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SMB Finance Committee

with excerpts by Raymond Mejia

The Finance Committee reported on its status in the September, 1999 Newsletter. You can look on our website for the whole report. Because a recent report has been made, we did not ask current committee chair, John Tyson, to submit another.

An excerpt from Raymond Mejia’s previous report follows:

"The Executive Board of the Society met June 29, 1999. Ray Mejia, chair, and Torcom Chorbajian, Treasurer, presented the Financial Report for Fiscal Year 1999 and the Budget for Fiscal Year 2000. These were also discussed at the Member's Meeting on June 30, 1999.

SMB finances are in good standing with revenues exceeding expenses by 36% during FY99. Investment income and donations by members have permitted support of activities that include student participation at meetings, an initiative on world outreach, and the Okubo Prize.

The Budget for FY2K projects a 23% excess of revenues over expenses, includes a continued freeze on member dues, and allows for reciprocity agreements with other societies of mathematical/theoretical biology."