SEPTEMBER 13, 2019
- Richard Schugart (richard.schugart@gmail.com)
Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology may be found in
the SMB Home Page, www.smb.org/.
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (BMB), the official journal
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Issue’s Topics:
Conferences: Mathematical Issues in Biol., Feb 3-Mar 6, France
Conference: Dynamical Systems…, Mar 16-18, United Arab Emir.
ToC: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol 81, Iss 9
PhD Positions: Modeling Host-Parasite Dynamics, U Georgia
PhD & Post-doc Positions: Forestry/Natural Resources, Purdue U
Post-doc: Virus-Microbe Dynamics, Georgia Tech
Post-doc: Multi-scale Modeling in Immunology, U Michigan
Post-docs: Modeling & Image/Statistical Analysis, U Padova
Tenure-Track Positions: Biomathematics, Virginia Commonwealth U
Post-doc & Senior Research Awards: NASEM Research…
NSF: Graduate Research Fellowship Program Applicant Webinars
NIH: Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific & Academic…
SMBnet Reminders
from: Shawn D Ryan <s.d.ryan@csuohio.edu>
date: Sep 7, 2019, 7:22 PM
subject: Conferences: Mathematical Issues in Biol., Feb 3-Mar 6, France
I would like to make the community aware of the Thematic Month on
Mathematical Issues in Biology February 3 – March 6th, 2020 at CIRM,
Marseille, France. The conference consists of five thematic weeks:
Week 1: Feb. 3rd-7th, 2020 Research School on PDEs and Probability for
Week 2: Feb. 10th-14th, 2020 Conference on Mathematical Models in
Evolutionary Biology
Week 3: Feb. 17th-21st, 2020 Conference on Mathematical Modeling and
Statistical Analysis of Infectious Disease Outbreaks
Week 4: Feb. 24th-28th, 2020 Conference on Mathematics of Complex
Systems in Biology and Medicine
Week 5: Mar. 2nd-6th, 2020 Research School on Networks and Molecular
To find out more and/or to register for one or more of these weeks
please visit the website dedicated to the thematic month:
conferences.cirm-math.fr/2141.html, just click “Information” on
the week you want to learn about and then you can pre-register (free) by
October 31st, 2020. There are no fees to attend and grants will be made
available to young researchers.
On behalf of all the organizers, we hope to see you in Marseille!
from: Abdessamad Tridane <a-tridane@uaeu.ac.ae>
date: Sep 7, 2019, 7:22 PM
subject: Conference: Dynamical Systems…, Mar 16-18, United Arab Emir.
Meeting Dates: March 16-18, 2020.
Meeting Title: 6th International Conference on Complex Dynamical System
in Life Science: Modeling and Analysis (6th ICCDS’2020)
Location of Meeting: Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Website: conferences.uaeu.ac.ae/iccds2020/en/index.shtml
The Mathematical Sciences Department at the United Arab Emirates
University (UAEU) is honored to host the 6th International Conference on
Complex Dynamical System in Life Science: Modeling and Analysis (6th
ICCDS’2020), Al Ain, March 16-18, 2020.
Understanding biological processes such as diseases progress, species
interactions, ecological phenomena, medications effects, for example,
requires understanding the complexity of these processes by using
different innovative tools. Mathematical modeling had proven to be one
of the essential approaches to study such complexity.
Using differential equations, difference equations, partial differential
equations, optimal control, optimization, stochastic models and other
mathematical techniques, had shown the ability of mathematical models in
answering questions that other biologists, ecologists, medical doctors,
and public health decision-makers struggle with for years.
In its 6th edition, the ICCDS will gather experts, from top universities
in the world, in mathematical modeling of complexity in life sciences to
present their latest results in mathematical modeling of different
fields in life Sciences including, but not limited, ecology, oncology,
infectious diseases, genetical disease, chronic diseases, and
neurological disorder.
from: Springer <springer@alerts.springer.com>
date: Sep 7, 2019, 11:15 AM
reply-to: Springer <onlineservice@springer.com>
subject: ToC: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol 81, Iss 9
We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. Volume 81 Number 9 is now available
Special Issue: Mathematics to Support Drug Discovery and Development
See link.springer.com/journal/11538/81/9
from: Richard Hall <dr.richard.hall@gmail.com>
date: Sep 10, 2019, 9:46 AM
subject: PhD Positions: Modeling Host-Parasite Dynamics, U Georgia
The Hall Lab (halllab.ecology.uga.edu) is seeking to recruit Ph.D.
students who are passionate about mathematical modeling of host-parasite
dynamics for admission in fall 2020. Successful applicants will join
multi-disciplinary teams working on exciting projects funded through the
National Science Foundation’s Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental
Systems, Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases, and Population
and Community Ecology programs. Positions are available for the
following three projects:
-Modeling habitat and coinfection as drivers of heterogeneity in
infection processes, applied to transmission of Puumala hantavirus in
voles in Finland.
Project details: nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1911925
-Modeling the socio-ecological dynamics of land use change and
infectious diseases, with application to transmission of Chagas disease
and leishmaniasis in Panama.
Project details: nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1924200
-Modeling interactions between resident and migratory populations and
the consequences for parasite infection, with application to North
American monarch butterflies and their protozoan parasites. This
position will be co-mentored by Dr Sonia Altizer (www.altizerlab.org)
Project details: nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1754392
Students will join the world-class Ecology graduate program at the Odum
School of Ecology (ecology.uga.edu), and may also be eligible for
admittance to the NSF-funded Graduate Research Training program in
Interdisciplinary Disease Ecology Across Scales (ideas.ecology.uga.edu)
or the Integrative Conservation Program (icon.uga.edu) at UGA.
We seek motivated graduate students with strong interests in applying
mathematical models to ecological and epidemiological problems. Prior
experience of working with mathematical models is highly desirable.
Interested applicants should send a cover letter indicating their
research and training interests, and a copy of their CV, to
rjhall@uga.edu. Applications from students from diverse and
underrepresented backgrounds are especially welcome.
from: Liang, Jingjing <jjliang@purdue.edu>
date: Sep 10, 2019, 9:46 AM
subject: PhD & Post-doc Positions: Forestry/Natural Resources, Purdue U
For PhD positions, see
For post-doc position, see
from: Joshua S. Weitz <jsweitz@gatech.edu>
date: Sep 3, 2019, 3:21 PM
subject: Post-doc: Virus-Microbe Dynamics, Georgia Tech
Title: Postdoctoral Position in Virus-Microbe Dynamics, Georgia Tech
A postdoctoral scientist position (2+ years) is available in Prof.
Joshua Weitz’s group in the School of Biological Sciences at the Georgia
Institute of Technology.
The postdoc will lead efforts to develop analytic and computational
models of virus-microbe interactions with an emphasis on viral control
of microbial community dynamics and model-experiment integration.
Requirements include: (1) PhD in quantitative biosciences, physics,
ecology, evolutionary biology, applied mathematics, or related area; (2)
Strong quantitative & computational skills; (3) Excellent communication
skills; (4) Interest and experience in collaborative research, including
collaborative opportunities in the USA and France. Position to start
approximately January 2020; start date negotiable, includes competitive
salary, benefits, and travel budget. Screening of applicants will begin
immediately and applications will be considered until position is
To apply, please e-mail Joshua Weitz (jsweitz@gatech.edu) with a
curriculum vitae (CV), a one page statement of how your research
interests are related to this position, and contact information for 3
references. More information on the group’s research can be found at
Georgia Tech is located in Atlanta, GA in the Midtown neighborhood – a
vibrant, urban community: www.midtownatl.com/. Georgia Tech is a
unit of the University System of Georgia and an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity Employer.
from: Denise Kirschner <kirschne@umich.edu>
date: Sep 8, 2019, 8:21 PM
subject: Post-doc: Multi-scale Modeling in Immunology, U Michigan
Multi-scale Modeling in Immunology
An exciting opportunity is available for a mathematical/computational
modeler to work in a multidisciplinary team on immune responses in the
context of tuberculosis as well as treatment interventions. The
position is available in the laboratory of Denise Kirschner in the
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, at the University of
Michigan. The project uses a systems biology approach to integrate our
multi-scale and multi-organ in silico models with data from humans and
non-human primates derived by our collaborators. An estimated one-third
of the human population is infected with the pathogen Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, making it a critical global health issue.
The postdoctoral fellow MUST HAVE skills in computational modeling in
biology. Thus the ideal applicant will have extensive experience in
modeling and programming in C++ needed for working on agent-based
models, and, in addition, will have a desire to read scientific
literature in drug treatment of TB. Good communication skills are
How to apply: Send a CV, names of 3 references, and a letter describing
research interests and summarizing Ph.D. work to Denise Kirschner
Copies of published papers are welcome.
from: Morten Gram Pedersen <pedersen@dei.unipd.it>
date: Aug 29, 2019, 8:30 AM
subject: Post-docs: Modeling & Image/Statistical Analysis, U Padova
Two postdoc positions (“assegno di ricerca”) in the bioengineering group
at the University of Padova are available.
1) The postdoc will work on mathematical modeling of electrical activity
in excitable cells, and perform mathematical analysis of the models
using tools from the theory of dynamical systems and/or stochastic
systems. The candidate should thus have a strong background in at least
one of these applied mathematics areas, and preferably experience with
models of cellular electrophysiology.
2) The postdoc will develop and apply methodology and tools to perform
image analysis of live cell imaging data of secretory granules and
protein dynamics in order to extract spatiotemporal data that can be
investigated with spatial and time-to-event statistics. The aim is to
obtain further insight into the mechanisms controlling hormone and
neurotransmitter release, in collaboration with our experimental
collaborators. The candidate should have solid experience with image
analysis and/or a strong background in applied statistics.
Starting date: the fellowships are immediately available.
Duration: 2 years
Salary: ~1500 euro/month (net amount, tax free).
For further information and to express interest please contact
Dr. Morten Gram Pedersen (pedersen@dei.unipd.it –
from: Angela M Reynolds <areynolds2@vcu.edu>
date: Aug 29, 2019, 7:36 AM
subject: Tenure-Track Positions: Biomathematics, Virginia Commonwealth U
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Position: Two faculty positions (9-month) as Assistant Professors of
Mathematics to join the vibrant biomathematics group in the Department
of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at Virginia Commonwealth
University beginning August 16, 2020. The Department and University web
pages may be found at www.math.vcu.edu and www.vcu.edu.
The Ph.D. program web page may be found at www.sysm.vcu.edu.
Responsibilities of Position: Maintain a vigorous research program and a
record of excellent teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate
Qualifications: A Ph.D. in Mathematics, or related field, is required at
the time of the appointment. We are seeking candidates with a clearly
defined research agenda and expertise in biomathematics research with an
emphasis in one or more of the following fields: stochastic,
computational, or multi-scale modeling, complex networks and/or
systems, uncertainty quantification, and parameter identification.
Preference will also be given to candidates with postdoctoral
experience, and a demonstrated potential to secure external funding.
Applicants must have a record of successful teaching, as well as
experience with working in and fostering a diverse faculty, staff, and
student environment, or the commitment to do so.
How to Apply for the Position: To apply, candidates should submit
electronically (www.vcujobs.com/postings/92989) the following: a
cover letter that delineates how they meet the qualifications outlined
above, a current curriculum vitae, contact information for each of the
four references. In addition, candidates need to submit electronically
(www.mathjobs.org/) the following: a cover letter, an AMS
Standard Cover Sheet, a current curriculum vitae, and detailed
statements about teaching and their current research activities.
Applicants also should include four letters of recommendation. One of
the letters of recommendation must address the applicant’s effectiveness
as a teacher. Letters should be submitted electronically through
Applicants must be eligible to work in the U.S.A. The deadline for
applications is October 25, 2019.
“Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity. Affirmative
Action University providing access to education and employment without
regard to age, race, color, national origin, gender, religion, sexual
orientation, veterans status, political affiliation or disability.”
from: NASEM Research Associateship Programs <rap@nas.edu>
date: Sep 3, 2019, 3:40 PM
subject: Post-doc & Senior Research Awards: NASEM Research…
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine sponsors
awards for postdoctoral and senior researchers at participating federal
laboratories and affiliated institutions. These awards include generous
stipends ranging from $45,000 – $80,000 per year for recent Ph.D.
recipients, and higher for additional experience. Limited graduate level
awards are also available. These awards provide the opportunity for
recipients to do independent research in some of the best-equipped and
staffed laboratories in the U.S. Research opportunities are open to U.S.
citizens, permanent residents, and for some of the laboratories, foreign
Four annual review cycles:
November: Opens September 1; Closes November 1
February: Opens December 1; Closes February 1
May: Opens March 1; Closes May 1
August: Opens June 1; Closes August 1
Applicants should contact prospective Research Adviser(s) at the lab(s)
prior to the application deadline to discuss their research interests
and funding opportunities.
Thank you for your assistance. For more information:
Phone: 202-334-2760
Email: rap@nas.edu
Web: www.nas.edu/rap
from: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
date: Sep 12, 2019, 11:23 AM
reply-to: dmsnews <DMSNEWS@listserv.nsf.gov>
subject: NSF: Graduate Research Fellowship Program Applicant Webinars
from: Gibbs, Kenneth (NIH/NIGMS) [E] <kenneth.gibbs@nih.gov>
date: Aug 30, 2019, 3:14 PM
re-sent from: Denise Kirschner <kirschne@umich.edu>
subject: NIH: Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific & Academic…
I am writing to let you know about a new program that may be of interest
to Society for Mathematical Biology and its members.
The NIH Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent
Careers (MOSAIC) program is designed to facilitate the transition of
promising postdoctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds, such as
individuals from groups underrepresented in the biomedical research
workforce at the faculty level, into independent faculty careers at
research-intensive institutions.
The program has two components:
1. MOSAIC Institutionally-Focused Research Education Cooperative
Agreement to Promote Diversity (UE5). Supports scientific societies
whose members conduct research within the NIGMS mission. Awardees will
provide skills development, mentoring, and networking opportunities that
prepare cohorts of scholars supported by MOSAIC K99/R00 awards to
transition into, succeed, and advance in independent faculty careers at
research-intensive institutions. For more information see: PAR-19-342.
Please note the first application deadline is November 15, 2019.
2. MOSAIC Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity
(K99/R00). Supports postdoctoral scientists from diverse backgrounds
conducting research in areas within the NIGMS mission by providing up to
5 years of support in two phases. The initial (K99) phase provides
support for up to 2 years of mentored postdoctoral research training and
career development. The second (R00) phase provides up to 3 years of
independent research support once the scholar transitions to an
independent faculty position. For more information see: PAR-19-343.
Please note, the first application deadline is February 12, 2020.
For additional information on both funding announcements, please see the
MOSAIC website. We will host an informational webinar on Tuesday,
September 24 at 1 PM ET for applicants to both the UE5 and K99/R00
programs (slides and video will be posted on the MOSAIC website
following the webinar).
We would like to encourage Society for Mathematical Biology to consider
applying for the UE5 award and to disseminate information about the
MOSAIC Postdoctoral Career Transition Award and webinar to your members
(e.g., postdoctoral scientists from underrepresented groups and their
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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