Department of Mathematics, part of the College of Science, at Oregon
State University, invites applications for a full-time tenure-track
Assistant Professor in Mathematics. Priority will be given to
candidates with proven record of success in research in areas of
Analysis, Probability, or Mathematical Biology.
Interested candidates should apply at MathJobs
www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/14613. Once approval for the position
is finalized, candidates who have applied through MathJobs will be asked
to apply through the OSU jobs website. For full consideration, complete
applications should be received by October 31, 2019.
from: Griffith, Boyce Eugene <boyceg@email.unc.edu>
date: Oct 21, 2019, 8:26 AM
subject: Tenure-Track Position: Data Science, Mathematics, UNC, US
The Department of Mathematics at the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor
targeting expertise in the mathematical foundations and computational
and translational applications of data science. The Department seeks
applicants with a demonstrated potential for excellence in research,
teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level, and a commitment to
cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration and outreach. The
mathematical foundations of data science are broadly construed and may
include approaches spanning topology, geometry, optimization, and
diverse aspects of analysis relevant to data science. Computational and
translational applications are also broadly construed. We are casting a
broad net in search of highly talented individuals who aspire to
integrate their expertise with Departmental and campus-wide strengths,
and who are committed to securing strong external funding support. A PhD
degree in mathematics, applied mathematics, or a closely related field
is required at the time of appointment.
Demonstrate the potential for excellence in research, teaching at the
graduate and undergraduate level, and a commitment to cross-disciplinary
and cross-cultural collaboration and outreach.
Applicants must apply online at
unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/171148. In addition to information
requested by the UNC website, applicants should post the following at
www.mathjobs.org: (1) The AMS Standard Cover Sheet [form online],
(2) curriculum vitae, (3) research statement, (4) teaching statement,
and (5) three letters of recommendation addressing scholarship and one
letter addressing teaching qualifications. Note that candidates must
apply at the UNC website and MathJobs to be considered for the position.
Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2019, and will
continue until the position is filled. The position start date is
July 1, 2020.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an equal opportunity
and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive
consideration for employment without regard to age, color, disability,
gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, race,
national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a
protected veteran. We seek applicants who engender a climate that values
diversity in all its forms.
from: Ayoob, Joseph C <jayoob@pitt.edu>
date: Oct 24, 2019, 11:52 AM
resent-from: Mejia, Raymond (NIH/NHLBI) [E] <ray.mejia@nih.gov>
subject: Tenure-Track Positions: Comp. & Systems Biology, U Pittsburgh
The Department of Computational and Systems Biology at the University of
Pittsburgh School of Medicine is pleased to announce openings for two
tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant or Associate Professor
level. For more information about these two positions, please see the
below links. We hope that you will also help spread the word on these
positions to any colleagues and mentees who may be interested.
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive. See instructions at:
Recent editions of SMB Digest are available on the SMB Home Page at
www.smb.org/digest/, while older editions are available at