World Outreach Committee Support Conditions

In order to apply for World Outreach Committee support we require the following conditions:

  1. A proposal containing a detailed description of the activity should be submitted to WOC-SMB through any of its members, signed by the organizers who should belong to Universities and Institutions where research on biomathematics is done. It is a requirement that matching funds from the Institution or Organization responsible for the workshop/meeting are provided in order for WOC to consider funding. WOC funds should be used exclusively for support of students/young researchers of the region where the event takes place.
  2. If the activity is supported formal acknowledgement must be given to the World Outreach Committee of the Society of Mathematical Biology for the funds provided.
  3. At the end of the workshop/meeting, not more than two months after, a report should be received by the acting chair of the WOC committee on the number of students/young researchers supported, names, institutions and academic degrees if any, specifying kind of support (travel and/or living expenses) provided with WOC funds.
  4. Any money not used should be returned to the Society in time and form to be specified if necessary.
  5. Our Society has a nondiscrimination guideline that must be accepted by the meeting organizers receiving WOC-SMB support. This is the following: "The SMB will support and fund only meetings and individuals' travel to meetings which do not prohibit participation at any level (e.g., organizer, presenter, attendee, etc.) on the basis of gender, race, age, nationality, ethnic background, religious belief or sexual orientation. Meeting organizers who request funding will be asked to sign a declaration to this effect."