March 16-18, 2001
Columbia, South Carolina
Description: Mathematical modeling has proven to be very effective in a wide variety of biological applications. While the applications are diverse, the general goal is the use of mathematical models to assist in the development of a fundamental understanding of the biology that can be used for predicting purposes. Some of the methods are extensions of the classical models in population dynamics. When these approaches are not appropriate, other approaches have been developed.
An underlying principle is to select methods based on their applicability to the biological situation, not their mathematical convenience. The speakers will present a variety of biological problems for which mathematical models are being developed and analyzed. The mathematical techniques will be diverse, including differential equations, probability, combinatorics, graph theory, and data analysis.
The conference webpage is still under development. Please direct all inquiries to one (or more) of the organizers.
Douglas Meade
Matthew Miller
Department of Mathematics
David Wethey
Department of Biological Sciences
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208