First International Workshop on

Mathematical and Computing Techniques
For Agro-Food Technologies

November 26-27, 2001 - Barcelona, Spain

Agro-food Technology (AfoT) is a thematic area within MACSI-Net, an European Network supported by the Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) of the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission. MACSI-Net is an initiative to form an open network for the advancement of Mathematics, Computing and Simulation for industry.

The main aim of AfoT Workshop is to provide an introduction into the most important issues of the mathematical and computing techniques involving food technologies. These areas should contain all the conventional mathematical modelling and computer simulation techniques as well as signal processing methods.

The workshop is one of the activities of the MACSI-Net network to impulse unified mathematical and computing techniques involving food scientists, engineers and industrial people, as well as to encourage new cooperations at international level between companies and research institutions.

Workshop Topics:
The program will consist of keynote and invited lectures delivered by relevant scientist on the field. Program will cover the following topics:

Venue and Location:
The workshop will be held at CIMNE, in the North Campus of the Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain. Several hotels will be available for the accommodation of the participants. More details should be requested to the workshop secretariat.