April 26, 2018
- Alex Fletcher (digest.alex@gmail.com)
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may be found in the SMB Home Page, www.smb.org/.
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of SMB, at www.springer.com/11538.
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Places still available: Infectious Disease Modelling, 18-29 Jun, London
Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School, Jul 25-29, Tuscany
Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology, Jun 11-14, UConn Health
PhD Positions: Behaviour modelling, Newcastle University
PhD Position: Modeling Infectious Diseases, Frankfurt
Postdoc & PhD Position: Crowded transport, Vienna
Postdoc: Modelling infection and immunity, UNSW Sydney
Lecturer (assistant professor), University of Reading
Associate Professor, Politecnico di Torino
Sedleian Professorship, University of Oxford
SMBnet Reminders
From: Rebecca Segal <rasegal@vcu.edu>
Date: Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 5:08 AM
Subject: Reg. Deadline: BAMM! Conference, May 30-Jun 1, Richmond, VA
The conference registration is April 30th at
This Mathematical Biology conference will be held at Virginia
Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA from Wednesday, May 30 to
Friday, June 1, 2018. The conference will consist of plenary talks,
break-out sessions, and a poster session.
Confirmed plenary speakers:
* Gerda de Vries, University of Alberta
* Trachette Jackson, University of Michigan
* John Tyson, Virginia Tech
* Sebastian Schreiber, University of California, Davis
Organizing Committee:
David Chan, Laura Ellwein Fix, Cheng Ly, Reed Ogrosky, Angela
Reynolds, Suzanne Robertson, and Rebecca Segal
From: Emilia Vynnycky <Emilia.Vynnycky@phe.gov.uk>
Date: Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 6:57 PM
Subject: Places still available: Infectious Disease Modelling, 18-29 Jun, London
Places are still available for the infectious disease modelling course
held at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
2 week intensive course on:
organized jointly between the London School of Hygiene & Tropical
Medicine and Public Health England
Venue: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Course dates: 18th -29th June 2018
Cost: £2,490
Further details about the course content and an application form are
available at:
or contact one of the course organizers:
Emilia Vynnycky or Richard White (e-mail: emilia.vynnycky@lshtm.ac.uk
or emilia.vynnycky@phe.gov.uk or richard.white@lshtm.ac.uk) or the
LSHTM Registry (email: shortcourses@lshtm.ac.uk )
From: Giuseppe Nicosia <nicosia@dmi.unict.it>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2018 08:10:21 +0100
Subject: Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School, Jul 25-29, Tuscany
5th International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School
July 25-29, 2018 – Certosa di Pontignano – Siena – Tuscany – Italy
Application: April 30
Oral Presentation/Poster Submission: April 30
Notification of Decision for Oral/Poster Presentation: June 1
* PATRICK YIZHI CAI, University of Manchester, UK
* RITA CASADIO, University of Bologna, Italy
* BARBARA DI VENTURA, University of Freiburg, Germany
* JOHN GLASS, J. Craig Venter Institute, USA
* MANUELA HELMER CITTERICH, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
* PHILIPP HOLLIGER, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
* DAGMAR IBER, SIB & ETH Zurich, Switzerland
* JONATHAN KARR Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
* JENS NIELSEN, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
* LAURA RIVA, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK
* KELLY V. RUGGLES, Department of Medicine, New York University, USA
* PAMELA SILVER, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA
* HARRIS WANG, Columbia University, USA
* LUCA ZAMMATARO, Yale University, USA
* Barbara Di Camillo, University of Padova, Italy
* Cristina Di Primio, Scuola Normale Superiore
* Simone Furini, University of Siena, Italy
* Emanuele Domenico Giordano, University of Bologna, Italy
* Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro, Imperial College London, UK
* Simonetta Lisi, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy
* Laura Marchetti, Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
* Velia Siciliano, Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
For more details and to register, visit:
From: VCell.org <frm@UCHC.EDU>
Re-sent: Raymond Mejía <digest.ray@gmail.com>
Date: Friday, April 20, 2018 1:38 PM
Subject: Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology, Jun 11-14, UConn Health
Dear Virtual Cell and COPASI users (or future users),
The Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology will take place June
11-14. This year, we have expanded to 4 days to allow participants to
explore both VCell and COPASI as tools for modeling your cell
biological systems.
Applications, due in 2 week on April 30, consist of a 1-2 page
proposal explaining how you feel VCell and/or COPASI will help your
research project. There is no registration fee, but attendance will be
limited to no more than 12 participants. For more details see
We are also pleased to announce the release of VCell 7.0. Main New
* Reaction-diffusion in moving cells
* COMSOL Multiphysics support
* Run 50 simultaneous sims
* Reusable software modules to support collaboration
* Cloud hosted development (GitHub, Travis-CI, DockerHub).
The VCell Team
From: Joao Filipe <Joao.Filipe@newcastle.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 6:09 PM
Subject: PhD Positions: Behaviour modelling, Newcastle University
4-year PhD studentships in Behaviour Informatics and the multimodal
study of behaviour
Are you interested in developing novel approaches to understanding,
predicting or changing behaviour?
Newcastle University is offering five, 4-year PhD studentships in the
field of behaviour informatics. Behaviour informatics brings together
the study of behaviour in all its guises, from economics to psychology
and from behavioural ecology to animal welfare, with new methods from
computational science and engineering to address challenging questions
in human and/or animal behaviour.
We want to attract students with backgrounds relevant to either
behaviour (life, social sciences and economics) or informatics
(computing science, engineering and mathematics) who are keen to
expand their skills and pursue research at the intersection of these
Students recruited in 2018 will form the first cohort of an integrated
programme funded by the Leverhulme Trust to develop training in
behavioural informatics at Newcastle. In the first year, all students
will conduct three taster projects that will give them the opportunity
to choose and develop their final PhD project. All students will work
with two supervisors, one from each discipline.
The four-year program is designed to allow time for the upskill
training necessary for successful inter-disciplinary research.
For further information please visit: www.behaviourinformatics.org.uk
Deadline for applications is soon.
From: Esteban Vargas <vargas@fias.uni-frankfurt.de>
Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 12:49 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Modeling Infectious Diseases, Frankfurt
The group of Systems Medicine (systemsmedicine.de) invites
applications for a full-time PhD position. The successful candidate
will receive a scholarship for 3 years.
Major duties:
* Develop mathematical models describing diseases using deterministic
and stochastic models.
* Analyze clinical and experimental data from collaborators using
machine learning and bioinformatics approaches.
* Publish research findings in scientific journals and present them
at major scientific meetings.
* A MSc degree in a quantitatively-oriented field, such as
engineering, computer science or applied mathematics.
* Excellent command of English.
* Knowledge in analytical and quantitative methods.
* Experience in MATLAB, R, or Python and LaTex.
Please send questions or your application with a motivation letter,
outlining your interest in a PhD position, along with your curriculum
vitae which should include the names and contact details of three
referees, to vargas@fias.uni-frankfurt.de
Positions are open until filled. The planned start date is in
September/October 2018 but can be negotiated.
From: Marie-Therese Wolfram <m.wolfram@warwick.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 8:09 PM
Subject: Postdoc & PhD Position: Crowded transport, Vienna
Postdoc position in the New Frontiers Group on ‘Multiscale modeling
and simulation of crowded transport in the life and social sciences’
The New Frontiers Group on ‘Mathematical modeling and simulation of
crowded transport in the life and social sciences’ at the Johann Radon
Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM,
www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/ ) is seeking for a PostDoc with a strong
background in applied partial differential equations. The successful
candidate will join the team of Dr. Marie-Therese Wolfram in Vienna,
which is working on analytic and computational aspects of crowded
transport. The research focus will be adjusted to the candidates’
interests and should include collaborative projects within the working
For more details, see:
PhD position in the New Frontiers Group on ‘Mathematical modeling and
simulation of crowded transport in the life and social sciences’
A PhD position is available at the Johann Radon Institute for
Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM,
www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/ ) within the New Frontiers Group on
“Multi-scale modeling and simulation of crowded transport in the life
and social sciences”. The applicant will work with Dr. Marie-Therese
Wolfram in the NFG research group, which started in the beginning of
The PhD project focuses on the development of mathematical models for
pedestrian dynamics. A main focus will lie on the analysis of the
derived partial differential equations, in particular the existence
and long time behavior of solutions. The PhD researcher will work in
collaboration with applied mathematicians, engineers and social
scientists. The NFG is a young research team, which focuses on various
aspects of crowded transport such as mathematical modeling, analysis
of partial differential equations and scientific computing. The PhD
position offers excellent opportunities to work in a lively research
environment and collaborate with international experts in the field of
applied mathematics as well as transportation research.
For more details, see:
From: Miles Davenport <mdavenport@kirby.unsw.edu.au>
Date: Saturday, 21 April 2018 at 8:05 am
Subject: Postdoc: Modelling infection and immunity, UNSW Sydney
The infection Analytics team at UNSW Sydney is seeking a post-doc /
research fellow in mathematical biology, to model infection dynamics
in HIV.
The Infection Analytics Program at the Kirby Institute is an
interdisciplinary team including applied mathematicians, physicists,
and computer scientists, who collaborate widely with around 30
experimental groups around the world to model within-host and
epidemiological aspects of infection and immunity. The group has a
high publication output and a strong history in successful
interdisciplinary training. It is an ideal venue for students with a
quantitative background (mathematics / physics / statistics) aiming to
establish themselves in mathematical biology.
More information on the group’s work can be found at:
For more details, visit www.jobs.unsw.edu.au/ and search for
position #61612.
Applications close: 27 April 2018
From: Marcus Tindall <m.tindall@reading.ac.uk> via livereadingac.onmicrosoft.com
Date: Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 1:23 PM
Subject: Lecturer (assistant professor), University of Reading
A lecturer (assistant professor) position is available at the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Reading,
UK. The position is in general applied mathematics however
applications from Mathematical Biology are particularly welcome. The
closing date for applications is 21/05/2018.
Further details about this position are available at:
From: Luigi Preziosi <prezziosi@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 1:36 PM
Subject: Associate Professor, Politecnico di Torino
Call for Expression of Interest
The Department of Mathematical Sciences of the Politecnico di Torino
(DISMA) opens a call for expression of interest for a tenured
Associate Professor position in the field of discrete or computational
mathematics. The position is supported by a research grant obtained by
DISMA as Dipartimento di Eccellenza 2018-2022.
The topics of the project include
T1. Resilient control for network systems
T2. Nested mathematical models in biomedicine
T3. Numerical methods for models with high geometric complexity
T4. Approximation and statistical inference in random reaction (and
interaction) networks
Full details and contacts can be found at
From: Philip Maini <Philip.Maini@maths.ox.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 10:52 AM
Subject: Sedleian Professorship, University of Oxford
Please find here the advertisement for the Sedleian Professorship at
The Sedleian Professorship of Natural Philosophy (Applied Mathematics)
is one of the most senior positions in Oxford’s Mathematical Institute
and is a cornerstone of Oxford’s commitment to research in applied
mathematics. The successful candidate will engage in original research
of the highest calibre in any field of applied mathematics, will teach
at undergraduate and graduate level and will provide research
leadership in applied mathematics and contribute to leadership and
research strategy in the Mathematical Institute more broadly.
The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Monday 18 June
Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and
minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic
posts in Oxford.
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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After you subscribe, you will receive a greeting with additional
Submissions to appear in the SMB Digest may be sent to
Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive. See instructions at:
Recent editions of SMB Digest are available on the SMB Home Page at
www.smb.org/digest/, while older editions are available at