Gordon Conference on Theoretical Biology & Biomathematics June 11-16,2000
Tilton School, Tilton, N. H., USA
Charlie Smith and Ed Pate, Chairs
Claudia Neuhauser and Alex Mogilner, Vice Chairs

The sessions for this year’s Gordon Conference are:

For more detailed information on talks for each session, application forms, registration information, travel information, etc. please visit the website. The conference program can be reached by clicking on "Conference Home Page" at the above site or directly at the URL: http://www.stat.ncsu.edu/~bmasmith/2Kgordon/GRCWEB.html

Abstracts for poster sessions can be submitted from the above webpage or by emailing or mailing the Vice-Chairs:

Alex Mogilner
University of California, Davis
Department of Mathematics
Davis, CA 95616
Email: mogilner@math.ucdavis.edu


Claudia Neuhauser
University of Minnesota School of Mathematics
Vincent Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Email: nhauser@math.umn.edu
Some travel support for postdocs and graduate students will be available. Contact the chairs for additional information: Charlie Smith or Ed Pate