October 31, 2018
- Ray Mejía (digest.ray@gmail.com)
Additional information about the Society for Mathematical Biology
may be found in the SMB Home Page, www.smb.org/.
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (BMB), the official journal
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Issue’s Topics:
Research School on PDEs in Mathematical Biology: Modelling & bAnalysis
Fifth International Comp & Math Population Dynamics Conf, May 19-24
Systems Biology Short Courses, UC Irvine, January to February 2019
BioBridge Clinic, UC Irvine
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (Computational & Systems Biology)
Postdoc Position: Digitalizing life at the cell-biomaterial interface
Tenure-track Faculty Positions, Ryerson University, Toronto
Two Tenure-track Assistant Professor Positions, Applied Math, VCU
Updated NSF funding opportunity: Algorithms for Threat Detection (ATD)
SMBnet Reminders
from: Painter, Kevin <K.Painter@hw.ac.uk>
date: Oct 25, 2018, 2:49 AM
subject: Research School on PDEs in Mathematical Biology: Modelling & bAnalysis
Applications are invited to attend the LMS Research School on “PDEs in
Mathematical Biology: Modelling and Analysis”
The school will run from 29th April to 3rd May 2019 and will be held at the
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Edinburgh. For
preliminary details of the lecturers, speakers and programme, please visit
The school will be supported by the London Mathematical Society, Clay
Mathematics Institute (CMI) and Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis
and its Applications (MIGSAA). There will be some funding to support local
accommodation and travel costs. For details of the application/funding process,
please visit the above website.
The deadline for applications is 31st January 2019.
For informal enquiries, please contact Mariya Ptashnyk (m.ptashnyk@hw.ac.uk) or
Kevin Painter (K.Painter@hw.ac.uk)
from: Necibe Tuncer <ntuncer@fau.edu>
date: Oct 24, 2018, 10:57 AM
subject: Fifth International Comp & Math Population Dynamics Conf, May 19-24
Announcement: Fifth International Computational and Mathematical Population
Dynamics Conference, May 19-24
Please visit the website of the conference for full information about the
CMPD5 website www.math.fau.edu/cmpd5
The website is now open for mini-symposium proposal submissions (deadline
November 16, 2018), and for contributed talks.
from: German Enciso <enciso@uci.edu>
date: Oct 28, 2018, 3:54 PM
subject: Systems Biology Short Courses, UC Irvine, January to February 2019
The Center for Complex Biological Systems at the University of California,
Irvine is excited to announce two NIH-funded “short courses” in Systems
1) Systems Biology: Foundation for Interdisciplinary Careers
2) Cancer Systems Biology
These are three-week, on-site, intensive lecture- and laboratory-based courses
intended for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, junior and senior
faculty, and industry scientists. Training will be provided by UCI faculty and
invited outside experts. Both courses will be held from January 21st-Feburary
8th, 2019, on the UCI Campus in beautiful Southern California.
The courses have been designed to serve both individuals from quantitative and
computational disciplines who wish to apply their training to biology, as well
as individuals from biological and biomedical science who wish to move their
research in more quantitative and computational directions. The courses are
supported by NIH grants and other sources that provide financial support for
course activities and a portion of trainee expenses. Diverse, minority and
disabled applicants are especially encouraged to apply, and are eligible for
additional financial support.
We hope you will consider attending one of these two courses, or would be
willing to share this email with individuals you think might be interested.
Detailed information about both courses can be found on the Center for Complex
Biological Systems home page (ccbs.uci.edu). In addition, please feel
free to contact any one of us if you have any specific questions.
German Enciso (enciso@uci.edu)
Arthur Lander (adlander@uci.edu)
Co-directors, Systems Biology: Foundation for Interdisciplinary
John Lowengrub (jlowengr@uci.edu)
Marian Waterman (marian.waterman@uci.edu)
Co-directors, Cancer Systems Biology
Sohail Jahid (sjahid@uci.edu)
Academic Coordinator, Center for Complex Biological Systems
from: German Enciso <enciso@uci.edu>
date: Oct 28, 2018, 4:01 PM
subject: BioBridge Clinic, UC Irvine
The NSF-Simons Center for Multiscale Cell Fate (CMCF) will have a one-week
BioBridge Clinic in conjunction with the Systems Biology Short Course at UCI.
The BioBridge clinic will provide an accessible entry point for mathematical
scientists who wish to receive an introduction to biological theory and
practice. It will include hands-on experiments as well as introductory lectures
in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology, providing exposure to a
range of experimental model systems. The BioBridge Clinic is open only to PhD
students and postdoctoral fellows.
The first BioBridge Clinic will take place the week of January 20, 2019. There
will be a $400 registration fee for the one-week Clinic, which will include
breakfast and lunch. Four Clinic fellowships, with each up to $900, will be
provided to successful applicants. The deadline to submit an application is
November 30, 2018. Please submit your applications online at
cellfate.uci.edu. For questions, please contact cellfate@uci.edu.
from: Pan-Jun Kim <panjunkim@hkbu.edu.hk> date: Oct 24, 2018, 11:36 AM
subject: Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (Computational & Systems Biology)
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (Computational & Systems Biology)
Deadline: December 1, 2018 at 12:00 noon Hong Kong Time
The research group led by Dr. Pan-Jun Kim (Department of Biology) at Hong Kong
Baptist University invites candidates in the area of computational & systems
biology from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, with strong mathematical
talents, evidence of academic excellence, evidence of research ability and
potential, and good communication and leadership abilities to apply for
full-time PhD study under the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS). HKPFS is
established by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) with an aim to
attract the best and brightest students from all over the world to pursue their
PhD studies in Hong Kong.
The details of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme are provided in the
following website:
Pan-Jun Kim’s group is undertaking cutting-edge research with predictive
computational modeling and large-scale data analysis, which will lead to
breakthroughs in our understanding of collective dynamics of biological systems
and its medical applications. Recent experimental technologies have generated
enormous amount of biological data at various scales. Computational
methodologies developed in mathematics, physics, computer science, and
engineering enable modeling and analyses of complex biological processes. In
Pan-Jun Kim’s research group, the specific areas of interest include global
microbial ecosystems inside human body and their medical implications, and
various metabolic, regulatory, and signaling networks inside/between cells and
their emergent functional outcomes. More information can be found from
To apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, please follow the
instructions at
The application deadline is December 1, 2018 at 12:00 noon Hong Kong Time.
from: Carlier, Aurélie (MERLN) <a.carlier@maastrichtuniversity.nl>
date: Oct 24, 2018, 12:40 PM
subject: Postdoc Position: Digitalizing life at the cell-biomaterial interface
from: Silvana Ilie <silvana@ryerson.ca>
date: Oct 26, 2018, 9:51 PM
subject: Tenure-track Faculty Positions, Ryerson University, Toronto
The Department of Mathematics in the Faculty of Science at Ryerson University
(www.math.ryerson.ca/) invites applications for several full-time
tenure-track positions at the Assistant Professor level, commencing on July 1,
Each position opening has a different application link:
1) Applied Statistics www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/12956
2) Mathematical Biology www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/12965
3) Discrete Mathematics www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/12958
Review of applications will begin December 1, 2018, and will continue until the
positions are filled.
from: Cheng Ly <cly@vcu.edu>
date: Oct 27, 2018, 8:01 AM
subject: Two Tenure-track Assistant Professor Positions, Applied Math, VCU
Please see the following link:
For the Applied Mathematics positions, preference will be given to candidates
with a clearly defined research agenda and expertise in interdisciplinary
research with an emphasis in one or more of the following fields: deterministic
and/or stochastic dynamical systems, multiscale modeling, complex networks
and/or systems, uncertainty quantification, shape and image analysis, and
parameter identification.
from: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
date: Oct 24, 2018, 5:07 PM
subject: Updated NSF funding opportunity: Algorithms for Threat Detection (ATD)
Dear Colleagues,
An updated NSF program solicitation (NSF 19-504) is now available:
Algorithms for Threat Detection (ATD)
Please see
for details.
Full Proposal Deadline Date: February 19, 2019
subject: SMBnet Reminders
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