First Virtual Conference in Genomics and Bioinformatics
October 15 & 16, 2001
At World-Wide Access Grid Locations
Sequencing projects and genomics research has led to an explosive rate of data accumulation and to a shift in the way biological research is conducted. Bioinformatic tools of the post-genome era are providing new insights about gene expression patterns, intron/exon structure, post-translational changes and protein interactions as well as phylogenetic relationships. Parallel analysis of thousands of genes using microarray technology has become a multi-disciplinary endeavor in which unsupervised and supervised learning is applied for gene expression clustering and/or classification. Although genomic technologies offer an enormous scientific potential to understand organisms at the molecular level, new challenges on the horizon are envisioned. There is a need for improvement of microarray technology, data standardization, and tools for integration of multiple databases and data mining. Other necessary needs include the improvement of bioinformatic tools and statistical approaches for sequence analysis, gene annotation, categorization of protein families, protein-protein interactions, and phylogenetic studies.
The goal for the First Virtual Conference in Genomics and Bioinformatics is to increase the exchange of ideas and establish new ways of interaction and collaboration among scientists around the world.
For the 2001 Virtual Conference, topics include:
Although registration is required, there are no required registration fees to participate in the conference. To participate at the Fargo Access Grid Node or one of several other Nodes around the world, please register through our web page.
Useful links:
Access Grid locations in the US and around the world
Registration to attend the meeting in Fargo, North Dakota
More information can be found in SMB Digest volume 01 issue 16