Guidelines for SMB Financial Support for Travel to Meetings
Other than the SMB Annual Meeting (revised July 2002)
submitted by Lisa Sattenspiel
Guidelines for support of SMB members for travel to meetings other than
our annual meeting were revised at the last board meeting (July 2002). The
following guidelines have been approved by the board of directors:
- Applicants must already be members of the SMB at the time funds are requested.
Equal opportunity will be afforded all members with no discrimination on the basis
of gender, race, age, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic background, or
religious belief.
- Either the applicant or the applicant’s referee must have been a member
of the SMB for at least a year preceding the time of application.
- Preference will be given to junior scientists (students, post-docs, and
non-tenured junior faculty) who do not have sufficient travel funds from other
sources, such as grants. Senior scientists with insufficient travel funds may
also be supported, but with lower priority.
- Applicants must be active participants in the meeting for which funds are
requested (i.e., must be giving a paper or poster or attending a relevant course).
- Funding will normally consist of no more than $500 US of support per request.
- Priority will be given to individuals who have not received a travel grant
from the SMB within the last five years.
- Deadlines for funding requests will be March 15, July 15, and November 15
of each year, with decisions to be made within the two months following.
Application materials to be submitted:
- A letter stating when and where the meeting will be held and how the proposed
meeting will contribute to the applicant’s research. Indicate applicant’s
professional status (i.e., undergraduate student, Master’s student, PhD student,
post-doc, etc.) as well.
- A copy of an abstract for a proposed talk or poster. If no abstract is available,
indicate more specifically what will be done at the meeting and why attendance is
important for future career goals.
- A copy of the applicant’s C.V.
- A statement of expected travel expenses, indicating the amount of funding received
or requested from other sources.
- A letter of recommendation from applicant’s supervisor (if a student or post-doc)
or colleague, including verification of applicant’s professional status and need to
attend the meeting for which funds are requested
Send application materials to:
Lisa Sattenspiel
Department of Anthropology
107 Swallow Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211 USA
Fax: (573) 884-5450
Note: If applying after August 2003, please check website or newsletter for any
changes in submission details.