VI International Symposium on BST
September 25-29, 2000
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

Our research group at the University of La Laguna is organizing the "VI International Symposium on Biochemical Systems Theory: Applications to Modelling and Optimization of Biological Systems" (SymBioSys), to be held in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. This meeting will take place in September 25-29, 2000 at Hotel Semíramis, in Puerto de la Cruz, a resort place in the north coast of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

This meeting is focussed on the developments, not only of the Biochemical System Theory, but also for those related mathematical approaches dealing all with the representation, understanding and optimization of biological and biochemical problems. We are interested in providing an opportunity to examine the developments coming from these different frameworks in the field of the modelling and optimization of metabolic systems, with especial regard to those with biomedical or biotechnological relevance. Also we want the SymBioSys to be a forum for exchange and discussion between groups involved in experimental research and those more theoretically biased: we aim to be of help in filling the gap between both approaches. Thus, the goal of the SymBioSys is not only to create an unique stage for dialogue between experts from the different sides of the modeling and mathematical biology, but also to promote the experimentally related issues pertinent to biological systems. We are convinced that the exchange of ideas and (non-linear) interactions among the different groups will produce important synergies for the development of these topics. But also it has been a major concern to provide a program of social activities, that will ease the digestion of the sometimes dry concepts of mathematical modeling.

For more detailed and complementary information about the SymBioSys meeting and electronic registration/submission, please visit our homepage at

In case you have any question please do not hesitate to contact with the Organizing Committee at