International Conference
Systems Science 2000
Integrative Approaches To Natural And Social Dynamics
University of Osnabrück (Germany), 20 - 22 March 2000
Organization Committee
- H. Malchow, M. Matthies, K. Brauer, E. Umbach, M. Klein,
S. Franz, T. Gehrs
Scientific Committee
- P. Allen (UK), H. Behncke (D), N. de Lange (D),
W. Ebeling (D), O. Fränzle (D), T.G. Hallam (USA),
F. Hinterberger (D), G. Jetschke (D), M. Jischa (D),
S.E. Joergensen (DK), T. Klenke (D), A. Kratochwil (D),
J. Kriz (D), D. Mackay (CAN), K. Mainzer (D), H. Malchow (D),
M. Matthies (D), T.E. McKone (USA), H. Meinhardt (D),
P. Milling (D), M. Peschel (D), O. Richter (D), B. Rieger (D),
C. Rollinger (D), E. Rühl (D), M. Ruth (USA), R.W. Scholz (CH),
K.H. Simon (D), K.G. Troitzsch (D), E. Umbach (D), C. Wissel (D)
Systems science has developed rapidly in recent years. Impetus
was received from the investigation of the non-linear dynamics
of complex systems, which occur in physical and chemical but
also ecological and social systems. Theoretical systems science
investigates the endogenous structure and the exogenous influences
which effect the stabilization, self-organization, adaptation and
emergence, etc. of systems. Applied systems science applies these
concepts to various different systems, whether subject-specific or
interdisciplinary. Mathematical modelling and simulation are core
methods to investigate developmental paths of environmental systems
and to recognize critical situations earlier. Systems science
investigates the structure and function of complex systems in order
to gain a better understanding of the dynamic behavior of systems.
Systems scientific investigations are carried out in numerous
academic disciplines as partly reflected in the name itself, e.g.
ecosystems research, economic cybernetics, systemic psychology,
etc. Often similar methods are used without the inclusion of
experience from related disciplines.
Aims & Scope
- The international conference - Systems Science 2000, to be held
in Osnabrück from 20 - 22 March 2000, intends to bring together
scientists from various different fields in order to present and
discuss the present position of systems science. Besides the main
talks, to which internationally renowned scientists will be invited,
we also plan to organize numerous sessions with brief talks and
posters. The following fields could be discussed:
- General Aspects of Systems Science
- Ecological and Environmental Systems
- Social and Economic Systems
- Sustainable Development
- Technology and Risk Assessment
- Biological Systems
- Psychological and Cognitive Systems
- Mathematical Systems Theory and Its Applications
- Education in Systems Science
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