International Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology and
Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology Joint with
Japanese Association of Mathematical Biology

July 15-19, 2001 Hilo, Big Island, Hawaii

You are invited to attend the SMB-JAMB 2001 meeting and to contribute a paper or poster.

Now is the Time to Submit an Abstract!
Abstract Submission Deadline is May 15 2001

Now is the Time to Register and Make Travel Arrangements!
Inter-Island Flights in Hawaii Fill Up Fast and Ticket Prices Will Start to Go Up!

The purpose of this meeting is to highlight exciting areas of growth in the field of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology and to provide a perspective on future directions. The meeting will consist of plenary talks, minisymposia, contributed talks, and poster sessions. There will be two field trips to volcanoes and rainforest at the meeting.

Plenary Speakers:

Yoh Iwasa (Kyushu University, Fukuoka)
Les Loew (University of Connecticut Health Center)
Masayasu Mimura (Hiroshima University)
Charles Peskin (New York University)
George Oster (University of Califormia at Berkeley)
Nanako Shigesada (Nara Women's University)

Minisymposium Subjects and Organizers:

Matrix Population Models: Hal Caswell and Takenori Takada
Spatial Models in Ecology: Simon Levin and Toshiyuki Namba
Mathematical Modeling in Medicine: Lee Segel
Immunology: Ramit Mehr
Mathematical Neurophysiology: Gerda deVries
Bioinformatics/Proteomics: Richard Goldstein

Information, registration, abstract submission, accommodation, field trip information and student mentoring information is available at the web site:

This site contains all that you need to register and make arrangements for the meeting.

We encourage all Applications to give contributed talks or posters.


Alex Mogilner (Davis) and Yasuhiro Takeuchi (Shizuoka)

International Scientific Committee:

Hal Caswell (Woods Hole)
Mark Chaplain (Dundee)
Alan Hastings (Davis)
Mark Lewis (Utah)
Ramit Mehr (Bar-Ilan)
Lisette de Pillis (Harvey Mudd)
Lee Segel (Weizmann)
K.Tainaka (Shizuoka)
J.Yoshimura (Shizuoka)