Senior Faculty Position: Systems Bio. & Biol. Networks, WPI, US
NIH Update: New Human Subject & Clinical Trial Form;...
AIBS: Public Policy Report, NSF Announces Major Changes to...
NSF: Update, Collab. Research, Comp. Neurosci. Deadline Jan 5
From: Andrea Pugliese <>
Date: Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 9:31 AMSubject: Workshop: Dynamical Systems Applied..., Feb 7-9, Torino, Italy
Ninth Workshop on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural
Sciences (DSABNS2018). Second announcement
Submissions for the Ninth Workshop on Dynamical Systems Applied to
Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS2018) are now open. The workshop
will take place in Torino, Italy, on February 7-9, 2018 is open both to
theoretical methods and to practical applications; topics include all
areas in mathematical biology, but especially population dynamics,
eco-epidemiology, epidemiology of infectious diseases, molecular and
antigenic evolution.
Registration and abstract submission are possible on the web page Deadline for abstract
submission is December 15, 2017. It would be helpful for organizing the
logistics that participants register soon, possibly by November 15; in
case you need to updated your abstract after registration, that would be
possible till Dec. 15th, by sending an email, with the updated tex (or
doc) file, to
If you need further information check the web page or write to
From: Frank W. Kunkle <>
Date: Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 10:34 AMSubject: Conference: SIAM Life Sciences, Aug 6-9, Minneapolis, US
Conference Name: SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences (LS18)
Location: Radisson Blu Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Dates: August 6-9, 2018
The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at: .
Twitter hashtag: #SIAMLS18
January 8, 2018: Minisymposium Proposal Submissions
February 5, 2018: Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium
Presentation Abstracts
January 26, 2018: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career
Travel Award Applications
See also visit for
detailed submission information.
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department
From: Olcay Akman <>
Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 12:59 AMSubject: IBA: Open Access Publication Grants
The Center for Collaborative Studies in Mathematical Biology:
Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance (IBA) is pleased to announce a
new publication support initiative.
IBA has secured funding to cover the full ($600) Article Publication
Charge (APC) of 10 articles and the 50% of APC ($300) of an additional
10 articles that are submitted to the Letters in Biomathematics between
October 15th, 2017 and September 15th, 2018.
Letters in Biomathematics (LiB), indexed in DOAJ, is fully refereed and
uses double-blind review system. LiB publishes Research, Education, and
Review articles in mathematical biology, biostatistics, and related
Please visit the Letters in Biomathematics site at for more information on LiB, its
Aims and Scope statement, Editorial Board, and other policies.
Also you can find more information on IBA by visiting
In order to apply for one of these grants, please send an email
containing the manuscript title, list of authors, and an abstract to with Subject line "LiB APC Grant" no later than
5 business days prior to the submission. Funded manuscripts need to be
submitted to LiB within 5 business days of the funding notification.
Funding does not guarantee acceptance for publication.
From: Sher, Anna <>
Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 3:14 PMSubject: CfP: Special Issue, Quantitative Systems Pharmacology, J PBMB
Date: Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 1:05 PM Subject: JTB: 50th Anniversary Access to Paper, Origin of Mitosing Cells
This year is the 50th anniversary of the classic Journal of Theoretical
Biology paper, The origin of mitosing cells, by Lynn Sagan (Margulis),
and edited by Athel Cornish-Bowden. JTB is granting a free 6-month
promotional access to the paper at
Subject: Springer: Book Highlights, Access These Chapters for Free
Subject: Springer: New Books Alert
From: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews <>
Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 10:43 PMSubject: ToC: Systems Biology and Medicine
From: Marc Sturrock <>
Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 10:32 AMSubject: PhD Positions: Computational Biology, Various Locations, Europe
Project 9: Systems-based integration and analysis of a deeply phenotyped
glioblastoma cohort correlating to 'extreme' and 'poor' responding
Location: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Principle Investigator: Prof Jochen Prehn (
Collaborators: Dr Alexander Kel (geneXplain, Germany),
Dr Ahmed Idbaih (ICM Institute for Brain and Spinal Cord, France)
Project 10: Multi-scale mathematical modelling of non-Darwinian dynamics
in therapy-induced drug resistance in glioblastoma
Location: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Principle Investigator: Dr Marc Sturrock (
Collaborators: Dr Alexander Kel (geneXplain, Germany)
Project 14: Modelling therapeutic resistance in glioblastoma using
multi-omic computational models
Location: geneXplain, Germany
Principle Investigator: Dr Alexander Kel (
Collaborators: Dr Martine Lamfers (Erasmus University Rotterdam,
The Netherlands), Prof Diether Lambrechts (Vlaams Instituut voor
Biotechnologie, Belgium)
Project 15: Systems methods for analysis of heterogeneous glioblastoma
datasets towards elucidation of inter-tumoural resistance pathways and
therapeutic new targets
Location: ITTM S.A., Luxembourg
Principle Investigator: Dr Andreas Kremer
Collaborators: Prof Diether Lambrechts (Vlaams Instituut voor
Biotechnologie, Belgium), Dr Verena Murphy (Cancer Trials Ireland),
Dr Martine Lamfers (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands).
Applicants should apply via can select up to two preferred positions)
Subject: PhD Positions: Systems & Synthetic Biology, Newcastle U, UK
From: Richard Bertram <>
Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 11:52 AMSubject: Post-doc: Biomath, Florida State U
The Department of Mathematics at The Florida State University is
accepting applications for two two-year postdoctoral fellowship
positions in mathematics, starting in August 2018. One of the positions
may be slated to begin in January 2018, subject to the availability of a
suitable candidate. Florida State University ( is a
Research I institution within the twelve member State University System
of Florida. Tallahassee (see, the state capital, is
located in North Florida, about 25 miles from the Gulf of Mexico.
Candidates must have a doctoral degree in mathematics or a closely
related area, a strong research record, and a commitment to excellence
in teaching. Preference will be given to candidates with research
interests in pure mathematics or biomathematics. Qualified candidates
must apply through the AMS mathjobs website:
Each applicant must submit a cover letter, a standard AMS cover sheet, a
current vitae, a description of current and planned research, and a
statement of teaching philosophy. The cover letter should include the
name or names of faculty at FSU who are closest to the candidate's
research interests. Additionally, candidates should arrange to have four
letters of recommendation (one of the letters should address the
applicant's teaching capability) uploaded directly by their reference
writers to Applications will be considered until the
positions are filled. Information about the department is available at
Florida State University is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative
Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer. FSU's Equal Opportunity
Statement can be viewed at:
From: Dmitry Kleinbock <>
Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 8:12 PMSubject: Tenure-track Position: Applied Mathematics, Brandeis U, Boston
Brandeis University, Department of Mathematics invites applications for
a tenure-track position in applied mathematics at the rank of assistant
professor beginning fall 2018. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in
mathematics or a related field, demonstrate potential for excellence in
research, and display a commitment to teaching. An ideal candidate will
be expected to help to build an applied mathematics program within the
department, and to interact with other science faculty at Brandeis.
Candidates from all areas of applied mathematics will be considered.
First consideration will be given to applications received by
November 15. Applications should include an AMS cover sheet, a
curriculum vitae, research and teaching statements, and four letters of
recommendation, one of which addresses teaching effectiveness.
Applications should be submitted through
From: Olson, Sarah D <>
Date: Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 4:13 PMSubject: Senior Faculty Position: Systems Bio. & Biol. Networks, WPI, US
The WPI Department of Mathematical Sciences invites applications for a
senior position at the full professor level to begin in the fall of
2018. The broad focus is in the area of systems biology and biological
networks. This position is part of a broad cluster hire initiative in
systems biology and computational neuroscience at Worcester Polytechnic
Institute, which has already resulted in junior hires in the past year.
We seek candidates that use sophisticated analytical or computational
techniques to study the properties and behaviors of complex biological
systems. Possible areas of expertise include but are not limited to
networks, multiscale modeling, control theory, dynamical systems, and
stochastic modeling. The successful applicant will be an acknowledged
international leader in the area of systems biology, with an exemplary
track record in research, funding, and education.
The applicant must also be able to contribute to WPI's growing
interdisciplinary programs, including the Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology program and collaborative initiatives underway
with UMass Medical School. The successful applicant is expected to
assume a leadership role in the systems biology research cluster,
maintain a high-quality research program and contribute to the teaching
mission of the institute both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Mathematics, or in a related area, and
must already be tenured at their current institution. A degree in the
life sciences is a plus.
WPI is an Equal Opportunity Employer. To learn more about the department
and WPI, please visit For additional
information about this position and how to apply, visit mathjobs at Review of applications will continue until
the position is filled.
From: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <>
Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 11:16 AMSubject: NIH Update: New Human Subject & Clinical Trial Form;...
From: AIBS Public Policy Office <>
Date: Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 2:17 PMSubject: AIBS: Public Policy Report, NSF Announces Major Changes to...
AIBS Public Policy Report, Volume 18, Issue 21, October 16, 2017
-NSF Announces Major Changes to Grant Solicitation Process
-Weather Business Titan Nominated to Head NOAA
-Climate Change Skeptic Nominated to Lead White House Environmental
-Short Takes
-Bill Introduced to Change EPSCoR Funding
-GAO to Investigate Administration's Compliance with Scientific
-From the Federal Register
-Become an Advocate for Science: Join the AIBS Legislative Action Center
From: Henry Warchall <>
Date: Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 11:41 AMSubject: NSF: Update, Collab. Research, Comp. Neurosci. Deadline Jan 5
An updated NSF program solicitation (NSF 18-501) is now available:
Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS)
Please see for details
Full Proposal Deadline Date: January 5, 2018
From the program synopsis:
Computational neuroscience provides a theoretical foundation and a rich
set of technical approaches for understanding complex neurobiological
systems, building on the theory, methods, and findings of computer
science, neuroscience, and numerous other disciplines.
Through the CRCNS program, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the
National Institutes of Health (NIH), the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung,
BMBF), the French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la
Recherche, ANR), the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation
(BSF), and Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology (NICT) support collaborative activities that will advance the
understanding of nervous system structure and function, mechanisms
underlying nervous system disorders, and computational strategies used
by the nervous system.
Two classes of proposals will be considered in response to this
1. Research Proposals describing collaborative research projects, and
2. Data Sharing Proposals to enable sharing of data and other resources.
Domestic and international projects will be considered. As detailed in
the solicitation, international components of collaborative projects may
be funded in parallel by the participating agencies. Specific CRCNS
opportunities for parallel funding are available for bilateral US-German
Research Proposals, US-German Data Sharing Proposals, US-French Research
Proposals, US-French Data Sharing Proposals, US-Israeli Research
Proposals, US-Israeli Data Sharing Proposals, US-Japanese Research
Proposals, US-Japanese Data Sharing Proposals, and multilateral
proposals involving the United States and two or more partnering
countries (Germany, France, Israel, and/or Japan).
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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