2002 SMB Annual Meeting
We are pleased to announce that the Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology will be held at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville from 13-16 July 2002 in conjunction with an International Conference on Mathematics and Biology. The theme of the Conference is "Interdisciplinary Connections in Living Systems". The Scientific Committee for the Meeting includes Linda Allen, Warren Ewens, Leon Glass, Bryan Grenfell, Leah Keshet, Nancy Kopell, Simon Levin, Mark Lewis, George Oster and Dewitt Sumners. The local organizing committee includes Louis Gross (Chair), Sergey Gavrilets, Eunok Jung, Suzanne Lenhart, Vladimir Protopopescu and Ed Uberbacher. This meeting is hosted by the Division of Biology, the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The Institute for Environmental Modeling and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Tennessee and the Biological and Environmental Sciences Directorate and the Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
We expect (pending funding support) that the Conference will be preceded by a short course on the mathematics of biological complexity, designed for biologists. Suggestions for special mini-symposia for the Conference should be sent to Lou Gross by January 15, 2002. Deadlines for submission of abstracts for talks and posters will be March 31, 2002. We anticipate the availability of funding to provide partial financial support for attendance, particularly for graduate students. More information will become available on the web site.