This workshop focuses on concrete examples of how mathematical modeling can improve biological understanding, based on a required course of the same name for first-year graduate students in the biological sciences at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
The course is mainly intended for graduate students, postdoctoral or junior faculty members in the biological sciences. Also welcome will be theorists, such as applied mathematicians or physicists, who are interested in preparing themselves to teach a course in modeling for biologists. Enrollment is limited. There is no tuition. Housing per day, including two meals, will be $67. Support for living expenses will be considered if funds are not available from other sources.
Prerequisites: Biology participants should have been exposed to a year of calculus. It is helpful, but not essential, if the theorists who attend have some understanding of the elements of biology.
How to Apply: Send a current resume with publications list (if any), statement of current research interests, and two letters of recommendation from scientists who know your work. Include your email address and fax number. Send only complete application packages by postal mail to:
Mathematical Models in Biology
Santa Fe Institute
1399 Hyde Park Road
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
Application Deadline: February 26, 2001
Women, minorities, and students from developing countries are encouraged to apply.
For additional information, including text and course overview, please visit our website.
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