Postdoctoral Position in Mathematical Biology

Application deadline is February 1, 2000.

A postdoctoral research position in Mathematical Biology may be available in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Alberta, starting July 1, 2001. The research will be related to collaborative projects in spatial ecology, involving the role of dispersal in population dynamics and persistence. Specific projects may include:

  1. numerical simulation of seed dispersal by high winds, and analysis of the resultant effect on plant population spread in response to climate change

  2. analysis of dispersal models for insect populations (including alpine butterflies and/or tent caterpillars) and the resultant effect on population persistence and outbreaks.
Some teaching duties may also be included.

Candidates must possess a Ph.D. in Mathematical Biology or a related discipline, should be adept at computing, and should be willing to collaborate with both mathematicians and biologists on the research project. If desired, a joint appointment with Biological Sciences may be possible.

The position includes $35 K salary, plus benefits, travel money, and state-of-the-art computing and research facilities. The position is for one year, with renewal for an additional year subject to successful performance, and is subject to the availability of funds.

Applications should include: a CV, up to 2 or 3 publications/preprints and 3 letters of recommendation. These should be sent to:

Mark Lewis
Postdoc position, Department of Mathematics
JWB233, 150 S, 1400 E
University of Utah, SLC, UT 84112 USA
by February 1, 2000. Please contact Mark Lewis if you have any questions.