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Publications Committee Report

by Ramit Mehr

SMB Publications - the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the Newsletter and the electronic SMB Digest - are all being turned out smoothly by now. Our only problem is that SMB members are not sending enough materials. Please, send any item that you think will be of interest for all members; not only advertisements of your meetings and programs, but also reports from meetings you went to, programs you've participated in, etc. This may help other members follow the field. Also, please make sure that the libraries in your institutions keep their subscriptions to the BMB.

Our website has a new look, please check it out! It was created in response to members' requests to make it easier to navigate the website even with non-frames browsers, and as part of our efforts to keep the information current.

One request that has been supported by several members is that we let members access the "members email address" database by themselves, so they can update their email address there as soon as they move. We have explored the possibilities, but have decided to leave the database in its present, moderated form. There are several reasons for this. The most important one is security. Members are constantly coming and going in SMB, it seems, and so we would need a user ID and password for every member of SMB. This means some sort of double-check that this person is indeed a member before they could be given their password and a database kept for access. This could be done, but it would not be something that can be done quickly or easily. It would mean a lot more work for us - the publications committee, the treasurer who maintains the updated membership lists, and especially our webmistress. So we decided to leave it as is.

The procedure now remains as follows. If you move, or change your email address or other details, you send your updated coordinates to Torcom Chorbajian, the SMB treasurer. Torcom will forward the email address change to Elizabeth Scholl, our webmistress, after verifying that you are a member of good standing. Elizabeth will do her best to keep the database file updated on a regular basis.