Goals and activities of the Publications Committee

Ramit Mehr, Ray Mejia and Elizabeth H. Scholl

The recently-formed SMB publications committee has made it its goal to make as much information as possible - from research results to meeting, job and funding source information - easily accessible to members of the SMB and researchers in related fields.

The SMB has both hard copy and electronic publications. Hard copy publications include the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, which appears six times a year, and is edited by Lee Segel. Jorge Velasco-Hernandez has recently agreed to serve as a book review editor for the Bulletin, replacing Mark Kot.

In addition, SMB publishes the Mathematical Biology Newsletter which appears three times a year. Elizabeth H. Scholl is responsible for the production of the Newsletter.

Both the Bulletin and the Newsletter will soon be available online as well. Additional electronic publications include the electronic Digest, moderated by Ray Mejia, and the SMB home page, which has recently been transferred to a site in McGill University and will be updated and improved on a continuous basis. It can now be found at http://www.smb.org/

The SMB Digest is distributed using a listserver at the National Cancer Institute's Frederick Biomedical Supercomputer Center. We thank them for their continued support. Subscription information is available on the SMB homepage, and submissions for the Digest should be emailed to SMBnet@listserv.ncifcrf.gov.

In addition, an ftp archive and other services are provided by SMBnet. We solicit feedback from readers concerning what is available or might be added or improved. The archive is accessible via the SMB homepage, at ftp://ftp.ncifcrf.gov/smb/, and via anonymous ftp to ftp.ncifcrf.gov.

Membership services, including access and search of the SMB Digest and SMB member email addresses, have also been provided via a Gopher server at the NIH. We thank the High Performance Scientific Computing Section at the Division of Computer Research and Technology of the NIH for its support these many years. With the growth of the World Wide Web, Gopher has become an outdated technology. Hence, this service will soon be integrated directly into the SMB homepage.

The following addresses have been defined at our new web domain, smb.org :

Officers are as follows:

President - Leon Glass:
president@smb.org -- (glass@cnd.mcgill.ca)
Past President - Leah Keshet
past_president@smb.org -- (keshet@math.ubc.ca)
Secretary - Charles E. Smith
secretary@smb.org -- (bmasmith@stat.ncsu.edu)
Treasurer - Torcom Chorbajian
treasurer@smb.org -- (tchorbaj@concentric.net)
We will do our best to bring SMB members updated information - but we need your help. Please, submit announcements of meetings, programs, etc as soon as the information is available. If you have some spare time and would like to make a more significant contribution, we need volunteers to conduct several surveys and information searches. (Please contact me if you are willing to help).

The deadline for submissions to the spring issue of the Newsletter is April 30th, 1998.

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