SMB Election Information

by Sharon Lubkin

The Society for Mathematical Biology will be holding elections in Spring 2002 for one President-elect and three members-at-large of the Board of Directors. The SMB Nominating Committee is soliciting nominations for these positions from the SMB membership, and will compose an election slate of two candidates for President-elect and six for the Board members.

Each Director serves a 4-year term, and attends mandatory Board meetings each of those years. The President-elect serves one year as President-elect, two years as President, and one year as past-President, and also attends all Board meetings.

To nominate yourself or someone else for either position, send a 1-page letter detailing the nominee's strengths relevant to the position, including the nominee's history of service to the Society. Nominees must have been members of the SMB in good standing for at least 1 year prior to nomination. Nominees may have served on the Board or as President in the past, but may not be currently serving in those positions. Before nominating someone, make sure that they are willing to serve if elected.

Letters must be received by November 1, 2001.
Send paper or electronic mail to:

Sharon Lubkin, Chair, Nominating Committee
Society for Mathematical Biology
Box 8203
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8203 USA