
The Society for Mathematical Biology communicates through three different media, as described below. Advertising rates can be found at the bottom of this page.

Our Publications

  • Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

    The Bulletin is the official journal of the SMB.

    SMB membership includes an online subscription to the Bulletin. Members can choose to receive a hard copy of the Bulletin (additional cost). See the Membership page for more information.

    Questions about subscription fulfillment should be sent to

    Click on the link for access to the journal's home page with Springer.

  • SMB Digest

    The Digest is a moderated electronic mail and archive facility with which members of the theoretical/mathematical/computational biology community can communicate readily.

    The Digest contains items of current interest submitted by the readers, including scientific queries, announcements of publications, theses, meetings, job opportunities, and news items.

    The Digest is sent out approximately twice a month.

    Click on the link for information on how to subscribe or submit items to the Digest, and to view previous issues of the Digest.

  • SMB Newsletter

    The SMB Newsletter is published three times a year (January, May, and September). It contains updates on the Society, information about our Annual Meetings, articles about conferences and workshops of interest to the mathematical biology community, interviews with researchers, profiles of leaders in the field of mathematical biology, and much more.

    All SMB members automatically receive a copy of the Newsletter.

    We welcome submissions and ideas for the Newsletter at any time. Please contact

    Click on the link to access past issues of the Newsletter.

Advertising Rates

We offer advertising in our Newsletter at the following rates:

  • Full page: $250 USD
  • Half page: $150 USD
  • Quarter page: $100 USD

To place an ad in our Newsletter, contact

We also offer advertising in our conference materials (rates negotiable). Please contact for further information.