Pre- and Post- Doctoral Positions at the Sloan Center, UCSF

The Sloan Center for Theoretical Neurobiology at UCSF solicits applications for pre- and post-doctoral fellowships, with the goal of bringing theoretical approaches to bear on neuroscience. Applicants should have a strong background and education in mathematics, theoretical or experimental physics, or computer science, and commitment to a future research career in neuroscience. Prior biological or neuroscience training is not required.

The Sloan Center offers opportunities to combine theoretical and experimental approaches to understanding the operation of the intact brain. Young scientists with strong theoretical backgrounds will receive scientific training in experimental approaches to understanding the operation of the intact brain. They will learn to integrate their theoretical abilities with these experimental approaches to form a mature research program in integrative neuroscience. The research undertaken by the trainees may be theoretical, experimental, or a combination.

To apply for a postdoctoral position, please send a curriculum vita, a statement of previous research and research goals, up to three relevant publications, and have two letters of recommendation sent to us. The application deadline is February 1, 2002.

Send applications to:

Sloan Center 2002 Admissions
Sloan Center for Theoretical Neurobiology at UCSF
Department of Physiology
University of California
513 Parnassus Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94143-0444

Pre-doctoral applicants with strong theoretical training may seek admission into the UCSF Neuroscience Graduate Program as a first-year student. Applicants seeking such admission must apply by Jan. 5, 2002 to be considered for fall, 2002 admission. Application materials for the UCSF Neuroscience Program may be obtained from
or from

Pat Vietch
Neuroscience Graduate Program
Department of Physiology
University of California San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143-0444

Be sure to include your surface-mail address.
The procedure is: make a normal application to the UCSF Neuroscience program; but also alert the Sloan Center of your application, by writing to

If you need more information: