SMB Digest Volume 19 Issue 20

June 13, 2019
This issue’s editor:


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Issue’s Topics:
Conference: Stoch. Models for Biol., Aug 26-29, Rennes, France
Workshop: Control Engineer. & Synthetic Biol., 9-11 Sep, Oxford
Summer School: Comp. Psychiatry, Sep 16-19, Tübingen, Germany
Workshop: Philip Maini’s 60th Birthday, Sep 18-19, U Oxford
Symposium: Sys. Biol. of Microbial…, Sep 26-29, Jena, Germany
Conference: Modeling & Analysis of…, Oct 12-14, Arizona St U
Travel Awards: Apply Now, Keystone Symposia
Newsletter: NIMBioS
PhD Position: Geometric Deep Learning, Norway/UC San Diego
Post-doc: Math Oncology, IMO, Moffitt Cancer Center, US
Post-doc: Risk Assessment Models for Bumble Bees…, TC, Dublin
Post-doc: Spruce Budworm Modeling & Climate Change, U Ottawa
Post-doc: Antibiotic Resistance Modeling, North Carolina St U
Post-doc: Applied Analysis, Johannes Gutenberg U
SMBnet Reminders


from: Frédéric Hamelin <>
date: May 23, 2019, 2:04 AM
subject: Conference: Stoch. Models for Biol., Aug 26-29, Rennes, France

BioHasard 2019: Stochastic Models for Biology, August 26-29, 2019,
Rennes, France

BioHasard 2019 is an international conference on stochastic models for
biology that will be held in Rennes, Brittany, France, August 26-29,

Confirmed speakers include: Linda Allen (Texas Tech University), Nicolas
Bacaër (IRD Paris), Vincent Bansaye (Ecole Polytechnique),
Vrushali Bokil (Oregon State University), Loren Coquille (Université
Grenoble-Alpes), Camille Coron (Université Paris-Sud), Hélène Guérin
(Université du Québec à Montréal), Florent Malrieu (Institut Denis
Poisson, Tours), Aline Marguet (INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes), Maria E.
Orive (University of Kansas), Charline Smadi (IRSTEA, Clermont-Ferrand),
Romain Yvinec (INRA Tours).

For more information, please visit the conference website:
There remain a few slots in the programme of talks. We invite you to
register (and submit an abstract) online by June 15, 2019.
The organizers (Jürgen Angst, Frederic Hamelin & Solenn Stoeckel).


from: Antonis Papachristodoulou <>
date: Jun 1, 2019, 8:53 AM
subject: Workshop: Control Engineer. & Synthetic Biol., 9-11 Sep, Oxford

International Workshop on Control Engineering and Synthetic Biology –
9-11 September 2019, Worcester College, Oxford

Designing and implementing effective feedback control in living cells
has the potential to dramatically change biotechnology and synthetic
biology. However, before this potential is realised, a number of
theoretical and practical challenges must be addressed which lie at the
interface between control engineering and synthetic biology.

This will be the topic of an International Workshop on Control
Engineering and Synthetic Biology, which will be held on the 9th, 10th
and 11th September 2019 in the Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre at Worcester
College, Oxford. This workshop will discuss both the challenges and the
opportunities that Synthetic Biology offers. A specific focus will be on
the “next grand challenges” in the field of synthetic biology and how
control engineering can address them. An exceptional group of speakers,
world leaders in synthetic biology and control engineering, will present
recent progress, identify challenges and share their vision of where
synthetic biology is headed and how the control engineering community
can contribute to delivering its promise. This follows on from previous
very successful events that we organised at the Royal Academy of
Engineering and the University of Oxford.

This event is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (EPSRC) under projects EP/M002454/1 and EP/M002187/1.

Please visit
for more information, the list of speakers, and to register.

We would be grateful if you could disseminate this information to your
colleagues and within your institution.

Antonis Papachristodoulou, Harrison Steel and Guy-Bart Stan


from: Anika Schmitt <>
date: Jun 6, 2019, 3:21 PM
subject: Summer School: Comp. Psychiatry, Sep 16-19, Tübingen, Germany



from: Ruth Baker <>
date: Jun 10, 2019, 8:03 AM
subject: Workshop: Philip Maini’s 60th Birthday, Sep 18-19, U Oxford

Philip Maini’s 60th Birthday Workshop
We will be celebrating Philip’s 60th birthday with a two day workshop
this September, 18-19, and we would like to invite you to join us!

Here is the link to the conference website:

We would be very grateful if you could share this email to those in your
departments who might be interested in attending. Note that we still
have some travel support available (deadline for applications extended
to June 21st), so please do encourage ECRs to apply!


from: C-M Svensson <>
date: Jun 6, 2019, 8:03 AM
subject: Symposium: Sys. Biol. of Microbial…, Sep 26-29, Jena, Germany

We kindly invite you to actively participate in the 5th International
Symposium “Systems Biology of Microbial Infection” that will be held on
September 26-27, 2019 in Jena, Germany.

Please, submit your abstract and consider to apply for the “Tandem-Talk”

The evolving list of invited speakers can be found here:

Important deadlines are:
– abstract submission until June 25, 2019
– outcome of abstract reviewing process until early July, 2019
– early bird registration until July 10, 2019: 120 euros participation
– late registrations after July 10, 2019: 150 euros participation fee

Looking forward to welcome you at the SBMI 2019 in Jena,
Marc Thilo Figge and Gianni Panagiotou
(on behalf of the organizing committee)


from: Abba Gumel <>
date: Jun 1, 2019, 9:08 PM
subject: Conference: Modeling & Analysis of…, Oct 12-14, Arizona St U

The Seventh International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and
Analysis of Populations in Biological Systems (ICMA VII) will be hosted
by the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Arizona State
University, Tempe, Arizona, on October 12-14, 2019. This conference,
which will build on the successes of previous ICMA conferences, attracts
established and up-and-coming researchers and students from numerous
disciplines in the mathematical and biological sciences. The broad,
general theme of the conference is the formulation, validation, analysis
and simulation of mathematical models for the spatiotemporal dynamics of
biological populations. Specific topics to be covered include, but are
not limited to, modeling, data analytics and analysis of phenomena in
population biology, epidemiology, molecular and synthetic biology;
mathematical oncology (cancer systems biology); genetic models;
multi-host-vector-pathogen systems; persistence of ecosystems and
uncertainty quantification in the life sciences.

The National Science Foundation has provided funds to support limited
number of US graduate students and early career researchers (who do not
have travel support) to attend ICMA VII. Further details about the
conference (registration, travel, abstracts, financial support,
deadlines etc.) are available at the website:

We hope to see you at ICMA VII in the beautiful Tempe campus of the
Arizona State University.

Abba Gumel and Yang Kuang (Co-Chairs)
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Contact Email:


from: keystonesymposia <>
date: May 29, 2019, 7:34 PM
subject: Travel Awards: Apply Now, Keystone Symposia

Please see


from: NIMBioS <>
date: Jun 6, 2019, 8:39 AM
subject: Newsletter: NIMBioS



from: Valeriya Naumova <>
date: Jun 11, 2019, 12:27 AM
subject: PhD Position: Geometric Deep Learning, Norway/UC San Diego

A PhD position offered as part of SUURPh PhD program
between Simula, the University of Oslo (UiO), and the University of
California, San Diego (UCSD).

The candidate will develop novel theoretically-grounded methods for
processing of non-Euclidean geometric data, aka Geometric Deep Learning,
with applications in medical imaging and sensor data for brain activity
classification. The successful candidate must have strong mathematical
and computational skills.

Most research activities will be carried out at the Machine Intelligence
Department, Simula, with regular and long-term visits to the Department
of Mathematics / Data Science Center at UCSD.

Further information can be obtained here:

Closing application date: 01 July 2019. The position will start October


from: Noemi Andor <>
date: Jun 2, 2019, 5:00 AM
subject: Post-doc: Math Oncology, IMO, Moffitt Cancer Center, US

Candidates are invited for two postdoctoral fellowship opportunities in
the Department of Integrated Mathematical Oncology, Moffitt Cancer
Center. Both positions are minimum two-year appointments and will
involve working on mathematical and computational models of genomic
instability changes in response to DNA damaging therapy. Both positions
will involve work with data from single cell sequencing and imaging
technologies, which make it possible to link genotypes to complex cell
phenotypes. More info under clonal redesign lab (and


from: Jansen, Vincent <>
date: Jun 6, 2019, 1:22 PM
subject: Post-doc: Risk Assessment Models for Bumble Bees…, TC, Dublin

Postdoc position: Developing risk assessment models for Bombus and multispecies risk assessment tools


from: Frithjof Lutscher <>
date: Jun 8, 2019, 6:42 AM
subject: Post-doc: Spruce Budworm Modeling & Climate Change, U Ottawa

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship in modelling
various aspects of the spruce budworm system in Atlantic Canada and
potential early intervention strategies. In particular, the goal is to
consider the effects of phenology mismatch between budworm and its
host. How will such a mismatch develop as a result of global change and
geographic location, and what are its implication for the timing and
effectiveness of early intervention strategies?

The research will use mathematical models, numerical simulation, data
fitting and scenario testing. The position is based at the University
of Ottawa, but the research will be carried out in close collaboration
with researchers from Natural Resources Canada in Ontario and
elsewhere. Applicants should have a PhD in quantitative/theoretical
ecology, mathematical biology, or a related field with strong expertise
in modelling, data integration and simulation.

The salary will be commensurate with the experience of the candidate in
the range of $39.000 – $45.000 CDN (plus benefits). Some funding for
travel to collaborators and/or workshops and conferences will be
available in addition. The position is available immediately. The
initial appointment will be for one year with the possibility to extend
until March 2022, based on performance.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the
position is filled. Applicants should submit a cover letter, their CV,
and at least two names of potential referees. The cover letter should
explain the applicant’s experience related to the project. Applications
should be sent to Frithjof Lutscher ( with the
subject heading: PDF – SBW. Only complete applications will be


from: Cristina Lanzas <>
date: Jun 10, 2019, 1:03 PM
subject: Post-doc: Antibiotic Resistance Modeling, North Carolina St U

A postdoctoral research scholar position on infectious disease modeling
is available in the Department of Population Health and Pathobiology at
North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine. The
successful applicant will be working with an interdisciplinary team
primarily led by Dr. Cristina Lanzas’ Computational Biology group in
collaboration with Dr. Derek Foster (Antimicrobial Resistance and
Ruminant Medicine) and Dr. Ronald Baynes (Drug Residue Pharmacokinetics
and Residue Avoidance). Applicants with a background in mathematical
modeling of infectious diseases and/or population biology are highly
encouraged to apply.

The research focus will be the transmission and control of infectious
diseases caused by enteric pathogens and the use of mathematical
modeling to study antimicrobial resistance at multiple scales, including
the effect of intestinal microbial disruption by treatments such as
antibiotics and their withdrawal on emergence of resistance, host
susceptibility and pathogen transmission. A number of potential research
projects are available and so the research focus may be tailored to the
interests and skills of the individual.

Necessary Education, Experience Skills, Training and Education: The
postdoctoral associates shall have a Ph.D. degree in a relevant
quantitative discipline (ecology, epidemiology, engineering, applied
mathematics, statistics and related fields) and have a deep interest in
interdisciplinary collaboration, strong quantitative and programming
skills, and good oral and writing skills are expected.

The initial appointment will be for one year, with option for renewal
subject to satisfactory progress and mutual agreement. The salary will
be commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the
individuals. Review of applications will begin immediately and will
continue until suitable candidates are identified.

To apply for the position please follow the link:

Applicant material includes a cover letter, CV and contact information
for three references.

If you have questions specific to the position please contact
Cristina Lanzas at


from: Alan D. Rendall <>
date: Jun 12, 2019, 3:05 AM
subject: Post-doc: Applied Analysis, Johannes Gutenberg U

A postdoc position is available in the group ‘Applied Analysis’ at the
Mathematics Department of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz,
starting on 1.9.2019 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is
initially for two years. The successful candidate will carry out
teaching in the area of analysis and research in mathematical biology.

The postdoc will work under the supervision of Professor Alan Rendall.
The research focus of the group is on the mathematical analysis of
models coming from molecular biology, with particular interest in
applications to immunology.

More details at:


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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