NSF has announced the following opportunity for postdoctoral training that connects the Mathematical and Physical Sciences with the Biological Sciences. This program is particularly seeking candidates with training in one of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences who are interested in further training to work on problems in the biological sciences.
"The Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) and the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) have established a formal partnership for the support of research that crosses the disciplinary boundaries between the mathematical and physical sciences and biology. As part of this partnership, MPS and BIO are announcing joint sponsorship and expansion of the Postdoctoral Fellowships in Biological Informatics, now renamed Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Interdisciplinary Informatics. These fellowships provide opportunities for interdisciplinary research and educational activities in biology and informatics to a wide range of recent doctoral recipients. The program is being expanded to include chemists, physicists, mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, and others who seek to conduct research on biological questions using informatics tools and methods."
The full text of the announcement, including application details, can be found at the URL: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/1998/nsf98162/nsf98162.htm Questions about the program can be addressed to either Carter Kimsey or Denise Caldwell