Bulletin of Mathematical Biology - Online Access
by Ramit Mehr

The following news were relayed to us by Anne Guillaume, the managing editor of the BMB at Academic Press. Academic Press has launched a new version of IDEAL at the start of this year. The new (improved) IDEAL promises to deliver expanded content combined with enhanced performance and system reliability. There is a new homepage with customized access options, faster and simplified navigation, and more linking in and out from IDEAL.

New passwords and instructions will be communicated by Mr. Edward Alcock from Academic Press to all SMB members who subscribed to the on-line access for 2000, and also to all board members who have free access to the on-line version.

Academic Press also intends, as part of their marketing effort, to contact members who subscribed last year and have not yet subscribed to offer them one more year free to try the service. Please take advantage of this offer.