Dear SMB Member:

The last few months have been busy ones for the Society.

Here are some of the activities that have been underway.

Billings for the 1998 year were sent out by Torcom Chorbajian in November. We are taking over the billing from Elsevier, the previous publisher of the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, in an effort to eliminate the multiple problems that members experienced in the past. If you have not done so yet, please return your dues now.

The first issue of the Bulletin for Mathematical Biology published by Academic Press will be out in January, 1998.

Several sessions in mathematical biology are being arranged for the annual meeting to take place in conjunction with the SIAM annual meeting in Toronto July 13-17, 1998. Minisymposia are tentatively scheduled in interacting populations, dynamical control, fisheries, DNA computation, physiological dynamics, delays in biological systems, education, and employment in biotechnology. Several plenary speakers will deal with issues of interest in mathematical biology. Please check the conference homepage for up-to-date information. Society for Mathematical Biology members register for the meeting at the same rate as SIAM members. SMB student members are eligible to apply for support for travel to the meeting.

The web site is now online. A prime objective for the new year will be to build the site to be a central clearinghouse for activities in mathematical biology. This will be coordinated by Ramit Mehr - the new chair of the Publications Committee (see the letter from the publications committee in this issue).

Additional objectives for the New Year include developing SMB activities oriented towards education, under the newly formed Education Committee headed by John Jungck (see the letter from John Jungck in this issue), and also to try to make funding agencies more aware of the potential and the needs for mathematical analysis in the biological sciences. If you have not already done so, please respond to the NIH funding survey being carried out by Denise Kirschner at (NOTE: survey no longer there... )

I believe that the potential for the Society to fulfill its roles in catalyzing research and education in mathematical biology would be enhanced if the Society were larger. I encourage each society member to recruit one additional member.

With all best wishes for the New Year.

Yours sincerely,

Leon Glass

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