World Outreach Committee of the Society for Mathematical Biology

Daniel Bentil, Lourdes Esteva-Peralta, Moulay L. Hbid, Carlos M. Hernandez-Suarez, Yin-Hen Hsieh, Tanya Kostova, Coraci Malta, Jaime Mena-Lorca, Somdatta Sinha,
Jorge X. Velasco-Hernandez (acting chair)

The following document is the statement of purpose of the World Outreach Committee (WOC) recently created by the Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB). Its objectives are ambitious, but then large is the need in many areas of the world to develop strong interdisciplinary research groups in Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. The main objective of the World Outreach Committee is to promote and sow the seed of country-wise, region-wise, or even area-wise participation, collaboration and consolidation of mathematical biology research and education. We are all members of SMB and SMB is trying to reach a larger world through us, so we have to act as centers/nuclei of this outreach. We, therefore, need to maintain, implement or design policies and develop actions at least in the following areas: information flow from and to the Society, membership overseas, research activities and exchanges, and education on quantitative training for life science students. In several nations of the world (with a variety of levels of economic, financial and educational development) there is need to promote the multidisciplinary research in Mathematical and Theoretical Biology both of mathematicians interested in biological applications, and of biologists and life scientists interested in model building. In many countries there is also the need to consolidate research groups, to give the opportunity, through travel grants and stipends to graduate students and young faculty to attend international meetings, to promote visiting professorships and student exchanges, and the organization of meetings, summer schools and workshops in different geographical areas. Our particular goals for the present year are the following:

  1. To increase awareness of students and researchers in all countries where the SMB has members, towards mathematical biology through activities such as giving lectures in schools and colleges; participation in other society meetings (e.g., Cell Biology, Mathematics, Biochemistry, Biophysics, etc).

  2. To promote visiting professorships and student exchanges, and the organization of meetings, Summer/Winter schools and Workshops, including our Annual Meeting, in different geographical areas.

  3. To compile by World region (e.g., Latin America, South East Asia, Eastern Europe, North, Central and East Africa, India, China) a comprehensive directory, with the names and addresses of main officials, of Societies of Theoretical, Computational and Mathematical Biology or Scientific Societies and Associations that may have interests or chapters in Mathematical and Theoretical Biology

  4. To submit a proposal to the Board of Directors and President of the Society to establish formal relations with the above mentioned Societies with agreements that may include but should not be limited to reciprocity memberships, publication exchanges and reduced membership rates depending on the member's country of residence.

  5. To contribute to the development of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology through its members by compiling a comprehensive list of electronic mail addresses of individuals living and working in nations outside North America and Western Europe whose academic interests intersect with those of the SMB and by promoting the discussion of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology issues in local, regional and national meetings and other kinds of academic activities.

  6. To submit a proposal to the Board of Directors, President of the Society and Editor of the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (BMB) to incorporate book reviews in the BMB (in English) of books published in other languages provided they are of general interest and broad scope (Bulletin editorial board evaluation).

  7. To submit a proposal to the Board of Directors and President of the Society to subscribe to comprehensive bibliographical databases that could be used by all active members.

  8. To compile a list of books (textbooks or research volumes) published in languages other than English on theoretical and mathematical biology at all levels.

  9. To submit a proposal to the Board of Directors, President of the Society and Editor of the BMB to make available through the WWW the abstracts of papers published in the BMB.

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