Special Thematic Summer on Mathematical Biology
May 31-August 27, 1999
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C. Canada

A Special Thematic Summer on Mathematical Biology will be held at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Canada during June, July, and August 1999. The purpose of this Special Thematic Summer is to bring together researchers at various levels of expertise in an environment where focused talks will be given in several different areas of mathematical biology. This Special Thematic Summer is sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (a consortium of five universities - Simon Fraser University, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, and University of Victoria).

The workshops for this Special Thematic Summer and each organizer are:

(A break of three weeks in the latter part of June and first half of July is to allow participants and speakers to attend the International Conference on Theory and Mathematics in Biology and Medicine in Amsterdam (June 29-July 3, 1999; the Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology is being held in conjunction with this conference) and the International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics in Edinburgh (July 5-9, 1999).)

Each of the five workshops in this Special Summer program will run for two weeks and will include tutorial, general, and research talks. Formal talks by invited speakers will be interspersed with informal seminars, and there will be ample time for detailed discussions among the participants. More details on the workshops, updates on the invited speakers, and application forms can be found at the website.

Some financial support for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and other participants will be available to help defray travel and local living expenses. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows must include a curriculum vitae, a letter of recommendation, and a letter of intent along with their application forms. Due to the limitation on funds, participants are encouraged to seek funds from other sources for travel and living expenses.

Applications and further inquiries should be sent to:

Director's Office
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Rooms 210-218
Old Auditorium Annex
1924 West Mall
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z2

E-mail: pims@math.ubc.ca
Phone: 604-822-3922
Fax: 604-822-0883

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