ISSN 1086-6566
October 12, 2017


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Issue's Topics:
         Conference: ECMTB 2018, Portugal, July 23-27, 2018
         Advances in Systems&Synthetic Biology, Evry, March 19-23, 2018
         Bi-Monthly News from NIMBioS
         NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Opportunities
         UKRI Innovation Fellowship/Rutherford Fund Fellowship
         Springer Highlights in Mathematics
         MS Position: Theoretical Epidemiology, Memorial U-Newfoundland
         Postdoc Position: Stochastic Modeling, U Edinburgh
         Postdoc Position: Math Modeling/Analysis, U of Minnesota
         Postdoc Position: Models & Data in Biosciences, U of Oxford
         Postdoc Position: Systems Biology, U of North Carolina
         Faculty Positions: Math/Math Biology, U of Minnesota
         Faculty Positions: Math Modeling of Complex Biosystems, UCR
         SMBnet Reminders


From: Maira Aguiar <>
Date: Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 5:58 AM
Subject: Conference: ECMTB 2018, Portugal, July 23-27, 2018

ECMTB 2018 is a main event in the Year of Mathematical Biology 2018,
promoted by the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and the European
Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB). For that
reason, ECMTB 2018 will, for the first time, be a joint ESMTB-EMS
conference and will be co-organized by SPM (Portuguese Mathematical
Society). The venue is the Faculty of Sciences of the University of
Lisbon and its research centre CMAF-CIO will host the event.

We invite all Professors, researchers and students interested in
Mathematical and Theoretical Biology and its applications to join us
on this exciting conference! Registrations are now open on the
Conference webpage The template for abstract
preparation is available here

This email is to remind you that the Minisymposium applications call
closes on 15 November 2017.


From: François KEPES <>
Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 8:23 AM
Subject: Advances in Systems&Synthetic Biology, Evry, March 19-23, 2018

We are pleased to announce the next Thematic Research School on
"advances in Systems & Synthetic Biology: Modelling complex
biological systems in the context of genomics" (aSSB-Evry'18) that
will take place in Evry (Paris area) on March 19-23, 2018.
The dedicated website ( is open, with
the program and information for the submission of short articles or
The program includes conferences (the speakers are listed below),
hands-on tutorials, selected talks by students and postdocs, and
poster sessions.
This annual cross-disciplinary Thematic School on Systems & Synthetic
Biology started in 2002.


From: NIMBioS <>
Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 8:47 AM
Subject: Bi-Monthly News from NIMBioS

Bi-Monthly News from NIMBioS


From: Henry Warchall <>
Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 9:52 AM
Subject: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Opportunities

The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
(GRFP) recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-
supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
disciplines who are pursuing research-based Master's and doctoral
degrees at accredited United States institutions. The program provides
up to three years of support, including an annual $34,000 stipend, for
the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their
potential for significant achievements in science and engineering

The GRFP awards more than 2,000 new fellowships each year.

The applicant information page ( and
the program solicitation:
contain the necessary details.

Applications for Mathematical Sciences topics are due October 27, 2017.

The GRFP also needs qualified faculty reviewers. Review panels are
conducted by videoconference.  Please see the panelist information
page ( and consider volunteering
to serve as a panelist by registering at


From: Bearon, Rachel <>
Date: Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 3:32 AM
Subject: UKRI Innovation Fellowship/Rutherford Fund Fellowship


Closing Date: 17 October 2017, Job Ref: 008335
For full details and to apply online, please visit:


From: Springer <>
Date: Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 4:54 AM
Subject: Springer Highlights in Mathematics

Springer Highlights in Mathematics:


From: Amy Hurford <>
Date: Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 2:17 PM
Subject: MS Position: Theoretical Epidemiology, Memorial U-Newfoundland

M.Sc. in Theoretical Epidemiology - Memorial University of

The Hurford and Tahlan laboratories at Memorial University (Canada)
are recruiting 1 M.Sc. student to design and perform experiments, and
to develop models and analyze data for a host-parasite model system.
The experimental system involves Klebsiella sp. infection of nematodes.
The theoretical models used to describe this system will consider
coinfection and disease-induced mortality for different Klebsiella

Applicants should email Dr. Amy Hurford ( This email
should include: (i) 1-2 paragraphs describing your research interests
and any relevant past experience, (ii) your CV, and (iii) unofficial
transcripts pertaining to your previous or ongoing studies (if
possible). I will consider applications as they are received. For full
consideration applicants should indicate their interest before October
31, 2017, but applications received after this date may be considered.
Applicants should be able to begin their studies in May or September,


From: CHUMAKOVA Lyuba <>
Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 1:03 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Stochastic Modeling, U Edinburgh

We have an opening for a 2-year postdoc position at the School of
Maths, U Edinburgh, to study Self-organisation of stochastic
intracellular transport.

This project is in close collaboration with experimental biology lab
of N. Bulgakova in U Sheffield. The position is to start as soon as
possible, but later starting dates can be considered. For more
information about the position and the application procedure, please see
or email Dr L Chumakova at

Closing date  is 5pm (GMT) on Wednesday 25th October.


From: mathdept School of Mathematics <>
Date: Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 1:52 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Math Modeling/Analysis, U of Minnesota

Funding is available for a Postdoctoral Associate/Research Associate
position in the School of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota-
Minneapolis, beginning as early as March 1, 2018. The position
involves mathematical modeling and analysis of the interaction between
complex signaling networks and mechanics in pattern formation and
tissue development. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Mathematics,
Science or Engineering and have experience in mathematical modeling
in biology, biophysics or medicine. The degree is required by the
beginning date of appointment. Knowledge of Fortran or C/C++ is also

The research group consists of six researchers who are analyzing models
of cell movement in single and multicellular systems, stochastic
effects in pattern formation, signal transduction and pattern formation
in developmental biology, and cancer dynamics. In addition, the School
of Mathematics, the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications at
Minnesota , and a highly-rated Biomedical Engineering department
provide a very rich research environment for a post-doctoral fellow.

The salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
The initial appointment will be for one year, with continuation
contingent upon performance and availability of funding. Please submit
your CV, research statement and arrange for three letters of
recommendation. Also, any offer will be contingent upon a successful
background check. Letters could be loaded on the mathjobs website or
be sent to: Professor Hans Othmer, School of Mathematics, 127 Vincent
Hall, University of Minnesota, 206 Church St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455.


From: Ruth Baker <>
Date: Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 7:28 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Models & Data in Biosciences, U of Oxford

Postdoctoral research assistant in next generation approaches to connect
models and quantitative data in biology.

We invite applications for a postdoctoral research assistant position,
funded by BBSRC, to work with Professor Ruth Baker at The University of
Oxford, and Professor Michael Stumpf at Imperial College London, on an
exciting collaborative project aimed at providing new approaches to
connect models and quantitative data in the biosciences.

To apply for this post and for further details, including the job
description and selection criteria, please click on the link below

Only applications received before 12:00 noon UK time on Wednesday 8th
November 2017 can be considered.


From: Jones, Alan M <>
Date: Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 7:37 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Systems Biology, U of North Carolina

Systems Biology of G Protein Signaling

The University of North Carolina, Schools of Medicine and Arts and
Sciences Heterotrimeric G proteins serve as a signaling nexus in a
myriad of normal and diseased cell states. Many extracellular signals
(e.g. hormones, peptides, cytokines, lights) are perceived by 7-
transmembrane receptors, often referred to as G protein coupled
receptors, that stimulate the activation state of the cytoplasmic G
protein complex. Interestingly, the majority of non-animal cells
(protists, fungi, plants, amoeba and many others) bind GTP without
the need for a GPCR. This recent discovery opens up new opportunities
to find novel mechanisms that regulate G protein signaling. This
project tightly integrates experimental investigations with
mathematical modeling to discover and characterize novel signaling
motifs that regulate pathway activity in the glucose sensing system of
Arabidopsis. The project is a continuation of a well established
collaboration between the labs of Drs. Alan Jones and Tim Elston
(Fu, et al 2014 Cell 156:1084-1095). The ideal applicant will have
experience with deterministic and stochastic modeling methods, and a
willingness to learn the experimental techniques needed to test
their mathematical models. Interested individuals should contact Tim
Elston: and Alan Jones:


From: mathdept School of Mathematics <>
Date: Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 1:52 PM
Subject: Faculty Positions: Math/Math Biology, U of Minnesota

The School of Mathematics of the University of Minnesota is seeking
outstanding candidates for up to 3 TENURE-TRACK or TENURED faculty
positions starting fall semester 2018.

The review process will start on November 12, 2017, and will continue
for as long as positions are available.


From: Mary Stuart <>
Date: Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 5:36 PM
Subject: Faculty Positions: Math Modeling of Complex Biosystems, UCR

Cluster hire to build a group in MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF COMPLEX

Applications are invited for a 9-month tenure-track or tenured
position at the Assistant or Associate Professor levels beginning July
1, 2018, as a part of the second phase of the cluster hiring
initiative in Mathematical Modeling of Complex Bio-systems at the
University of California, Riverside (UCR). Two positions were filled
last year.


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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This Issue's Editor:


Name: Wandi Ding










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