First Mathematics in Medicine Study Group September 11- 15, 2000
University of Nottingham

The aim of this meeting is to bring together applied mathematicians and biomedical researchers to work on problems of mutual interest. The format of the Study Group will be based on that successfully developed in the Study Groups with Industry, to which problems are brought by industrial workers. The issues to be addressed will be presented by the biomedical participants and discussed with the organisers prior to the meeting to ensure that they are amenable to mathematical study. It is anticipated that the resolution of many of the problems brought to the Study Group will lead to journal publications and foster longer-term multi-disciplinary collaborations between mathematical and biomedical researchers.

We are compiling a database of pertinent research expertise and all those interested in the application of mathematics in medicine are invited to send contact details and up to six keywords describing their research interests to for inclusion.

Limited financial support will be available to suitable participants. Registration information will appear at nearer to the event; expressions of interest at this stage are very welcome.

Further information can be found at the following web site:

For further details please contact either Prof. John King or Dr Helen Byrne