Josefa Perez
There is no active sister society to the SMB in Mexico. However, the biomathematical activity has been sponsored and hosted by the Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (SMM) for several years now. In our previous annual meetings to which most of Mexican mathematicians attend there have been one or two days long Special Sessions of Biomathematics organized by several researchers in the area. Moreover, two years ago, through the initiative of the Mathematics and Productive Sector committee, the SMM sponsored a special session in Mathematics and Public Health. Biomathematics is specially rich in modelling problems and through the Mathematics and Productive Sector committee we will be working on a Modelling Workshop this April where a fisheries-bioeconomic problem will be presented among other interesting problems coming from industry, finances and public sector. For October in our annual meeting we will have as is tradition now a Special Session in Biomathematics. We would like to point out that besides the activities organized by our Society, many researchers in both mathematics and biological sciences located in departments and institutes of UAM-Iztapalapa, UNAM, CINVESTAV, CIMAT and several state Universities, have very active research programs and frequent academic activities in the areas of Biomathematics and theoretical biology.
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