Second International Conference on Deterministic and
Stochastic Modeling of Biointeraction, "DESTOBIO 2000"
August 23-27, 2000
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Invited speakers who have already confirmed their participation (in alphabetical order):
Angel Capurro (Argentina), "Does Diapause Contribute to Stability of Host-Parasitoid Interactions?"
Odo Diekmann (Netherlands), "Dynamics of Semelparous Populations"
William Fitzgibbon (USA), "Spatially Heterogeneous Epidemic Models"
Mats Gyllenberg (Finland), "Probabilistic Models for Bacterial Taxonomy"
Mimmo Iannelli (Italy), "Some Control Problems in Age-Structured Population Dynamics"
Tanya Kostova (Bulgaria), "Coupled Oscillators in Population Dynamics"
Michel Langlais (France), "Modeling Host-Microparasite Systems in Heterogeneous Environment"
Charles Mode (USA), "An Overview on Synthesizing Stochastic and Deterministic Paradigms Using Computer Intensive Methods"
Ingeman Nasell (Sweden), "Deterministic and Stochastic Models of Endemic Infections: A Comparison"
Galina Riznichenko (Russia), "Levels of Regulation of Photosynthetic Organisms"
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