Theory and Mathematics in Biology and Medicine
June 29 - July 3, 1999
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A meeting organised under auspices of:
The international conference on Theory and Mathematics in Biology and Medicine 1999 will be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from Tuesday June 29 through Saturday July 3, 1999. The organising committee is pleased to invite colleagues all over the world to join this conference.
Theoretical and mathematical biology and medicine is a diverse field in which interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for progress. The field ranges from experimental research linked to mathematical modelling to the development of more abstract mathematical frameworks in which observations about the real world can be interpreted and with which new hypotheses for testing can be generated. More recently, much attention is also paid to the development of efficient algorithms for complex computations and visualization, notably in molecular biology and genetics (i.e. genome mapping).
The TMBM99 conference aims to stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration between mathematicians and the bioscientists and to act as the main forum for the exchange of recent research results and new research directions to the widest possible community in theoretical biology and medicine. The meeting is unique in that it is the fourth official tri-annual congress of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB) joined with the annual conference of the Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB) for 1999. The conference is organised by the Netherlands Society for Theoretical Biology, the world's oldest society for theoretical biology. Through these links, this will be the first World Congress devoted to one of the fastest growing domains in science where experimental biology and medicine, biochemistry, mathematics, computational science, physics and various fields of technology come together to attack many problems of great relevance to society.
In this second and final announcement you will find information about the scientific program and about the possibilities to present oral and poster contributions. In addition we provide some information on registration and submission of abstracts and we guide you to our web page for actual registration and submission.
We are looking forward to see you at the conference.
The organising committee
Andre de Roos, Frank van den Bosch, Paul Doucet, Odo
Diekmann, Patsy Haccou, Hans Heesterbeek, Lia Hemerik,
Jaap Kaandorp, Carolien de Kovel, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Bob
Kooi, Matthijs Luger, Jaap van Pelt, Hans Westerhoff.
As of December 1998, the conference is financially
supported by:
The Society of Mathematical Biology (SMB), and
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)