The sessions for this year’s Gordon Conference are:
Microbiology and Immunology
Chair: Tom Kepler, NC State University
Talks by Rob de Boer (Utrecht University), Lee Segel (Weizmann Institute)
and Paul Sniegowski, (University of Pennsylvania)
Excitable Media and the Heart
Chair: Harold Hastings, Hofstra University
Talks by Alan Garfinkel (UCLA) and Akkady Pertsov (SUNY Syracuse)
Neural Computation: Geometry, Dynamics and Coding
Chair: Bard Ermentrout, University of Pittsburgh
Talks by Boris Gutkin (CNRS, France), Sharon Crook (Montana State
University) and Taishin Nomura (Osaka University).
Calcium Dynamics
Chair: James Syned, Massey University, NZ
Talks by Greg Smith (Arizona State University), Andrew Thomas (New Jersey
Medical School) and Hans Othmer (University of Minnesota)
Mathematical Models of Cell Mechanics
Chair: Alex Mogilner, U.C. Davis
Talks by Juliet Lee (University of Connecticut), Dean Bottino (U.C.
Berkeley) and Roseanne Ford (University of Virginia)
Modeling and Molecular Mechanics
Chair: Dan Bentil, University Vermont
Talks by George Oster (U.C. Berkeley) and Todd Minehardt (U.C. San
Species Invasion
Chair: Claudia Neuhauser, Minnesota
Talks by Ted Case (U C San Diego), Akira Sasaki (Kyushu University) and
Peter Turchin (University of Connecticut)
Evolution of Language
Chair: Leah Edelstein-Keshet, UBC
Talks by Martin Nowak (Princeton University) and Jean Aitchison (Oxford
Abstracts for poster sessions can be submitted from the above webpage or by emailing or mailing the Vice-Chairs:
Alex Mogilner
University of California, Davis
Department of Mathematics
Davis, CA 95616
Claudia NeuhauserSome travel support for postdocs and graduate students will be available. Contact the chairs for additional information: Charlie Smith or Ed Pate
University of Minnesota School of Mathematics
Vincent Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455