Post Doctoral Research Assistant
University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, U.K.
Applicants are invited concerning an EPSRC-funded project on the mathematical modelling and analysis of biochemical reactions. This interdisciplinary project involves researchers in Mathematics and Theoretical Biochemistry.
Biochemical reactions are vital components of all living systems. Almost all such reactions are mediated by enzymes and invariably form complex networks. Mathematical modelling has been successfully used to gain a better understanding of isolated reactions but little is known about the effects of external elements on such reactions. In order to better understand how these reactions function in their natural context, this project will examine the effects of certain external factors on the derivation and validity of classical reaction kinetics.
You will be based with Dr F A Davidson, Department of Mathematics and there will be extensive collaboration with Dr J. Liu, Scottish Crop Research Institute.
Candidates should possess a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics or closely related topic. A background in modelling and/or analysis of ODEs and PDEs is essential. The appointment is for 18 months. Starting salary is 19,486 UKP on the RA1A scale.
Applications by CV and covering letter (2 copies), complete with names and addresses of 2 academic referees should be sent to:
Personnel ServicesQuoting reference SE/266/1/N. Closing date 14th September 2001.
University of Dundee, Dundee
DD1 4HN, Scotland, U.K.
Informal inquiries to Dr F A Davidson e-mail: or to Dr J. Liu e-mail: