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Call for Contributions Fifth International Conference MATHEMATICAL POPULATION DYNAMICS Zakopane, Poland, June 21 - 26, 1998 The previous Mathematical Population Dynamics conferences were held at: 1st MPD Conference - University of Mississippi (USA) 1986 2nd International MPD Conference - Rutgers University (USA) 1989 3rd International MPD Conference - University of Pau (France) 1992 4th International MPD Conference - Rice University (USA) 1995 Main fields and session coordinators The sessions are grouped in four main fields:
The Conference will be accompanied by the Workshop on Spatially Heterogeneous Problems in Ecology and Epidemiology: Mathematical Models vs. Polluted Environment Data. Tentative list of plenary/keynote speakers Tentative list of sessions (organizer's name in brackets):
Steering Committee of the Conferences on Mathematical Population Dynamics Zvia Agur (Tel Aviv Univ., Israel) Ovide Arino (Chairman, Univ. of Pau, France) Pierre Auger (Univ. C. Bernard, France) David Axelrod (Rutgers Univ., USA) Vincenzo Capasso (Univ. Milano, Italy) Odo Diekmann (Univ. Utrecht, The Netherlands) Marek Kimmel (Rice Univ., USA) Andrzej Swierniak (Silesian Techn. Univ., Poland) John Tyson (Virginia Tech, USA) Organizing Committee Andrzej Swierniak (Chairman, Silesian Techn. Univ., Poland) William Fitzgibbon (Univ. Houston, USA) Ryszard Gessing (Silesian Techn. Univ., Poland) Jiri Jan (State Techn. Univ. Brno, Czech Rep.) Marek Kimmel (Rice Univ., USA) Tanya Kostova (Bulgarian Acad. Sci.) Andrzej Polanski (Silesian Techn. Univ., Poland) Jaroslaw Smieja (Conference Secretary) Scientific Committee Roger Arditi (Univ. Paris Sud, France) Carlos Castillo-Chavez (Cornell Univ., USA) Ranajit Chakraborty (Univ. Texas, Houston, USA) Mark Chaplain (Univ. Dundee, UK) Jan Doroszewski (Medical Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Poland) Leah Edelstein-Keshet (Univ. of British Columbia, Canada) Alberto Gandolfi (IASI, Rome) Hisashi Inaba (Min. of Health, Japan) Peter Jagers (Chalmers Univ., Sweden) Andrzej Lasota (Silesian Univ., Poland) Bela Novak (Techn. Univ. Budapest, Hungary) Alan Perelson (Los Alamos, USA) Ryszard Tadeusiewicz (Acad. of Mining and Metalurgy, Poland) Alain-Jacques Valleron (Univ. Paris VI, France) Edward Waniewski (Med. Military Acad., Poland) Glenn Webb (Vanderbilt Univ., USA) Location The Conference will be held in Zakopane, Poland, an acclaimed vacation resort in the Polish Tatra mountains, located near the Slovakian border within a short distance from Krakow and Katowice. These cities as well as Warsaw have convenient air links with many European airports and frequent bus and train connections with Zakopane. Social Event A hiking trip in the mountains will be organized. Alternatively, individuals may explore the countryside on their own. Accommodations Participants are awaited in the "Sivarna" rest house, Zakopane- Koscielisko, 32 Sywarne St. Single, double, and three-bedded rooms will be available from Sunday, June 21 (with supper only) to Friday, June 26 (breakfast and lunch). On other days, three meals will be included. For extra payment the rest house will offer additional recreation facilities (swimming-pool, sauna, massage, solarium, gymnasium, tennis court). In case of huge number of participants, additional rooms will be available in nearby hotel of similar standard. Moreover, there is also possibility of choosing more luxury Kasprowy hotel (within half an hour walking distance from Siwarna) for extra allowance. Registration details The conference fee of 380 USD (420 USD if paid after April 1, 1998) includes registration fee, conference preprints as well as full board and accommodation for five days. The organizers have applied for financial support and expect limited assistance will be available. In case of choosing Kasprowy hotel, the fee covers registration fee, conference preprints, one-night deposit at the hotel and two meals daily at Siwarna. The daily rate for rooms with breakfast in Kasprowy is approximately 80 USD and it is not included in conference fee. Rooms in this hotel should be booked by the end of April. The conference fee should be paid to the following account: Politechnika Slaska w Gliwicach Bank Slaski I/O Gliwice nr 10501285-0202113056 with full name of the participant and annotation "Mathematical Population Dynamics" The fee may be also paid on site (420 USD in that case), Visa and MasterCard will be accepted Registered participants of the Conference will be also entitled to attend the accompanying Workshop on Spatially Heterogeneous Problems in Ecology and Epidemiology: Mathematical Models vs. Polluted Environment Data Contributions Short abstracts (up to 300 words) should be submitted (e-mail and hard copy) to the Conference Secretary (address given on the registration form). The collection of selected papers will be published after the Conference in established international journals subject to peer review process. Organizers are negotiating contracts with journals including Journal of Theoretical Biology, Journal of Biological Systems, Mathematical Biosciences, Journal of Theoretical Medicine, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University Press. Authors will be notified via e-mail about acceptance/rejection of their papers within one week from receiving their abstracts. Deadlines Abstract submission and registration - March 25, 1998 Full paper submission (tentative deadline) - August 1, 1998 Sending abstracts after deadline will not guarantee possibility of paper presentation at the Conference. Further Information For further information please contact Conference Secretary or consult the Conference Web Site Registration form for The Fifth International Conference on Mathematical Population Dynamics Name Affiliation Mailing Address Telephone Fax E-mail address I intend to have higher standard accommodation at Kasprowy Hotel [ ] Yes [ ] NoI intend to present a talk [ ] Yes [ ] No Main field/session of talk (from the list) Title of talk The fee was paid on _______________________ Please send this registration form to: Mr. Jaroslaw Smieja Department of Automatic Control Silesian Technical University Akademicka 16 44-101 Gliwice POLAND E-mail: Fax: (+48 32) 371165 Return to the Table of Contents |