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IV Latin American Congress of Mathematical Ecology, ELAEM 98
August 17th to 21st, 1998
Instituto de Matematica
Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Valparaiso-Chile

August 24th to 28th, 1998
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Mendoza-Argentina


Ignacio Barradas (CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico)
Rodney C. Bassanezi (U. Estadual Campinas, Brasil)
Carlos Castillo-Chavez (U. Cornell, USA)
Graciela Canziani (U. Nacional de Tandil, Argentina)
Eunice da Costa (U. Federal Parana, Brasil)
Cristina Di Pasquale (U.Nacional del Comahue, Argentina)
Guillermo Gomez Alcaraz (U.N.A.M. Mexico)
Ma. Josefina Hernandez (U. Central de Venezuela)
Jesus Alberto Leon (U. Central de Venezuela)
Pablo Marquett (P.U. Catolica de Chile)
Jaime Mena-Lorca (U. Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile)
Renato Nobrega (U. Central de Venezuela)
Faustino Sanchez Garduno (U.N.A.M. Mexico)
Claudio Silva Z.(U. de Santiago, Chile)
Jorge Velasco-Hernandez (U.A.M. Mexico)



President: Jorge Gonzalez-Guzman
Jaime Mena-Lorca
Eduardo Gonzales-Olivares
U. Catolica de Valparaiso


President:Emilio C. Puebla
Julio Mendez
Joaquin Llera
Maria Elena Montalto
Marcelo E. Alberto
Amalia Pivetta
Luis Rodriguez Plaza
U.Nacional de Cuyo,
Fax: 54-61-960469


This fourth ELAEM has as its purpose to promote interaction among latinamerican researchers that work in the area of Mathematical Ecology and dissemination of this area of knowledge. The activities that will be accomplished are lectures, short courses, workshops, posters and other communication.


This event will cover principally the following themes: Environmental Pollution, Population Dynamics, Ecotoxicology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Evolution and Resource Management, but contributions from other areas will be welcomed.


The deadline for the submission of contributions is May 31, 1998, and they need to be sent to one of the following addresses:

Instituto de Matematicas
Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso.
Casilla 4059, Valparaiso, CHILE


Contributions accepted will be published in a special issue of the journal Proyecciones and, if possible, should not exceed 10 pages. It is recommended that contributions be in TEX or LATEX, and they include the postal address and email address of the author(s).


The registration fees depend on whether the participant attends one or both phases of the conference.
CHILE: US $100

Fees include breakfast and coffee during the conference, registration, certificates, notes for course registered, and program and abstracts.


Travel between Valparaiso and Mendoza, cities separated by approximately 450 kilometers, is the responsibility of each participant. If a participant wishes to attend both phases of the conference, it is recommended that he/she, upon purchasing the air transport from his/her country to Santiago, look for the flight Santiago-Mendoza-Santiago that costs about US $100 here in Chile. Also, if the atmospheric conditions permit, one can travel from one city to another by bus, crossing the Andes mountain range at a cost of about US $40 round trip.

From the International Airport in Santiago, that is located 20 kilometers from the center of the capital, there is regular bus service whose fare is about US $2.


Since we cannot offer participants support for travel or lodging, the Organizing Committee recommends that participants seek support from their local organizations.



Situated on the 33rd parallel, Valparaiso, the principal commercial port of Chile, possesses an interesting merchant and cultural heritage derived during the past century by the passage of the crew members and the installation of the purveyors of the numerous foreign ships that anchored in the bay.

The principal characteristic of the city is its unique topography, which includes 45 hills that form a fan around a narrow plane, which permits the inhabitants to have a view of the harbor.

One hundred and twenty kilometers from Santiago, and joined with Vina del Mar, the most important tourist city of the country, Valparaiso consists of an urban nucleus of approximately 700,000 inhabitants. To travel to these cities from the capital, there are various bus lines that leave approximately every 15 minutes.

The average temperature during August is 11 degrees Celsius, and it is the rainy season.


This city is located in west central Argentina. The west borders with Chile, and it is the principal gateway of the country to the Pacific Ocean through the border crossing at Las Cuevas.

Mendoza has a dry climate characteristic of a semi-arid region and is located at the foot of the Andes mountain range. The average temperature between August and September is 20 degrees Celsius.

The construction of a network of canals and irrigation ditches has permitted the development of its main industry: wine making.

The Capital city has a population of approximately 1,300,000 inhabitants. One can travel to Mendoza from Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina 1100 kilometers away, or from Santiago, capital of Chile that is 450 kilometers (45 minutes by air or about 7 hours by land, if passage of the mountain range is not blocked by snow).


  • Environmental Pollution: Joao F. Meyer (IMECC UNICAMP Brasil)
  • Mathematical Epidemiology: Carlos Castillo-Chavez (Cornell University, Department of Biometrics)
  • Agricultural Bioeconomics: Jorge Gonzalez-Guzman (U. Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile)

    Invited Lecturers:

  • Ignacio Barradas (CIMAT Guanajuato, Mexico)
  • Rodney Bassanezi (IMECC UNICAMP Brasil)
  • Graciela Canciani (U. Nacional de Tandil, Argentina)
  • Carlos Castillo-Chavez (Cornell University - Dept. Biometrics)
  • Cristina Di Pasquale (U. Nacional del Comahue, Argentina)
  • Vincent Hull (Lab. Centrale di Idrobiologia Roma, Italia )
  • Claudia Jacobi (Inst. Biologia UNICAMP Brasil)
  • Jesus Alberto Leon (Instituto de Zoologia Tropical, U. Central Venezuela)
  • Pablo Marquett ( P.U. Catolica de Chile, Chile)
  • Joao F. Meyer (IMECC UNICAMP Brasil)
  • Faustino Sanchez Garduno (U. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
  • Jorge Velasco-Hernandez (U. Autonoma Metropolitana de Mexico)

    ELAEM 98
    Fourth Latinamerican Conference on Mathematical Ecology
    Valparaiso, Chile, August 17 to 21
    Mendoza, Argentina, August 24 to 28

    Code Valparaiso: Country 56, City 32
    FAX 27 33 97
    Phone 27 2318, 27 4015, 27 4031
    Postal Address: Casilla (PO BOX) 4059, Valparaiso, Chile

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