March 22, 2018
- Alex Fletcher (digest.alex@gmail.com)
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may be found in the SMB Home Page, www.smb.org/.
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (BMB), the official journal
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SMB Education Subgroup news
Workshop on Antibiotic Resistance, Fields Institute, May 14
Simula Summer School in Computational Physiology, Oslo, June 18-29
Workshop on Evolutionary Game Theory, Turin, July 16-19
Workshop “Mathematics for BioMedicine”, Rome, Oct 8-11
Conf: Frontiers of Mathematical Biology…, Orlando, May 2-4
PhD Position: Antimicrobial resistance, St Andrews
PhD positions: Life Sciences…, Muenster
Postdoc: Stochastic Modeling of Genetic Circuits, U. Delaware
Postdoc: Infectious disease modeling, North Carolina State U
Postdocs: Numerical PDE/Mathbio/Data Science, Michigan State U
Faculty positions: Statistics / Computational Biology, Howard
Lecturer in Mathematics, Swansea University
SMBnet Reminders
From: Ye, Ping <Ping.Ye@sdstate.edu>
Date: Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 12:30 PM
Subject: Nominations for Society for Mathematical Biology Prizes
The Society of Mathematical Biology is now accepting nominations for
the Society prizes through March 31st, 2018. The details of the prizes
are located at the website: www.smb.org/society-prizes/.
Society members are encouraged to nominate candidates by submitting
the required materials in PDF format to the Society Secretary Dr.
Ping Ye (E-mail: ping.ye@sdstate.edu). The nominator must submit:
* Contact information for the nominators and nominee,
* A letter (no more than 4 pages) describing the nominee’s
qualifications and commenting on the nominee’s scientific
contributions for the society award,
* The nominee’s curriculum vitae, including all publications, and
* Two supporting letters.
Only SMB members in good standing are eligible to nominate and receive
Get someone to nominate you or you can self nominate!
From: Carrie Eaton <CEaton@unity.edu>
Date: Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 1:33 PM
Subject: SMB Education Subgroup news
Attention SMB Education Subgroup members!
The SMB Education subgroup has an exciting line-up for the Annual
Meeting. While details will be on the website soon, please mark the
last day of the conference, July 12th, for an exciting day filled with
education events, including a 6-speaker minisymposium, an Education
subgroup luncheon, and a panel on Assessment of Interdisciplinary
About the Education subgroup: The Education Subgroup of SMB is
comprised of members who desire to improve the teaching and mentoring
of future scientists, and in particular undergraduate and graduate
mathematical and computational biology researchers. As new research
frontiers emerge, our members seek to understand the best practices
to help future researchers of biological questions be successful in
this space. Content areas include, but are not limited to the teaching
and learning of modeling, computing, data science, and quantitative
reasoning. Challenge spaces include, but are not limited to designing
learning experiences across disciplines, defining and assessing
outcomes for new interdisciplinary and technological spaces,
integrating data with mathematical modeling, educational outreach
initiatives, and providing an inclusive and diverse environment for
learning and for the profession.
Carrie Diaz Eaton, Chair SMB Education Subgroup
From: Sara Jabbari (School of Mathematics) <S.Jabbari@bham.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 11:56 AM
Subject: Workshop on Antibiotic Resistance, Fields Institute, May 14
We’re pleased to announce that registration is open for a one-day
interdisciplinary workshop on The Role of Mathematics in Combatting
Antibiotic Resistance and Developing Novel Antibacterials at the
Fields Institute in Toronto, Canada, 14th May 2018.
We have a fantastic list of invited speakers from academia and
industry, some travel support for early career researchers, and spaces
for contributed talks and posters (please submit abstracts to be
considered by 14th April).
Places are limited, so if you’d like to join us please sign up as soon
as possible. More information and registration details can be found here:
Our invited speakers are:
Michelle Baker (University of Nottingham)
Anushree Chatterjee (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Jason Crain (IBM Research)
Vernita Gordon (University of Texas at Austin)
Jan-Ulrich Kreft (University of Birmingham)
Bruce Levin (Emory University)
Paul Roberts (University of Birmingham)
Workshop organisers:
Hermann Eberl (University of Guelph, Canada)
Sara Jabbari (School of Mathematics and Institute of Microbiology &
Infection, University of Birmingham, UK)
Anne-Marie Krachler (University of Texas Health Science Center,
Houston, USA)
From: Rachel Thomas <rachel@simula.no>
Date: Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 2:00 AM
Subject: Simula Summer School in Computational Physiology, Oslo, June 18-29
2018 Simula Summer School in Computational Physiology is now open for
Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway, June 18-29
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA, August 9-17
Travel grants are available through Simula.
In conjunction with the University of California San Diego, Simula
Research Laboratory is pleased to announce the 5th edition of our
annual Summer School in Computational Physiology. This school focuses
on multiscale modelling of electrophysiology and mechanics of the
heart, and related material in computational neurophysiology and
We are currently seeking master’s and early doctoral students to
participate, and will accept applications until March 15th, 2017. The
initial series of lectures will be hosted by Simula Research
Laboratory in Oslo, Norway (June 18th-29th), followed by project work,
a workshop in scientific presentation skills, and final student
presentations hosted by the University of California San Diego from
August 9th-17th. The travel and accommodation expenses for successful
applicants will be supported by grants from Simula designed to cover
these costs.
Details regarding logistics, core scientific material, and the
application process can be found through our online call for
participation: www.simula.no/sscp
Scientific content: Dr. Andy Edwards (andy@simula.no)
General inquiries: Dr. Rachel Thomas (rachel@simula.no)
From: Broom, Mark <Mark.Broom.1@city.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 12:58 PM
Subject: Workshop on Evolutionary Game Theory, Turin, July 16-19
Workshop Announcement:
Conflict, Competition, Cooperation and Complexity: Using Evolutionary
Game Theory to model realistic populations, July 16-19, 2018 at the
University of Torino.
This is the third workshop of the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme FourCmodelling (No 690817) under
the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement. The workshop will consist
of talks, discussion, and break out sessions that focus on the
following aspects of evolutionary game theory:
1. Multiplayer games in structured populations
2. Complex foraging games and time constraints
3. Modelling pandemics as complex systems
4. Modelling cancer as a complex adaptive system
This event is open to researchers whose areas of expertise complement
these themes. A limited number of positions is reserved for PhD
students and junior researchers working/interested in evolutionary
game theory and their applications within the scope of this project.
The workshop fee is £250 and the reduced fee is £125 including lunch
and coffee/tea during the day.
If you want to be a part of this exciting event, send a short
motivation e-mail (indicating whether you want to present a talk/
poster) to Mark Broom at Mark.Broom.1@city.ac.uk not later than April
30, 2018. Selected candidates will be notified shortly after.
Maria Luisa Sapino and Mark Broom (workshop organisers)
From: Luigi Preziosi <prezziosi@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 3:03 AM
Subject: Workshop “Mathematics for BioMedicine”, Rome, Oct 8-11
It is our pleasure to announce the organization of a multidisciplinary
workshop on “Mathematics for BioMedicine” in the framework of the EMS
Year of Mathematical Biology. It will be held in Rome on October 8-11,
2018 and hosted by the Accademia dei Lincei and the CNR.
Half-day sessions will be held on the following topics:
* Immunology
* Cardiovascular diseases
* Neurology and aging diseases
* Oncology
* Epidemiology
* Endocrinology
* Stem cells and tissue regeneration
More information will be posted at:
Looking forward to meeting you
Best regards
The organising committee
A. Fasano, R. Natalini, L. Preziosi, T. Ruggeri, A. Tesei
From: Andrew Nevai <math.anevai@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 1:12 PM
Subject: Conf: Frontiers of Mathematical Biology…, Orlando, May 2-4
We are delighted to announce that a conference “Frontiers of
Mathematical Biology: Modeling, Analysis and Computation” will be held
on May 2-4, 2018 at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL,
United States. The theme of the conference is on the modeling,
computation and analysis of various biological phenomena. Conference
topics include cancer modeling and computation, pattern formation and
neurosciences, mathematical ecology and epidemiology, and other
related fields.
The confirmed plenary speakers are Peter Bates (Michigan State
University), Qiang Du (Columbia University), Bard Ermentrout
(University of Pittsburgh), Robert Gatenby (Moffitt Cancer Center),
Weiming Ni (University of Minnesota), and Jianhong Wu (York
University, Canada). We have also confirmed a number of invited
speakers to give 30-minute talks in parallel sessions on three
different days. Contributed talks and poster presentations are also
Detailed information regarding conference registration, financial
support, accommodation and travel can be found at the conference
website: sciences.ucf.edu/math/mathbio
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We hope to see you in Orlando this May!
Andrew Nevai, math.anevai@gmail.com
Yuanwei Qi (chair), yuanwei.qi@ucf.edu
Zhisheng Shuai, shuai@ucf.edu
From: Ruth Bowness <rec9@st-andrews.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 2:02 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Antimicrobial resistance, St Andrews
Developing an individual-based mathematical model to study antibiotic
resistant bacteria in urinary tract infections
For more details, see here:
Applicants must be a UK national or have permanent leave to remain in
the UK.
From: Martin Wild <cedad@uni-muenster.de>
Date: Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 3:29 PM
Subject: PhD positions: Life Sciences…, Muenster
16 PhD Positions in Life Sciences, Mathematical Modelling and Image
The joint graduate program of the Excellence Cluster Cells in Motion
(CiM) and the International Max Planck Research School – Molecular
Biomedicine (IMPRS-MBM) offers positions to pursue PhD projects in the
areas of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics or computer science.
We are looking for young scientists with a vivid interest in
interdisciplinary projects to image cell dynamics from the subcellular
to the patient level. PhD projects range from the analysis of basic
cellular processes to clinical translation, from the application of
novel biophysical approaches and the generation of mathematical models
to the development of new imaging-related techniques and compounds.
Research areas:
Cell and Molecular Biology * Developmental and Stem Cell Biology *
Vascular Biology * Immunology * Microbiology * Neurobiology * In vivo
Imaging * High Resolution Optical Imaging * Biophysics * Chemical
Biology * Label Chemistry * Mathematical Modelling
and more.
For online application and further information go to www.cim-imprs.de.
SMB announcement CiM-IMPRS Muenster-Germany(1)
From: Abhyudai Singh <absingh@udel.edu>
Date: Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 10:44 AM
Subject: Postdoc: Stochastic Modeling of Genetic Circuits, U. Delaware
Prof. Abhyudai Singh’s laboratory at the University of Delaware is
seeking a postdoctoral scholar (2-3 years) for modeling, analysis, and
inference of gene regulatory circuits at the single cell level. In
close collaboration with experimental researchers, the Singh lab is
studying stochastic dynamics of genetic circuits in the context of
diverse biological and medical problems. These problems include but
are not limited to cell size homeostasis, cancer drug-resistance, HIV
latency, lysis timing of bacteriophages, developmental systems and
synthetic biology. The postdoc will have flexibility in choosing the
research project, which can be further tailored to the interests of
the individual. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Engineering,
Math, Physics or Biology, a strong mathematical foundation in
stochastic processes, dynamical systems, control theory, excellent
communication skills, and a proven record of independent research.
Past experience in biomodeling, and a basic knowledge of cellular
biology is preferred, but not required for this position.
The postdoctoral position provides a competitive annual salary plus
benefits and health insurance. The start date is negotiable and
applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Highly motivated
applicants are encouraged to email a statement of research interests,
CV, and contact details for three references to absingh(at)udel.edu.
Please see our website for further info: udel.edu/~absingh
From: Gustavo Machado <gmachad@ncsu.edu>
Date: Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 1:42 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Infectious disease modeling, North Carolina State U
One postdoctoral associate position on infectious disease modeling is
available in the Gustavo group (Department of Population Health and
Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State
University). Applicants with a background in epidemiology or spatial
epidemiology or disease ecology, or machine learning applied to
infectious diseases are highly encouraged to apply.
For more details, see here:
From: Guowei Wei <email4wei@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 11:49 AM
Subject: Postdocs: Numerical PDE/Mathbio/Data Science, Michigan State U
One or two postdoc positions are available in one of following fields:
-Mathematical biology
-Topological data analysis
-Numerical PDEs
-Machine learning/deep learning
The ideal candidate will hold a Ph.D. degree in computational
mathematics, or computer science, or computational biophysics, or
bioinformatics, have extensive experience in code development and have
demonstrated the potential for excellence in research. Applications
consisting of a letter of application, current vita, and descriptions
of research plans and teaching experience should be submitted via
www.mathjobs.org/jobs (Michigan State University). In addition,
candidates should arrange for at least three letters of
recommendations, which may be submitted on the same website. To
receive full consideration the complete application must be received
by April 20, 2018, but applications will be accepted until the
position is filled. Please send an email to wei@math.msu.edu to
acknowledge your application.
From: Yakubu, Abdul-Aziz <ayakubu@howard.edu>
Date: Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 10:58 AM
Subject: Faculty positions: Statistics / Computational Biology, Howard
The Department of Mathematics in the College of Arts and Sciences at
Howard University invites applications for two tenure-track positions
at the rank of Assistant Professor, one with research interests in the
area of Statistics and the other in Computational Math Biology.
For more details, see here:
From: Powathil G.G. <g.g.powathil@swansea.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 2:24 PM
Subject: Lecturer in Mathematics, Swansea University
Lecturer in Mathematics (Enhanced Research)
Swansea University – Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics at Swansea University is seeking up to
two Lecturers in Mathematics and would welcome applications from early
career academics who consider that they have the potential to play a
significant role in the future development of the discipline.
The Department is looking for candidates with a strong background in
Mathematics, performing very high profile international research
driven by a robust impact agenda in Mathematics with applications to,
e.g., any domain of Science, Medicine, Engineering or Finance.
Examples include (but are not limited to) Biomathematics, Monte Carlo
Methods and Applications, Topological Data Analysis. One post will be
reserved for applicants with a solid track record of research in
Biomathematics and research interests that are aligned to, complement
and extend those of the Centre for Biomathematics at Swansea
University, which has a broad compass ranging over mathematical/
computational biology, medicine, ecology, and pharmacology.
Applicants will find full job details together with the online
application link:
Informal enquiries are welcome and should be directed to Prof. Biagio
Lucini, Head of the Department of Mathematics (tel. +44(0)1792602284,
e-mail b.lucini@swansea.ac.uk) or Dr Elaine Crooks, Co-Director of the
Centre for Biomathematics (tel. +44(0)1792602387, e-mail
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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and complete the subscription information. Alternatively, if you prefer
to simply receive notice when the next issue is available, send mail to
LISTSERV@listserv.biu.ac.il with “subscribe SMBnet Your Name”
in the body of the mail (omit the quotes and include your name).
After you subscribe, you will receive a greeting with additional
Submissions to appear in the SMB Digest may be sent to
Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive. See instructions at:
Recent editions of SMB Digest are available on the SMB Home Page at
www.smb.org/digest/, while older editions are available at