Mathematics and Molecular Biology VII

January 5-10, 2002, Santa Fe

The Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology (PMMB) invites you to attend the conference:

Mathematics and Molecular Biology VII:
Modeling Across the Scales- Atoms to Organisms

January 5-10, 2002 at La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe, NM

PMMB actively promotes interdisciplinary education and research through sponsorship and organization of the international conference series "Mathematics And Molecular Biology", held periodically in Santa Fe. The upcoming meeting is the seventh in the series, and is supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Interfaces Program and the National Science Foundation. This meeting is intended to reach a broad multidisciplinary audience of students and researchers active at the interface between mathematics (broadly defined) and biology. One of the unique features of the meeting is an opening day of tutorials, which prepare the attendees for the lectures, with mathematical scientists introducing basic principles to biologists and biologists giving tutorials for the quantitative scientists. We are planning two sessions of special interest to students, focusing on issues of importance to students working at the interface between the computational sciences and biology. Students are especially welcome to attend and present posters on their work.

Meeting topics include:

Limited support is available for students and young faculty. For information and application forms, see our website