The application of imaging and pattern recognition techniques in biology is posed to catalyze several breakthroughs in critical areas, including genetics and neuroscience, over the forthcoming decade. This special issue targets high quality and original contributions involving the application of imaging concepts and techniques, including related works involving pattern recognition and data mining, in several relevant biological problems.
The considered areas include but are not limited to: Morphogenesis, Neuromorphometry, Biological shape analysis, Microarray analysis, Data mining, Pattern recognition, Image databases, Comparative anatomy, Morphometry, Cellular and developmental biology, Visualization, Parallel and concurrent processing, Micrograph image processing , and Karyotyping.
Intended deadlines:
Submission: July 2001For further information:
Publication: April 2002
Special Issue WWW site
E-mail: Luciano da F. Costa
Manuscript submissions should follow the guidelines and format usually adopted by the journal.