You are invited to nominate an exceptional senior scientist for the Akira Okubo prize. Early nominations are encouraged. Details are given below.
The Akira Okubo Fund was established in memory of Akira Okubo, who made major contributions to many fields, including mathematical ecology and oceanography. Okubo was widely recognized for his scientific work, as well as for his exceptional humanity. The objective of the Akira Okubo Prize is to honor a living scientist for outstanding and innovative theoretical work, for establishing superb conceptual ideas, for solving tough theoretical problems, and/or for uniting theory and data to advance a biological subject. Areas covered by the Okubo prize are: mathematical biology, biomathematics, theoretical biology, and biological oceanography.
In the year 2001, the Okubo Prize is for a senior scientist whose lifetime work has been exemplary. The following criteria will be used for ranking nominations and selecting the award winner: originality, breakthrough research, new synthesis and impact.
To nominate a person for the Akira Okubo Prize, the nominator should ensure that the following information is submitted to the committee chair on or before February 28, 2001.
Email nominations are acceptable.
The committee chair is:
Yoh Iwasa
Akira Okubo Prize Committee Chair
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences,
Kyushu University,
Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
Fax +81-92-642-2645
Tel +81-92-642-2639
The other committee members are Mark Chaplain (Dundee), Mark Lewis (SMB committee chair, Utah), Philip Maini (Oxford), Takenori Takada (Hokkaido Tokai University), and Toshiyuki Namba (Osaka Women's University).
The Akira Okubo Prize consists of a cash prize and a plaque given to the recipient. It is jointly administered by the Society for Mathematical Biology and the Japanese Association for Mathematical Biology.