Annual Meeting Update

by Lou Gross

The web site with complete details of the 2002 Annual Meeting and International Conference on Mathematics and Biology is at and the abstract submission deadline for contributed posters/talks is April 30. The gathering will feature a wide variety of mini-symposia on topics of interest to mathematical biologists, and the Plenary Speakers are: Sally Blower, Lisa Fauci, Michael Miller, Roger Nisbet, Lee Segel, and Simon Tavaré. We expect (pending funding support) that financial assistance will be available, particularly for graduate students and young researchers.

A special opportunity is available for biologists without extensive quantitative training to attend a one-day short course in conjunction with the Conference. The topic is "Introduction to the Mathematics of Biological Complexity" and this will be held on the day prior to the start of the Conference. This short course is supported by funds from the National Institutes of Health and should be particularly beneficial to biologists, MDs, and other life science researchers and students who would like to establish collaborations with more quantitatively trained colleagues, or are pursuing these collaborations now. Mathematical biologists attending the Conference are encouraged to ask their biological science collaborators and students to apply for attendance at this Short Course. We expect that this will aid them in developing a common language to discuss research with you. Financial support is available for short course attendees.

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