SMB Digest Volume 18 Issue 9

February 28, 2018
This issue’s editor:

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Issue’s Topics:
from: Ye, Ping <>
date: Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 1:30 PM
subject: Nominations for Society for Mathematical Biology Prizes
The Society of Mathematical Biology is now accepting nominations for the
Society prizes through March 31st, 2018. The details of the prizes are located
Society members are encouraged to nominate candidates by submitting the
required materials in PDF format to the Society Secretary Dr. Ping Ye (E-mail: The nominator must submit:
·  Contact information for the nominators and nominee,
·  A letter (no more than 4 pages) describing the nominee’s qualifications and
   commenting on the nominee’s scientific contributions for the society award,
·  The nominee’s curriculum vitae, including all publications, and
·  Two supporting letters.
Only SMB members in good standing are eligible to nominate and receive awards.
Get someone to nominate you or you can self nominate!
from: Sean Mcginty <>
date: Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 9:44 AM
subject: Workshop: Modelling & Experiments in Drug Delivery Systems, 3-5 Sept
We are organizing a  workshop on “Modelling & Experiments in Drug Delivery
Systems” in Glasgow (UK) this coming September:
This 3 day workshop will bring together theoretical and experimental
researchers, industrialists and clinicians working broadly in the area of drug
delivery, so that the problems that persist may be identified from an
‘end-user’ point of view, new challenges laid down and successfully tackled.
The workshop will feature an evening problem solving session where interested
delegates can tackle a problem brought by industry.
The keynote speakers confirmed so far include:
1) David Saylor – Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA
2) Paolo Netti – University of Naples Federico II, Italy
3) Keith Oldroyd, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Glasgow, UK
We are encouraging participation from senior and early-career researchers (PhD
students and postdocs) alike,  and there is the opportunity to present a poster
or give an oral presentation.
The abstract submission deadline is 1st April 2018.
You can download the workshop flyer here  and find out more at the workshop
website, including details of the confirmed keynote speakers thus far from
academia, industry and the NHS.
The workshop is supported by:
* Centre for Mathematics Applied to the Life Sciences (CMALS) 
* SofTMech- EPSRC Centre for Multiscale Soft Tissue Mechanics
* European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI)
* Mathematics for Industry network (MI-NET)
* The Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust
Please circulate to interested colleagues and through your networks.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me on
On behalf of the Scientific and Local Organizing Committees, 
Sean McGinty
from: Hiroki Sayama <>
date: Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 11:10 AM
subject: CfP: Morphogenetic Engineering Special Session ALIFE 2018, July 2018
Morphogenetic Engineering Special Session at the 2018 Conference on Artificial
Life (ALIFE 2018)
July 23-27, 2018
National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan), Odaiba, Tokyo,
from: Sharon Crook <>  
date: Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 6:16 PM
subject: Abstract Submission for CNS*2018 closes March 5, 2018
Registration and abstract submission are open for CNS*2018 in Seattle, USA,
July 13-18. The deadline for abstract submission is March 5, 2018.
The main meeting begins on the evening of Friday July 13 and runs through
Monday July 16. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials (Friday July 13) and
followed by two days of workshops (Tuesday July 17 and Wednesday July 18).
Invited Keynote Speakers:
Eve Marder, Brandeis University
Nancy Kopell, Boston University
Daniel Wolpert, University of Cambridge
Rajesh Rao, University of Washington
Note that one of the authors must register as sponsoring author for the main
meeting before abstract submission is possible. In case the abstract is not
accepted for presentation, the registration fee will be refunded.
For up-to-date conference information, please visit:
from: Valeriya Naumova <>
date: Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 9:32 AM
subject: PhD in Machine Learning for Personalized Cancer Screening, Simula
We are inviting applications for a 3-year funded PhD project in machine
learning for personalised cancer screening at Simula@OsloMet, Oslo, Norway. The
position is available as a part of the collaboration between Cancer Registry of
Norway, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and Simula@OsloMet.
The project aims to advance precision medicine by developing individually
tailored prevention and treatment strategies for cancer. Specifically, the goal
is to improve the outcome of persons affected by cancers which can be prevented
by screening such as cervical, breast, colorectal and other cancers.  In this
project, we will combine the unique Norwegian registry data including extensive
screening histories and epidemiological expertise, with LLNL’s exceptional HPC
computing infrastructure, data analysis and modelling experience, and with
Simula’s expertise in machine learning methodology.
The successful candidate is expected to develop machine learning approaches to
discover patterns in the cancer screening data and learn discriminating
features, and perform their extensive validation.  The successful candidate
will enjoy an inspiring and resourceful environment, with the possibility of
travelling to conferences, short- and long-term research visits to LLNL, and
establishing new collaborations.
For more details please see the full advertisement:
Application deadline: April 15, 2018. However, applications will be screened
continuously and a decision will be made as soon as we find the right
candidate, if so even before this deadline.
For informal enquiries please contact Evrim Acar and Valeriya
from: Sebastien Benzekry <>
date: Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 12:30 PM
subject: Postdoc Position: Modeling in Oncology, Inria
We invite applications for a fully funded two years postdoc position within the
Inria project-team MONC (Modeling in ONCology) for a project entitled «
Mathematical modeling of metastatic development in kidney cancer from omics and
imaging data » in collaboration with biological, bioinformatics and imaging
teams in Bordeaux, France.
The applicant should be highly motivated to develop mathematical and
statistical methods of concrete use in cancer biology and medicine. He/she
should hold a PhD in either computational biology, applied mathematics or
statistics and should be fluent in either python or Matlab. Remuneration: 2643€
(before tax)/month.
For more information, please visit:
from: Sher, Anna <>
date: Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 1:05 PM
subject: Postdoctoral Fellowship Position at Pfizer WRD, Cambridge, MA
Application call for a postdoctoral fellowship position at Pfizer, Cambridge,
Postdoctoral Fellow, Systems Modeling The Quantitative Systems Pharmacology
(QSP) Lab in Pfizer’s Internal Medicine Research Unit (IMRU) is responsible for
developing insights to help advance IMRU clinical candidates; identifying and
evaluating promising new therapeutic targets through physiologically-based
modeling and simulation; and analysis and interpretation of preclinical and
clinical data.  We seek a highly motivated postdoctoral candidate to develop
and analyze mechanistic, mathematical models of cardiac and skeletal muscle
mitochondria metabolism to enable the in silico testing of mechanistic
hypotheses of metabolic inflexibility with the ultimate goal of improving the
identification and evaluation of therapeutic targets for heart failure (HF) and
type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Please visit the following link for more information:
Starting date: March 2018 (negotiable)
If interested, please apply via the above link or contact
from: Henry Warchall <>
date: Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 4:45 PM
subject: Appointment of Dr. Juan Meza as Division Director, DMS
We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Juan Meza as Division
Director for the NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) effective February
20, 2018.
Dr. Meza joins the NSF from the University of California, Merced where he
served most recently as the Dean of Natural Sciences.  Dr. Meza’s distinguished
career spans more than 30 years, with leadership and management experiences
working in academia, national laboratories, and industry.  He served as
Department Head and Senior Scientist of High Performance Computing Research at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and was a Distinguished Member of the
Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories.  Dr. Meza has also been a
member of the NSF Mathematical and Physical Sciences Advisory Committee and
multiple Committees of Visitors for DMS as well as a member of the NSF CISE
Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastructure.  He has also served on the board of
directors of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans
in the Sciences (SACNAS), the National Academies Board on Mathematical Sciences
and its Applications, and the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) Council, representing the Section on Mathematics.  Dr. Meza
holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering, and master’s
and doctoral degrees in computational and applied mathematics, from Rice
from: GRIMA Ramon <>
date: Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 11:26 AM
subject: Lecturer in Computational Biology at the University of Edinburgh
Lecturer in Computational Biology at the University of Edinburgh, UK (vacancy
ref: 042673)
We seek an excellent scientist and inspiring teacher who uses and develops
computational and modelling techniques to address key questions in biology. We
welcome applications from researchers in all areas of computational biology,
and we are particularly looking for those working in the following fields:
metabolism, such as the application of flux balance analysis and the analysis
and interpretation of data from metabolomics and fluxomics experiments;
multi-scale modelling of biological systems, including formal modelling
techniques and stochastic modelling; and data science approaches to biological
research, including the analysis of data from next generation sequencing.
Closing Date – 13th March 2018
Contact – Prof Peter Swain or Prof Guido Sanguinetti ( or
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with
registration number SC005336.
from: Henry Warchall <>
date: Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 5:18 PM
subject: NSF funding opportunity: BIGDATA, Critical Techniques, Technologies,…
Dear Colleagues,
An updated NSF program solicitation (NSF 18-539) is now available:
   Critical Techniques, Technologies, and Methodologies for
   Advancing Foundations and Applications of
   Big Data Sciences and Engineering (BIGDATA)
for details.
Full Proposal Window:  May 7, 2018 – May 14, 2018


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